With 339,645 confirmed cases around the globe, 35,224 of which reside in the US, the coronavirus outbreak is now in full swing. As entire nations are on lockdown, staying strong may be easier said than done.

But humans are a bunch of tough nuts to crack. To show you just how responsible, conscious, and united we all can be, Bored Panda has compiled a list of ideas designed to fight the virus. From rearranging exhibition displays so everyone can see them from the outside, to inventing a DIY ventilator that saves not just one but multiple lives at the same time, nothing’s impossible when it comes to life in crisis.

And scroll down for our interview with Sonja Trauss, the executive director of YIMBY Law, who shared her views on how the outbreak is changing our societies beyond recognition.


Art Museum, Closed Due To Virus Outbreak, Rearranged Exhibition So It Can Be Seen From Outside Day Or Night. Salo, Finland

Art Museum, Closed Due To Virus Outbreak, Rearranged Exhibition So It Can Be Seen From Outside Day Or Night. Salo, Finland

EffortlessEasy Report

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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I'm really glad art is still being made available to people in these circumstances!

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Playing Bingo With Social Distancing

Playing Bingo With Social Distancing

Kelmo7 Report

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Bobert Robertson
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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

This makes me happy, and sad at the same time. Happy to see they are able to keep busy during this time, but sad because these people are cooped up with so little interaction. At least for many they are able to isolate with family (I understand not everyone has family)

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A Mobile Pickup Point In The Hospital Store Where Healthcare Staff Can Pick Up A Food Bag Specially Created For Them After Their Hard Work

A Mobile Pickup Point In The Hospital Store Where Healthcare Staff Can Pick Up A Food Bag Specially Created For Them After Their Hard Work

JumboSupermarkt Report

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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Yet here in the UK the supermarkets have had to do an NHS hour because everyone has lost their mind..... Except somehow people that dont work for the NHS are still managing to get in!

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Events of a scale like coronavirus are known to reshape societies in fundamental ways. This is what happened during 9/11, the 2008 financial crisis, or the 1918 flu pandemic.

Among many possible shifts, the current crisis could mark the end of hyper-individualism and resurrect our lost sense of community. Eric Klinenberg, a director of the Institute for Public Knowledge at NYU, believes that after the storm calms down, “we will be better able to see how our fates are linked.”

Most importantly, “in the long run, it could help us rediscover the better version of ourselves,” explained the professor.


Supermarket In Denmark Came Up With A Brilliant Pricing Trick To Stop Hand Sanitizer Hoarding

Supermarket In Denmark Came Up With A Brilliant Pricing Trick To Stop Hand Sanitizer Hoarding

_schuermann Report


Keep The Kids Busy While At Home

Keep The Kids Busy While At Home

SonGoku1108 Report

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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Brilliant idea! This is something that could be used beyond this quarantine situation too to help children understand the importance of work and the value of money!

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Bored Panda contacted Sonja Trauss and asked her about the ways the coronavirus outbreak is changing us beyond recognition.

Sonja Trauss told us in an interview that for the several years, the US has been living in a bubble. “Food magically appears on the grocery store shelves, the mall opens in the morning, white-collar workers are absorbed into huge office buildings all day.” But the virus outbreak has stopped the seamless pace of our lives which “proceeded like a movie.”


Canadian Doctor Turns One Ventilator Into Multiple With Some DIY Mechanics

Canadian Doctor Turns One Ventilator Into Multiple With Some DIY Mechanics

alandrummond2 Report

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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Ok. ICU nurse here. I'm not convinced. This sounds like a great way to spread infection. Also, ventilators have a lot of customized settings based on each patient's needs. What if one patient needs increased settings and the other needs less? Too many variables here...

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Using Toothpicks To Avoid Touching The Elevator Buttons

Using Toothpicks To Avoid Touching The Elevator Buttons

kitoken Report

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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

This is definitely better than trying to use your elbow or something!

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At this point, coronavirus is revealing some of the limits of our institutions—medical ones in particular. All the unlikely scenarios have now become possible. Sonja explained: “It is possible for there to be too many patients. It is possible to run out of gloves and face masks.” She continued, “There will be patients dying in the hallways of some hospitals because there are only so many rooms and ventilators.” 


They Took The Furniture Out Of Starbucks So People Won’t Gather Here

They Took The Furniture Out Of Starbucks So People Won’t Gather Here

buttertogether Report


Distancing Solution In A Danish Supermarket

Distancing Solution In A Danish Supermarket


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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

This is a really good idea and I feel like all grocery stores should implement this right now!

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Due To COVID-19, I’m Having To Go To All Of The Grocery Stores In My Area And Install Plastic Sneeze Guards On The Check Stands

Due To COVID-19, I’m Having To Go To All Of The Grocery Stores In My Area And Install Plastic Sneeze Guards On The Check Stands

Teeter925 Report

Many of us have been forced outside the comfort zone of our idyllic households. Trauss believes that “individuals are learning that it is up to each of us to issue, and follow, our own mini shelter in place and handwashing edicts.” We are all more aware that “there’s no potion a doctor can give that will fight COVID-19, living or dying depends only on our immune systems.” Our individual bodies have to stand and fight.“


Someone Placing Random Hand Sanitizer Station Around In Public Places

Someone Placing Random Hand Sanitizer Station Around In Public Places

MrCommentyCommenter Report


He Comes To Talk To His Dad Every Day Since The Nursing Home Is On Lockdown

He Comes To Talk To His Dad Every Day Since The Nursing Home Is On Lockdown

WillOfTheLand Report

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Brandy Grote
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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Sweet. Dad's home is also shut, the cafeteria is closed and they hand deliver plates to the residents. Just worried it will be hard to get Dad up and around after weeks doing nothing.

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See Also on Bored Panda

This Ad By Saudi Health Ministry "Thanks To Every Person Who Didn't See This Ad. Stay Home"

This Ad By Saudi Health Ministry "Thanks To Every Person Who Didn't See This Ad. Stay Home"

iiixxxxx Report

Perhaps paradoxically,” Trauss said, “when individuals realize that no one is in charge, and therefore, no one else can save us, we begin to see more communal behavior.” We start to think of new solutions to unite. Trauss named some of the exemplary behavior: “people are making masks at home, checking in on neighbors, following the shelter in place orders to protect themselves and their families.”


My Work Got New Key Rings

My Work Got New Key Rings

L17TL3GUY Report

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Bobert Robertson
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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

This is a good gesture, but I can just see myself having the cleanest pocket in town

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The Way My Local Grocery Store Started Double Wrapping Bread To Reduce The Spread Of Coronavirus

The Way My Local Grocery Store Started Double Wrapping Bread To Reduce The Spread Of Coronavirus

insatiableharpy Report


News Outlet In Canada Is Taping Their Microphones To Hockey Sticks To Maintain Social Distance

News Outlet In Canada Is Taping Their Microphones To Hockey Sticks To Maintain Social Distance

the-d-man Report


The President Of Slovakia Showing Up In Her Hand-Tailored, Matching Fabric Surgical Mask

The President Of Slovakia Showing Up In Her Hand-Tailored, Matching Fabric Surgical Mask

tburns1469 Report

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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

She is not making a fashion statement. Masks are in shortage in Slovakia so many sew their own or buy from small artists who do this to support them in these times. Many people also sew them for free for elderly, people with compromised immune system or kids. Medical masks need to stay in hospitals not get hoarded by politicians.

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See Also on Bored Panda

Good Socializing Etiquette In The Era Of The Coronavirus

Good Socializing Etiquette In The Era Of The Coronavirus

jcepiano Report


Taking Social Distancing To New Levels

Taking Social Distancing To New Levels

PhobianETH Report

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Alex Fierro
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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Cool idea, but I must ask: How would you collect the shawarma? Wouldn't it be too heavy to just stick on top of the drone?

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Road Maintenance Doesn’t Stop, I Made A Hand Washing Station For My Crew

Road Maintenance Doesn’t Stop, I Made A Hand Washing Station For My Crew

Sureitsathing Report


The Waiting Room At My Doctor's Office Today

The Waiting Room At My Doctor's Office Today

andybev01 Report


If You Don't Have A Stand-Up Desk At Home, This Might Be A Solution

If You Don't Have A Stand-Up Desk At Home, This Might Be A Solution

kaboudr01 Report


Every Other Table Is Closed To Ensure Distance Between Customers And Avoid Spread Of Coronavirus

Every Other Table Is Closed To Ensure Distance Between Customers And Avoid Spread Of Coronavirus

eddypc07 Report