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Ivan Ayliffe
BoredPanda Staff
I'm a writer from Cape Town, South Africa, who jumps out of planes to relax.
Activity & Interests
- Exploring, travelling, hiking, running, reading, writing, gaming, live music, skydiving, cooking, volunteering, animals, and plants.
After twenty years in advertising, I've decided to try my hand at journalism. I'm lucky enough to be based in Cape Town, South Africa and use every opportunity I get to explore everything it has to offer, both indoors and out. When I'm not reading, writing, or listening to podcasts, I spend my time swimming in the ocean, running mountain trails, and skydiving. While I haven't travelled as much as I'd like, I did live in !ndia, which was an incredible experience. I love live music, whether it's in a massive stadium or an intimate club setting.