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Family Member Shuts Down ‘Karen’ Aunt After She Threatened To Sue An Aquarium For Getting Stung By A Jellyfish

Family Member Shuts Down ‘Karen’ Aunt After She Threatened To Sue An Aquarium For Getting Stung By A Jellyfish

‘Karen’ Gets Blasted By A Relative After Threatening Aquarium With Legal Action Over Jellyfish Sting‘Karen’ Gets Put In Her Place By Relative After Threatening To Pursue Legal Action Against An Aquarium For Getting Stung By A Jellyfish“She Started Screaming And Yelling”: Aunt Sticks Her Hand In A Jellyfish Tank And Gets Stung, Causes A Scene And Promises To SueFamily Member Shuts Down ‘Karen’ Aunt After She Threatened To Sue An Aquarium For Getting Stung By A JellyfishWoman Ignores Sign Forbidding Sticking Her Hand Into Aquarium And Gets Stung By A Jellyfish, Wants To Sue The Museum But Gets Called A Karen By RelativeAunt Disregards Aquarium Sign, Gets Stung By A Jellyfish And Threatens With Legal Action, Prompting Relative To Brand Her ‘Karen’Family Member Puts ‘Karen’ Aunt In Her Place After She Threatened To Sue An Aquarium For Getting Stung By A Jellyfish“She Started Screaming And Yelling”: Aunt Willingly Sticks Her Hand In A Jellyfish Tank And Gets Stung, Raises A Fuss And Vouches To SueFamily Member Shuts Down ‘Karen’ Aunt After She Threatened To Sue An Aquarium For Getting Stung By A Jellyfish

Everybody does dumb things – it’s no big news. Impulsivity or maybe peer pressure, whatever the reasoning is, chances are you’ve done something questionable recently too!

But the aunt of the author of today’s story might’ve just one-upped everyone. The thing is, the family went to visit an aquarium dedicated to jellyfish while on vacation when the woman decided to stick her hand into a tank. Naturally, she got stung, but instead of owning up to her deeds, she threatened to sue.

More info: Reddit


    Woman disregards aquarium policy and sticks her hand into a jellyfish tank

    Image credits: Rachel Claire (not the actual image)

    She gets stung and immediately raises a fuss, claiming that she’ll sue everyone


    Image credits: Hunynh Van (not the actual image)


    Image credits: Los Muertos Crew (not the actual image)

    Image source: u/vjgiigviivvuguvv

    AITA for telling my aunt to stop being a ‘Karen’ after she wanted to sue the jellyfish museum after getting stung by a jellyfish?” – this internet user took to one of Reddit’s most honorable communities to ask its members if they’re indeed a jerk for lashing out at their aunt who willingly stuck her hand in a jellyfish tank and got stung. The post managed to garner 3K upvotes as well as 284 comments discussing the situation.


    Our wildlife is, without a doubt, phenomenal; I mean, have you ever binge-watched a documentary and just lost it over how cute and fascinating all the animals are?

    And we all know what happens when we find something cute – we want to squeeze it, hold it, pat it, whatever. However, no matter how big the urge is, if you ever encounter an animal that isn’t part of your household – don’t do it! Even if it’s a stray dog or a cat, but especially if it’s something you came across on your hike.

    First of all, if you try to touch a wild animal, chances are you’ll get sent to the man upstairs in no time – however, have you ever considered what impact it has on the animal itself? Animals are highly vulnerable to diseases spread by human contact; they can die from bacteria transferred from your hands even if it has no effect on you. Moreover, ordinary things like lotion, perfume, sunscreen, and bug-repellent spray are very toxic to wildlife, particularly to the star of today’s article – marine life. Plus, it also causes them immense stress, which could result in physical harm or, again, death.


    The point is, keep your hands to yourself, people!

    Now, regarding jellyfish, those seemingly harmless transparent blobs. There are a bazillion species around the world, and while most are harmless, should you encounter one that’s venomous – bad news, bud.

    For example, Chironex fleckeri (also known as the Australian box jelly or sea wasp) is nearly invisible and loves to hunt during the day, making it extra special for anyone who loves to swim around in shallow waters. The biggest issue, though, is that the creature has the ability to kill an adult man with a dose that weighs as much as a single grain of salt. So, perhaps refrain from befriending a jellyfish if you want to live.

    Family member takes none of it and snaps, but instead gets told to “respect authority”

    Image credits: Sladjana Karvounis (not the actual image)

    To paint a picture, according to the 2022 AZ Animals piece – the world’s largest & most trusted collection of animal facts, pictures, and more – approximately 50 to 100 people die each year due to stings from the many species of box jellyfish. 


    But, in the words of Harlan Ellison, “The two most common elements in the universe are hydrogen and stupidity,” and while the lead character of today’s tale is alive and well, the stupidity part is very much present.

    So, let’s recap!

    The family went on vacation and decided to visit this humongous aquarium dedicated to jellyfish and jellyfish only. A couple of tanks didn’t have protective lids on, and for some intricate reason, that provoked the aunt of the original poster to stick her hand inside and touch the poor creatures.

    She has apparently touched many of them throughout her life, which, I suppose, has given her an ultimate pass to harass animals.

    Anywho, of course, she got stung. She screamed, yelled, and even tried to involve a manager and tell everyone how she was going to sue, but was then quickly shut down by the author, who then got flak from their mother for not “respecting authority.” 

    Pure madness, isn’t it? 

    Let us know what you think about it.

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    Darja Zinina

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    Darja Zinina

    Darja Zinina

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    Darja is a Content Creator at Bored Panda. She studied at the University of Westminster, where she got her Bachelor's degree in Contemporary Media Practice. She loves photography, foreign music and re-watching Forrest Gump.

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    Monika Pašukonytė

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    I am a visual editor here. In my free time I enjoy the vibrant worlds of art galleries, exhibitions, and soulful concerts. Yet, amidst life's hustle and bustle, I find solace in nature's embrace, cherishing tranquil moments with beloved friends. Deep within, I hold a dream close - to embark on a global journey in an RV, accompanied by my faithful canine companion. Together, we'll wander through diverse cultures, weaving precious memories under the starry night sky, fulfilling the wanderlust that stirs my soul.

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    Monika Pašukonytė

    Monika Pašukonytė

    Author, BoredPanda staff

    I am a visual editor here. In my free time I enjoy the vibrant worlds of art galleries, exhibitions, and soulful concerts. Yet, amidst life's hustle and bustle, I find solace in nature's embrace, cherishing tranquil moments with beloved friends. Deep within, I hold a dream close - to embark on a global journey in an RV, accompanied by my faithful canine companion. Together, we'll wander through diverse cultures, weaving precious memories under the starry night sky, fulfilling the wanderlust that stirs my soul.

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    Ron Baza
    Community Member
    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    OP clearly needs to build bridges with her aunt. And an apology will not suffice. Rather than share the story anonymously, she should help her aunt (with her permission and cooperation) to share her story with her name fully publicised. ‘I Ignored Signs Telling Me Not To Touch Jellyfish And It Turned Out Badly’ could be the headline. Pictures to be sent to the local media. An appeal in Facebook. A JustGiving page, with proceeds going to the mentally deficient who can’t follow clear and simple instructions. By spreading this story of her aunt’s actions and (entirely unpredictable) consequences, the world can understand how the aunt is definitely the victim in all of this. She will get all the sympathy that she deserves.

    Community Member
    1 year ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It probably had no lid as some species like to breach the water surface and soak in some air, I don't know. Anyway aunt is an idiot and I'm glad it hurt, doubt the jellyfish enjoyed being touched much it was likely panicked and traumatised by this big ugly monster reaching for it.

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    Ron Baza
    Community Member
    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    OP clearly needs to build bridges with her aunt. And an apology will not suffice. Rather than share the story anonymously, she should help her aunt (with her permission and cooperation) to share her story with her name fully publicised. ‘I Ignored Signs Telling Me Not To Touch Jellyfish And It Turned Out Badly’ could be the headline. Pictures to be sent to the local media. An appeal in Facebook. A JustGiving page, with proceeds going to the mentally deficient who can’t follow clear and simple instructions. By spreading this story of her aunt’s actions and (entirely unpredictable) consequences, the world can understand how the aunt is definitely the victim in all of this. She will get all the sympathy that she deserves.

    Community Member
    1 year ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It probably had no lid as some species like to breach the water surface and soak in some air, I don't know. Anyway aunt is an idiot and I'm glad it hurt, doubt the jellyfish enjoyed being touched much it was likely panicked and traumatised by this big ugly monster reaching for it.

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