Consider an empty world; add a bank - there is no money yet in this world. Add someone who decides to buy a car and borrows $80,000 from the bank who creates $80,000 from nothing. Every month that 80k generates more money (interest) for the bank. The bank issues a credit card to create more money. Now add a country full of banks and people who want things that they do not have the money for and we have an economy.

But there are slackers out there who actually deposit money in the bank - these deposits are actually considered liabilities because the bank will have to give it back at some point (and pay interest on it). There are complexities you can add to this but this is where your money comes from. It makes fiat currency seems pretty solid.


I found this theory down some rabbit hole a couple weeks ago - my dad, a banker, would probably disagree. After it was too late, I learned that he would have bought me the bank if I had gone into banking (10 years of doing acid kind of precluded me from that career path)


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