The environment is constantly changing, and thanks to humans – it’s happening quicker. Luckily, there are ways we are helping to reduce our footprints in the environment. I came across an article that had 10 Technologies that are proven to help reduce our footprint. I chose my 5 favourites from the list and encourage you to see what other great inventions are here to help us save our planet.

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#5 LED Lights

This one is kind of a given, yet we all forget just how helpful they’ve proven to be. These light-emitting diodes (LEDs) use around 25% of the energy it takes to power traditional incandescent light bulbs, and they can also last up to 25 times longer, too. So, if you’re using these in your home – thanks for helping save the environment!

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#4 Carbon Capture Plant

This one is super neat! Oh Canada, you’ve done it again with forward thinking and environmental protection. The Carbon Capture Plant has officially been turned on. The first power plant could reduce carbon emissions by one million tons per year, equivalent to removing 250,000 vehicles from our roads. So, can we please open more of these?

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#3 Solar Glass

Solar glass!? Why haven’t we been doing this sooner? New technologies have made it possible to create solar powered glass, what a great way to source renewable energy. This one makes me excited because, well, look at all the glass we could replace; offices, houses, bus shelters, maybe even our phones one day.


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#2 Solar Powered Lamps


Amazing concept that can save 8-12 hours of energy. Street lamps made with solar panels, this is something I can’t wait to see pop up everywhere. Solar power can be used! They’re also great for indoor use and easily accessible (the panels… not the actual street lamp). This is the kind of forward thinking we need to save our planet!

#1 Water Made From……. Poop? 💩

Yah, you read that right. Not having water is a real shitty situation, so when life gives you shit – make water. The Janicki Omniprocessor, a steam-driven, self-powered waste processor turns waste into water. This can solve water crisis around the world and give over 7 million people access to clean water.
– I think it’ll take some getting use to, but this technology sure will alleviate a lot of problems.

There’s a lot more on the list, these are the ones that I thought were interesting. Decide for yourself which ones are your favourite by seeing the original post by Interesting Shit.