Like John Oliver has already said, when the Polio shot came out, people lined up for it like it was the latest iPhone. However, despite millions of lives, different vaccines have saved so far, small groups have been – and still are – skeptical about why vaccines are important. For example, one anti-vaxxer has posted a picture on Tumblr why they believe people should ‘re-think the pros of vaccines,’ and it infuriated one immunologist so much, he took the time to craft the best comeback to it.
Despite calling the author of the image (and those who share the same anti-vaccination views) “the worst” people, he also thoroughly explained why. The epic rant is witty and, most importantly, backed up by science, and we thought you just have to read this pro-vaccination epicness. Scroll down to read the best roast for anti-vaxxers yet!
A Tumblr user (who has later deleted this post) took a strong stand against vaccines
Only to get brutally shut down moments later
Are you vaccinating your kids?
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I'm a Visual Editor at Bored Panda since 2017. I've searched through a multitude of images to create over 2000 diverse posts on a wide range of topics. I love memes, funny, and cute stuff, but I'm also into social issues topics. Despite my background in communication, my heart belongs to visual media, especially photography. When I'm not at my desk, you're likely to find me in the streets with my camera, checking out cool exhibitions, watching a movie at the cinema or just chilling with a coffee in a cozy place
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Ilona Baliūnaitė
Author, BoredPanda staff
I'm a Visual Editor at Bored Panda since 2017. I've searched through a multitude of images to create over 2000 diverse posts on a wide range of topics. I love memes, funny, and cute stuff, but I'm also into social issues topics. Despite my background in communication, my heart belongs to visual media, especially photography. When I'm not at my desk, you're likely to find me in the streets with my camera, checking out cool exhibitions, watching a movie at the cinema or just chilling with a coffee in a cozy place
i hate anti-vaxxers! sadly they're alive because their parents weren't morons and VACCINATED them!!!
Exactly! What are they gonna do now? Go to their parents´ and complain about wtf they got vaccinated?
Load More Replies...There are going to be some very pissed off unvaccinated adults in years to come who won’t realize they are still vulnerable to many childhood disease, and when they catch them in adulthood it’s a whole new game. For example chicken pox in adulthood is much more severe and can cause deformities to unborn children and Small pox scars leave adult sufferers much more horribly scarred than children. Somehow myself and everyone else my age who got vaccinated is doing just fine.
Carmen, we HAD the measles, chickenpox, and mumps as kids, so we have lifelong immunity. I won't get them as an adult, but you could.
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Do people realize that just because you have been vaccinated does not mean you will not develop the disease? It is mostly to decrease the effects. You can get chicken pox more than once, shingles, with different forms of measles and other diseases if exposed to them.
I appreciate the drunk disclaimer at the end there. Very professional of him.
IKR! When I was little I had neighbors who were anti-vaccination and when my mum got the flu shot they told me and my little sister (7 and 4 yrs old) that she was going to die! My sister and I cried for an hour before our older sister yelled at them
Just tell them to avoid dangerously sounding, but essential to live chemicals like Dihydrogen Monoxide. They might get mad at you, but to everyone else they've been ridiculed and that'll eventually be enough to shove that movement back into the realm of all the other conspiracy theories. The only reason it keeps on going, is because there's a lot of attention hungry people out there who jump on to anything that can give them that attention, no matter whether it is negative or positive attention. They want it and the Antivaxxer movement is a treasure throve for them. So if we can find a way to make them ridicule themselves over and over again, then people will soon stop to listen to them and push them back into that crazy corner :)
Can you describe the different tech used for the COVID "vaccine" vs any other actual vaccine EVER USED, genius? The sanctimony combined w sheer obvious propaganda nonsense is years later is like watching a car crash over and over and over....except its your friends and family getting sick repeatedly. "It woulda been so much worse!" Please remember if you thought you would've noticed something up in 1933. Its been made clear to me that the vast majority of people would not and have not noticed a thing...and in fact DEFENDING removal of basic civil liberties even AFTER we realize its not a vaccine and your gonads are fried. enjoy, losers.
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Actually, vaccinations today are not what they were then, and there are A LOT more of them. I am the mother of an autistic 17 year old. If you want to know ALL aspects of the issue, you SHOULD watched VAXXED. In any event, children must be vaccinated, they just need to be vaccinated over a bit longer of period of time, so that their bodies dont get walloped with a massive amount all at once. they should have all of their vaccinations by the time they are 3 years of age.
Why would anyone want to watch a junk "science" video that contains nothing but lies and hysteria? ... Parents who don't vaccinate their kids are child abusers.
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Oh, not for nuthin, but, all of the people losing it over the "flu vaccine" and the kids that have died of the flu. In ALL reality, everyone would be far better served to take a garlic supplement high in Allicin. Allicin has been PROVEN in many countries research, over many decades to kill all bacterial, viral and fungal infections. I only know this because I was diagnosed with MRSA 3 years ago. MANY people die every year from MRSA! I would have been one of those people if I had listened to my doctors who were "following protocol". I had to, in desperation, go and find help for myself. Antibiotics were not killing the staph infection in my body anymore. If I didnt research the topic to EXHAUSTION and find allicin I would be gone about 6 months now. Doctors, medicines, vaccines. There comes a point when you MUST be your own health advocate! Otherwise they will protocol you to death.
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My brother, sister and myself are unvaccinated. I am 50.
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please do honest research, you will see that mountains of evidence that contradicts the pharma fairy tales is being hidden.. honest sources do NOT black out legitimate science.. “I have over 13,000 children in my pediatric practice and I have to say, as unpopular as this observation might be, my unvaccinated children are by far the healthiest,” says Dr. Paul Thomas, a Dartmouth-trained pediatrician and addiction specialist who has been practicing medicine for 30 years. “I’ve had a team compiling data for a research study that is now undergoing peer review—some of which is published in my new book, ’The Vaccine-Friendly Plan.’ The data is surprising and counter-intuitive, perhaps, but it shows very clearly that the incidence of chronic disease and brain abnormalities in the entirely unvaccinated children in my practice, even those with siblings with autism, is much much lower than in children following the CDC’s recommended schedule.”…… "I observed that my unvaccinated children were h
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“I see daily in my practice evidence of vaccine injury and I hear stories almost every day of families that vaccinate children and then decide not to vaccinate and the unvaccinated children within the same family are healthier, more socially adjusted and more capable academically even though their parents are older than the siblings who were born first and were fully vaccinated.” Dr. Kelly Sutton, M.D……….. “As a concerned, compassionate and considerate paediatrician, I can only arrive at one conclusion. Unvaccinated children have by far the best chance of enjoying marvellous health. Any vaccination at all works to cripple the chances of this end.” The Marvellous Health of Unvaccinated Children by Françoise Berthoud, MD…. “Doing this for 15 years now, I will share with you that the vaccinated kids are the sickest, the partially vaccinated kids are not as sick, and the unvaccinated kids are the healthiest.” Dr. Bob Zajac is a board-certified pediatrician “
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You need to slow down and realize that a great many of children in the 60s and 70s were NOT vaccinated and are still alive and well. And that nearly all the diseases supposedly gone due to vaccines are coming back due to to all the illegal alien children flooding our borders and sitting next to our children in school.
I still remember having measles and being forced into ice baths because the fever was so high that it risked brain damage. Take your garbage and shove it.
Now YOU can get vaccinated. People are so angry. WHY? If a vaccination works, then you're protected, right? Besides, its not a mRNA therapy like the COVID jab is. Lots of angry totalitarian, authoritarian people out there. My theory... They never got the kick a*s sex like the "dumber" people got...I mean like 17 year olds, four times a day, skipping school, rug burns... anywhere and everywhere enjoying the hell outta ourselves...then you have Bill Gates steeping in his own sticky hormone covered locker, watching us sneak back in. Sure, no Island....but I have no need or conviction or the arrogance that I think I know whats best for billions of people. Sociopaths...all of them...and its becoming clearer and clearer to more and more. Australia lost their right to defend themselves. Canada is a close second w dictators that fake smile to hide their agenda and hatred of the common man. 2023 is going to be hell on Earth for all of us.
Not everybody CAN be vaccinated, some have allergies or too weak immune systems. Diseases spread. The more people have it, the more likely it is for others to catch it. The more people get vaccinated, the more protected the people who aren't vaccinated are. That's called herd immunization. Those people never got sick despite not getting their shots because everybody else around them got them, so they were never exposed to the diseases. Disease that are coming back now because people who can and should be vaccinated are choosing not to. When you don't vaccinate, you're endangering not only yourself, but also the part of the population that can't get immunized themselves.
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I hate vaccines. Why? Because I've had family members die from the vaccines - NOT the disease. Duke University even confirmed that their deaths were caused by the vaccines.
my condolences. it is worth noting that some people are allergic to some vaccines. better and more regularly allergy tests are needed. this is an argument for herd immunity not against vaccines in general.
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Sure glad you got your rabies vaccination. It's one of the most deadly diseases known to man, and the vaccine is highly effective, so sure glad you got yours. Ditto for small pox. It's killed literally millions, and the vaccine is very effective. Sure glad you got yours. Cholera, too. Millions have died. True, the vaccine isn't more than 20% effective, but then the flu vaccine is admittedly only 10% effective, even by those who espouse it, and death rates from the flu are far lower than for untreated cholera, so, yeh, good thing you got your vaccine also. What? You didn't get ANY of these vaccines? Why? Are you CRAZY? No, you just have the good sense to weigh the risks of vaccines (which are many) against the benefits of getting the disease, and make a balanced choice. So stop being such a vaccine Nazi and let others make the same decisions about their health.
Has it occurred to you that the reason we no longer get Smallpox and Cholera vaccines is that we have eradicated these illnesses. How, you ask?? WITH VACCINES, DUMBASS. We had eliminated 96% or mumps and measles, until antivaxxers allowed new outbreaks by refusing to vaccinate their children because of garbage science like this.
Does ANYBODY here flailing about two distinct technologies (vaccines attenuated, live, dead, etc..VS mRNA genetic therapy).... calling people names and attributing health improvements for the general populations to a technology that is similar in name only...see the IRONY?! We are in deep deep doo doo, because these authoritarian idiots want the key for the room you're sitting in right now. I know people who wanted to keep people from the grocer because of no mRNA that has proven itself in no uncertain terms a total failure and these psychopaths haven't even STARTED YET>>> This is serious and this is REAL. International non governmental organizations have hijacked your govt and regulatory agencies and plan on you being dead in less than 5 years. Take it or leave it. If you think D**k Cheney (daughter now) is a good guy compared to Trump for killing millions after 911....and Biden is a hands on powerful leader, then you are hopelessly lost.
I see. So you're ok with over 40 kids dying of the flu this year because their parents were too f*****g stupid to protect them? Did you know that kids are dying of diphtheria right now because of morons like you? Do you even know what diphtheria is?
I have traveled to parts of the world without access to vaccines, and seen the results of those who SURVIVE these diseases. The lucky ones have physical impairments left over from their infection (polio, for example), but no brain damage. The unlucky ones have brain damage from fever or other aspects of the virus. Vaccinate.
i hate anti-vaxxers! sadly they're alive because their parents weren't morons and VACCINATED them!!!
Exactly! What are they gonna do now? Go to their parents´ and complain about wtf they got vaccinated?
Load More Replies...There are going to be some very pissed off unvaccinated adults in years to come who won’t realize they are still vulnerable to many childhood disease, and when they catch them in adulthood it’s a whole new game. For example chicken pox in adulthood is much more severe and can cause deformities to unborn children and Small pox scars leave adult sufferers much more horribly scarred than children. Somehow myself and everyone else my age who got vaccinated is doing just fine.
Carmen, we HAD the measles, chickenpox, and mumps as kids, so we have lifelong immunity. I won't get them as an adult, but you could.
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Do people realize that just because you have been vaccinated does not mean you will not develop the disease? It is mostly to decrease the effects. You can get chicken pox more than once, shingles, with different forms of measles and other diseases if exposed to them.
I appreciate the drunk disclaimer at the end there. Very professional of him.
IKR! When I was little I had neighbors who were anti-vaccination and when my mum got the flu shot they told me and my little sister (7 and 4 yrs old) that she was going to die! My sister and I cried for an hour before our older sister yelled at them
Just tell them to avoid dangerously sounding, but essential to live chemicals like Dihydrogen Monoxide. They might get mad at you, but to everyone else they've been ridiculed and that'll eventually be enough to shove that movement back into the realm of all the other conspiracy theories. The only reason it keeps on going, is because there's a lot of attention hungry people out there who jump on to anything that can give them that attention, no matter whether it is negative or positive attention. They want it and the Antivaxxer movement is a treasure throve for them. So if we can find a way to make them ridicule themselves over and over again, then people will soon stop to listen to them and push them back into that crazy corner :)
Can you describe the different tech used for the COVID "vaccine" vs any other actual vaccine EVER USED, genius? The sanctimony combined w sheer obvious propaganda nonsense is years later is like watching a car crash over and over and over....except its your friends and family getting sick repeatedly. "It woulda been so much worse!" Please remember if you thought you would've noticed something up in 1933. Its been made clear to me that the vast majority of people would not and have not noticed a thing...and in fact DEFENDING removal of basic civil liberties even AFTER we realize its not a vaccine and your gonads are fried. enjoy, losers.
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Actually, vaccinations today are not what they were then, and there are A LOT more of them. I am the mother of an autistic 17 year old. If you want to know ALL aspects of the issue, you SHOULD watched VAXXED. In any event, children must be vaccinated, they just need to be vaccinated over a bit longer of period of time, so that their bodies dont get walloped with a massive amount all at once. they should have all of their vaccinations by the time they are 3 years of age.
Why would anyone want to watch a junk "science" video that contains nothing but lies and hysteria? ... Parents who don't vaccinate their kids are child abusers.
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Oh, not for nuthin, but, all of the people losing it over the "flu vaccine" and the kids that have died of the flu. In ALL reality, everyone would be far better served to take a garlic supplement high in Allicin. Allicin has been PROVEN in many countries research, over many decades to kill all bacterial, viral and fungal infections. I only know this because I was diagnosed with MRSA 3 years ago. MANY people die every year from MRSA! I would have been one of those people if I had listened to my doctors who were "following protocol". I had to, in desperation, go and find help for myself. Antibiotics were not killing the staph infection in my body anymore. If I didnt research the topic to EXHAUSTION and find allicin I would be gone about 6 months now. Doctors, medicines, vaccines. There comes a point when you MUST be your own health advocate! Otherwise they will protocol you to death.
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My brother, sister and myself are unvaccinated. I am 50.
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please do honest research, you will see that mountains of evidence that contradicts the pharma fairy tales is being hidden.. honest sources do NOT black out legitimate science.. “I have over 13,000 children in my pediatric practice and I have to say, as unpopular as this observation might be, my unvaccinated children are by far the healthiest,” says Dr. Paul Thomas, a Dartmouth-trained pediatrician and addiction specialist who has been practicing medicine for 30 years. “I’ve had a team compiling data for a research study that is now undergoing peer review—some of which is published in my new book, ’The Vaccine-Friendly Plan.’ The data is surprising and counter-intuitive, perhaps, but it shows very clearly that the incidence of chronic disease and brain abnormalities in the entirely unvaccinated children in my practice, even those with siblings with autism, is much much lower than in children following the CDC’s recommended schedule.”…… "I observed that my unvaccinated children were h
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“I see daily in my practice evidence of vaccine injury and I hear stories almost every day of families that vaccinate children and then decide not to vaccinate and the unvaccinated children within the same family are healthier, more socially adjusted and more capable academically even though their parents are older than the siblings who were born first and were fully vaccinated.” Dr. Kelly Sutton, M.D……….. “As a concerned, compassionate and considerate paediatrician, I can only arrive at one conclusion. Unvaccinated children have by far the best chance of enjoying marvellous health. Any vaccination at all works to cripple the chances of this end.” The Marvellous Health of Unvaccinated Children by Françoise Berthoud, MD…. “Doing this for 15 years now, I will share with you that the vaccinated kids are the sickest, the partially vaccinated kids are not as sick, and the unvaccinated kids are the healthiest.” Dr. Bob Zajac is a board-certified pediatrician “
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You need to slow down and realize that a great many of children in the 60s and 70s were NOT vaccinated and are still alive and well. And that nearly all the diseases supposedly gone due to vaccines are coming back due to to all the illegal alien children flooding our borders and sitting next to our children in school.
I still remember having measles and being forced into ice baths because the fever was so high that it risked brain damage. Take your garbage and shove it.
Now YOU can get vaccinated. People are so angry. WHY? If a vaccination works, then you're protected, right? Besides, its not a mRNA therapy like the COVID jab is. Lots of angry totalitarian, authoritarian people out there. My theory... They never got the kick a*s sex like the "dumber" people got...I mean like 17 year olds, four times a day, skipping school, rug burns... anywhere and everywhere enjoying the hell outta ourselves...then you have Bill Gates steeping in his own sticky hormone covered locker, watching us sneak back in. Sure, no Island....but I have no need or conviction or the arrogance that I think I know whats best for billions of people. Sociopaths...all of them...and its becoming clearer and clearer to more and more. Australia lost their right to defend themselves. Canada is a close second w dictators that fake smile to hide their agenda and hatred of the common man. 2023 is going to be hell on Earth for all of us.
Not everybody CAN be vaccinated, some have allergies or too weak immune systems. Diseases spread. The more people have it, the more likely it is for others to catch it. The more people get vaccinated, the more protected the people who aren't vaccinated are. That's called herd immunization. Those people never got sick despite not getting their shots because everybody else around them got them, so they were never exposed to the diseases. Disease that are coming back now because people who can and should be vaccinated are choosing not to. When you don't vaccinate, you're endangering not only yourself, but also the part of the population that can't get immunized themselves.
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I hate vaccines. Why? Because I've had family members die from the vaccines - NOT the disease. Duke University even confirmed that their deaths were caused by the vaccines.
my condolences. it is worth noting that some people are allergic to some vaccines. better and more regularly allergy tests are needed. this is an argument for herd immunity not against vaccines in general.
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Sure glad you got your rabies vaccination. It's one of the most deadly diseases known to man, and the vaccine is highly effective, so sure glad you got yours. Ditto for small pox. It's killed literally millions, and the vaccine is very effective. Sure glad you got yours. Cholera, too. Millions have died. True, the vaccine isn't more than 20% effective, but then the flu vaccine is admittedly only 10% effective, even by those who espouse it, and death rates from the flu are far lower than for untreated cholera, so, yeh, good thing you got your vaccine also. What? You didn't get ANY of these vaccines? Why? Are you CRAZY? No, you just have the good sense to weigh the risks of vaccines (which are many) against the benefits of getting the disease, and make a balanced choice. So stop being such a vaccine Nazi and let others make the same decisions about their health.
Has it occurred to you that the reason we no longer get Smallpox and Cholera vaccines is that we have eradicated these illnesses. How, you ask?? WITH VACCINES, DUMBASS. We had eliminated 96% or mumps and measles, until antivaxxers allowed new outbreaks by refusing to vaccinate their children because of garbage science like this.
Does ANYBODY here flailing about two distinct technologies (vaccines attenuated, live, dead, etc..VS mRNA genetic therapy).... calling people names and attributing health improvements for the general populations to a technology that is similar in name only...see the IRONY?! We are in deep deep doo doo, because these authoritarian idiots want the key for the room you're sitting in right now. I know people who wanted to keep people from the grocer because of no mRNA that has proven itself in no uncertain terms a total failure and these psychopaths haven't even STARTED YET>>> This is serious and this is REAL. International non governmental organizations have hijacked your govt and regulatory agencies and plan on you being dead in less than 5 years. Take it or leave it. If you think D**k Cheney (daughter now) is a good guy compared to Trump for killing millions after 911....and Biden is a hands on powerful leader, then you are hopelessly lost.
I see. So you're ok with over 40 kids dying of the flu this year because their parents were too f*****g stupid to protect them? Did you know that kids are dying of diphtheria right now because of morons like you? Do you even know what diphtheria is?
I have traveled to parts of the world without access to vaccines, and seen the results of those who SURVIVE these diseases. The lucky ones have physical impairments left over from their infection (polio, for example), but no brain damage. The unlucky ones have brain damage from fever or other aspects of the virus. Vaccinate.