Whether you are a morning shower person or an evening one, the ritual is still a sacred one. Be as it may, the shower is always where you can relax and unwind, gather your thoughts or let them run wild; no other place is as inspiring as the bathroom. And an inspiring place needs to be supplemented with a pleasant environment - nobody could loosen up with dull and utilitarian stuff around them. So maybe a creative shower curtain would be a great place to start? If you agree with us, check out our list as we’ve gathered the coolest shower curtains in one place so that you can get inspired!
Are animals inspiring to you? No problemo - from kittens eating pizza to narwhals charging into battle and your pet’s portrait gracing the shower curtain, it’s all in here. Maybe it’s the art that gives you an exhilarating experience? Choose your pick from Japanese lithographs, classical artworks, and even stuff you’ve created yourself, then! And lastly - maybe it’s jokes and pranks that you need more in your life - in that case, you have scenes from Hitchcock’s Psycho printed directly onto your new and unique shower curtains. However, if these suggestions aren’t to your taste, you can always go with a funny shower curtain that has a picture of your very own self silkscreened onto 72 x 72 inches (roughly).
I guess we’ve covered all bases concerning the creative shower curtains you’re about to see, so it is your turn to scroll down below and single out the bathroom decor that speaks to your heart. Don’t forget to vote for the most unique shower curtains and tell us what you think about our little list!
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My Friend’s Roommates’ New Shower Curtain
Im A 28 Year Old Man, And I Regret Nothing
She Said That I Could Choose The Shower Curtain If I Kept It Nautical
I'm A Nerd And I Picked Out My Own Shower Curtain
Shower Curtain
Shower Curtain
I'll See Your Shower Curtain And Raise You My Shower Curtain
My Husband And I Discovered You Can Get Photo Shower Curtains
I Approve Of These Shower Curtains Human
My Wife Let Our 8-Year-Old Choose His Own Shower Curtain Today
My New Shower Curtain
My Wife Is Gonna Love Our New Shower Curtain
I Let My Boyfriend Choose A Shower Curtain And Now We Have This
New Curtain
My Periodic Table Shower Curtain Has The Element Of Surprise On It
Girlfriend Didn't Like My Shower Curtain So She Got Me A New One
Shower Curtain
My Roommate’s 4 Year Old Picked Out This New Shower Curtain Out Of Literally Hundred Of Options. Victory Is Inevitable
Shower Curtain
I'm A 30 Year Old Female With Plenty Of Regrets, But This Isn't One
Pumpkin Cat Curtain
This Shower Curtain
Shower Curtain
New Shower Curtain
Shower Curtain
Decided To Surprise My Girlfriend With A New Shower Curtain While She’s Gone For The Day. Hope I’m Still Home And Not At Work When She Discovers It
My Wife Got The Shower Curtain For Me
I'm Single And I Picked Out My Own Shower Curtain
I Said Hey! What's Going On?
Cover Of Folklore As A Shower Curtain
Shower Curtain
Shower Curtain
So We're Doing Shower Curtains?
I Got A New Shower Curtain, My Cat Is On Board
My New Shower Curtain Just Came In
The Shire
At first glance I thought there was a refrigerator in the bathroom! LOL!