Don’t want to be recognized by some unleashed spirits on All Hallows Eve? Not sure if you’d like to be lured into the 'other world' too soon? Do not worry; the Halloween costumes are there for a reason.
Traditionally, they were meant to be worn so that the ghosts and spirits wouldn’t recognize you and cause you no harm. Today, it's more of a fun tradition when you can be somebody else, at least for a day. If in the olden days, the disguises were more about witches and ghosts, now you can morph into your favorite movie character, an animal, and even an object or an intangible idea - creative Halloween costumes are the hype right now.
Since All Saints Eve is right around the corner, you should've gotten your Halloween costume ideas ready. But sometimes, it can be hard to come up with something creative and original without clearing your bank account.
Bored Panda has helpfully compiled a list of some of the most impressive DIY Halloween costumes we could find so that you can get some last-minute inspiration. Scroll down to check them out below. And if you’re going to a party with your other, there are couples' Halloween costumes, too!
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My Halloween Costume
For Halloween I Caught Me A Ratatouille
A Friend And I Decided To Go As Anglerfish For Halloween
"Getting Deported By Trump" Halloween Costume
This Guy Had The Best Halloween Party Costume, He Was The Fire
My Brother Was Sad His Girlfriend Couldn't Come To Our Halloween Party, So He Came As Both Of Them
You Know It's A Good Costume When Someone Cries Because Of It
Princess Leia And R2D2 (My Grandpa's Costume)
A Friend Nailed Halloween And 3D Printed His Own Face
My Buddy Dressed Up As His Cat For Halloween. Look At The Cats Face
My Brother-In-Law And His Friends Won Their Office Costume Contest
Made My Son A Pikachu Costume For His Wheelchair
Toddler Dresses Up As Her Grandmother On Halloween
Awesome Family Costume
Taco Belle
Amazing X-Ray Costume
My Sister-In-Law And Her Sisters This Halloween
Harry Potter Character Costumes
Stopping By The Apple Store In My Halloween Costume
Mother Of Dragons
Our Local Weatherman's Costume Today
I'm 7 Foot. For Halloween I Went As A Normal Guy On Stilts
Guy Dressed Up As A Stock Photo For Halloween
Our Couples Costume
Even Cancer Can't Stop Halloween - A Friend Getting Chemotherapy In Costume
My Girlfriend And I Attempted Our First Couple's Costume This Halloween. I Think We Did A Pretty Good Job With It
It's Him
Its no easy job to walk in those heels, my sister once jokingly taunted me to try those pencil heels and I couldn't walk even one or 2 step perfectly. If this guy has courage to put them on and come to office/college whatever this place is, I will upvote this image for the courage only.
This Is Awesome!
My Wife And I Made Daft Punk Halloween Costumes
My Costume For Halloween
Come And Play With Us, Danny
The Snail Trail
My Husband. So Hot Right Now
Dress Up Like "Dominoes" They Said...
Amputee Adventure Time Costume
My Wife And I Won Funniest Costume At The Party
Hijabi Harley Quinn
Pretty Unique Halloween Costume - Dead Body On Mount Everest
Finished My Halloween Costume
thats flippin awesome. i have never seen someone actaully take the time to weather their trooper costume
I Beat Cancer This Year And Lost My Hair In The Process. My 4 Year Old Son Wanted To Be Darth Vader For Halloween So I Surprised Him As Darth "Mom"
Man Cut In Half Costume
I Was Transforming Mystique For Halloween
Wife's First Attempt At Making A Costume For Our Daughter
The Blue Screen Of Death
Here Is A Tyrannosaurus Costume I Made For My Son, From Mattress Foam And Spray Paint
If you're not working on Sfx or some sort of art this movie or show related, you need to be! This is amazing, quality stuff!!!