The Internet Is Shutting Down Anti-Vaxxers One By One And It’s Too Entertaining To Read (22 Pics)
Whether or not to vaccinate your children has continued to be a hot button argument across discussion platforms. Famous make-up and tattoo artist Kat Von D got in hot water recently for posting on Instagram that her unborn baby would not be vaccinated.
While substantial research shows vaccines are safe and vital in disease prevention, refusal of childhood vaccines at the doctor is on the rise. It could be argued that having these famous allies has emboldened anti-vaxxer groups, whatever the reason never shy away from sharing their opinions online. When science isn't on your side it can make these arguments tricky, but as you’ll see in these examples that doesn't stop them from trying. Some people tried to embellish their medical background, while others could benefit from a class in logic.
Bored Panda shares some of the best anti-vaxxer fails below, to show you better have your proof together before coming to the internet. (Facebook cover image: MangoStar Studio l Cover image: Andriano Cz)
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Saw This On Murdered By Words And Thought It Belonged Here
Anti Vaxxers Are Happy Mistakes
Anti-Vaxxers Edgy Meme Didn't Go Quite As Planned...
Anti-Vaxxer Gets Murdered With His Own Logic
Facebook Making Memes Unintentionally
Pretty sure the plague hasn't disappeared either - https://www.popsci.com/can-still-get-bubonic-plague-symptoms
Anti Vaxxers
Anti-Vaxxer Logic
Winning Gold In The Stupidity Olympics
Lying about the reason your daughter died to back up your baseless argument? Wow.
That Anti-Vax Epidemiologist...
Woman Claims To Be Pediatrician With Vast Knowledge Of Vaccines, Except She's Not
Anti-Vaxx Double Shutdown
Healthcare Worker Refuses Vaccine. Gets Fired
“... Pumped With Aluminum Solfrate And Aborted Baby Parts And Eagle Brains...”
Wow. I wish when people are trying to sound more intelligent and learned that all the doctors, scientists and biologists, that they would learn to spell and at least take a stab at punctuation. They'd still sound ignorant, but at least it wouldn't be so painful to read their arguments.
Anti-Vaxxer Shutdown
Wife Found This At The Doctors Office Last Week. Looks Like It Fits Here
My doctor has a Facebook page, it has been fun over the years watching her eviscerate anti-vaxxers and anti-flu shot proponents with facts and logic. Some idiot came at her with the "for profit" argument about the flu shots and she gave a very detailed, itemized list of her expenses regarding flu shots and explained how she not only doesn't make a profit, some years takes a huge loss and made him look like a total dolt. She's awesome!
Before Vaccines, Kids Never Had Diabetes
Love The Guy In Red
Vaxxer Says Mice Study Shows Autism In Vaccines
Let Me Explain How Nothing Is Ever A Vaccine Preventable Disease... Through My Psychic Connection With The Universe
Oh my. They probably didn't catch it and die from it because all the sane people who are vaccinated massively reduced everyone's odds of catching it. How can these people not see that, if we all gave up vaccines, these diseases would re-establish over time?!
Anti-Vaxxers Aren't Doing Their Research
Strictly speaking, Washington had his troops variolated - innoculated with a less deadly form of the smallpox virus, variola major. Soon after Washington's innoculation process Edward Jenner worked out that inoculation with the much more harmless vaccinia virus (commonly known at the time as copox) gave cross-protection with smallpox, and instituted the practice of vaccination. Washington's innoculation, whilst completely successful, was more potentially more dangerous, but it certainly helped to establish the principle of protection by innoculation. And finally - antivaccination is a totally borked notion...
Told My Story As The Child Of An Antivaxxer. This Mother Felt The Need To Defend Herself With A Lot Of Antivax Logic
MABYE the doctor's job of 'proving to her' what's in the shot would be daunting.
Anti Vaxxers Logic
I'm confused by this one. What does gender have to do with it... or the gun epidemic for that matter? Way off message.
I've found the logic behind being an anti-vaxxer bizarre. That kind of thinking, along with that of flat-Earthers is so removed from rationality that I just cant grasp it.
Tom... there are people who cannot be vaccinated such as tiny babies and people with compromised immune systems. That's why people who don't vaccinate or danger. There a danger to people like that are also a danger to the elderly. Do you get it now
Load More Replies...1st world people have the facility to get vaccinated on their doorstep yet they do not utilize it while in 3rd world countries, thousands of people walk miles to get their child vaccinated. irony, isnt it?
Humans need problems to occupy their minds. When they have no real problems, they make some up.
Load More Replies...When I was enrolling my kids in school, I remember them requiring vaccination records before they could attend. I'm confused, have things changed in public schools or are all these anti-vaxxer's kids homeschooled?
School boards have allowed unvaccinated kids to go to public schools if they have a "religious" objection. They conveniently ignored the fact that NO religion on the planet has anything to say about vaccinations. Kids started getting sick, and it's getting worse every day. ... Doctors are taking the lead. More and more won't allow unvaccinated people in their waiting rooms. Mine won't.
Load More Replies...I've found the logic behind being an anti-vaxxer bizarre. That kind of thinking, along with that of flat-Earthers is so removed from rationality that I just cant grasp it.
Tom... there are people who cannot be vaccinated such as tiny babies and people with compromised immune systems. That's why people who don't vaccinate or danger. There a danger to people like that are also a danger to the elderly. Do you get it now
Load More Replies...1st world people have the facility to get vaccinated on their doorstep yet they do not utilize it while in 3rd world countries, thousands of people walk miles to get their child vaccinated. irony, isnt it?
Humans need problems to occupy their minds. When they have no real problems, they make some up.
Load More Replies...When I was enrolling my kids in school, I remember them requiring vaccination records before they could attend. I'm confused, have things changed in public schools or are all these anti-vaxxer's kids homeschooled?
School boards have allowed unvaccinated kids to go to public schools if they have a "religious" objection. They conveniently ignored the fact that NO religion on the planet has anything to say about vaccinations. Kids started getting sick, and it's getting worse every day. ... Doctors are taking the lead. More and more won't allow unvaccinated people in their waiting rooms. Mine won't.
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