Do you ever feel like everyone around you somehow just seems to have their sh*t together while they masterfully and gracefully float through their lives? Meanwhile you’re unrefined, underdressed and tripping out to the car to start another day with half-brushed hair?

Well, never fear. You’ve got some seriously good company of the canine variety who know exactly how you feel.

I’m Kaylee Greer – the photographer behind Dog Breath Photography – and I’ve had the lucky privilege of traveling the world to photograph dogs of all shapes and sizes. Of all of the dogs I’ve met through my lens, I’ve learned that some pups are the absolute picture of refinement and grace, while others – bless their gorgeous little hearts – are another thing altogether.

Try as they might – these are the dogs that throw elegance right out the window. While their four-legged counterparts are prancing about all prim and proper – these are the heroes who are valiant and shameless in their celebration of derpiness. They are clumsy, goofy and perfectly imperfect. So with a delight that I can feel all the way down to my toes, I introduce to you, my newest photo series – Derp Dogs!

Derp Dogs are here to remind you that unscripted, unplanned anti-elegance is exactly as brilliant as you thought it might be and that life is quite a lot more fun when you don’t take yourself too seriously.

Because poise and grace are far too overrated anyway. So stand up and let that inner derp shine.


More info: Facebook