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Couple’s Plan To Outwit Another Passenger Before Takeoff Backfires As The Stranger Ends Up With A Whole Free Row In Return

Couple’s Plan To Outwit Another Passenger Before Takeoff Backfires As The Stranger Ends Up With A Whole Free Row In Return


Cunning is actually not that bad, especially if you perceive it in the context of world culture. Indeed, people love stories when someone deftly pushes others around and effectively achieves their goal when circumstances are not in their favor. However, any social approval of cunning always has its limit.

If cunning borders on arrogance and unscrupulousness, if a person clearly offends others with their actions, then approval develops into indignation, and we, on the contrary, rejoice when excessive cunning is punished. And people love stories like this even more. Instant karma, so it goes…

A great example is this post by user u/Natisev, who has amassed around 9.4K upvotes and 400 different comments in the Reddit Malicious Compliance community in just a few days. Yes, the author agrees that their story is not entirely about malicious compliance – but this did not stop the tale from becoming popular at all.

More info: Reddit

The author of the post once flew from Greece to the Netherlands after a month-long vacation

Image credits: Aero Icarus (not the actual image)

So, last summer, the author of the post went on vacation to Greece, where they spent a whole month. As the Original Poster themselves say, they are half Greek and half Dutch, and when the vacation came to an end, the person bought tickets for a return flight to the Netherlands. The flight was long and tiring enough so they booked a whole row of seats and aisle seat for themselves.


Image credits: u/Natisev

A couple of Greeks asked them to move one row back and to the opposite side so the wife could sit next to the husband

During boarding, the OP was approached by a couple of Greeks who asked them to move one row back and to the opposite side so the wife could sit next to the husband. As the author themselves admits, the couple was flying to a foreign country, so they decided to be nice and polite, and agreed to switch places.

Image credits: u/Natisev

After a while, the woman exclaimed: “Oh, you have the middle seat!” while the author thought it was on the aisle

So, the OP went to the aisle seat where the wife was initially sitting, but after a while the woman exclaimed: “Oh, you have the middle seat!”, greatly embarrassing the Original Poster – after all, the woman was originally sitting on the aisle. The OP offered to switch seats back, but the Greeks now said that since they had already changed, they would not change back, and in general, what was done could not be changed.


Image credits: Dushan hanuska (not the actual image)

The OP recalls that the couple grinned and chuckled at the same time, savoring how they managed to outwit them. However, the person also noticed something else – the aircraft staff were already closing the doors, and the row in which their new seat was located remained completely free. And this meant that they would actually have all these seats at their total disposal.


Image credits: u/Natisev

The author ended up laying on the seats of a whole row as they were at their disposal since there were no bookings for those seats

As a result, after the takeoff, the Original Poster defiantly lay down comfortably across three seats at once, and now their recent offenders looked embarrassed. After some time, the couple turned to the OP, offering to switch back – and now it was their turn to taste their own medicine! The OP, barely holding back laughter, said, “Oh well, now we have switched, nothing you can do!”


Image credits: u/Natisev

As the Original Poster recalls, now not only their relatives, but also the surrounding passengers and even the aircraft personnel grinned at the hapless Greeks. Yes, excessive cunning, bordering on arrogance, must be effectively and beautifully punished!

Image credits: Joe Shlabotnik (not the actual image)

Commenters were glad with this happy ending yet stated that the person could just show their boarding card to switch seats back

People in the comments to this story were happy for the Original Poster, yet also noticed that in order to get their seat back, they just had to contact the flight attendant and simply show their boarding card. However, then this story would clearly be less beautiful and instructive.


As for the story’s relevance to the topic, some commenters noted that the tale is exactly this sort of petty malicious compliance, especially when you have a flight over three hours and then it really matters. In any case, as people in the comments say, karma inexorably catches up with those who really deserve it.


If you are interested in transport tales, then you can also enjoy this story about how a mother forbade her little child to give up her seat on the train to a stranger who specifically booked this very seat. Or, for example, about a man who was extremely surprised when another guy sat next to him in an almost empty street car. And we, as always, are looking forward for your opinions about this narrative, so please feel free to leave your comments below.

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Oleg Tarasenko

Oleg Tarasenko

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After many years of working as sports journalist and trivia game author and host in Ukraine I joined Bored Panda as a content creator. I do love writing stories and I sincerely believe - there's no dull plots at all. Like a great Italian composer Joaquino Rossini once told: "Give me a police protocol - and I'll make an opera out of it!"

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Monika Pašukonytė

Monika Pašukonytė

Author, BoredPanda staff

I am a visual editor here. In my free time I enjoy the vibrant worlds of art galleries, exhibitions, and soulful concerts. Yet, amidst life's hustle and bustle, I find solace in nature's embrace, cherishing tranquil moments with beloved friends. Deep within, I hold a dream close - to embark on a global journey in an RV, accompanied by my faithful canine companion. Together, we'll wander through diverse cultures, weaving precious memories under the starry night sky, fulfilling the wanderlust that stirs my soul.

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laceneil avatar
Lace Neil
Community Member
1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I will never swap my seat. I'm autistic and sitting next to the window calms me. I will happily pay extra in order to be able to choose my seat, and unless the person is offering me an upgrade to first class, it ain't happening.

spamreceptacle726 avatar
steampunk dandelion
Community Member
1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

good on you for standing your ground, Lace! I entirely understand the struggle unlike a certain Johnny Randall that needs to shut up ☺️

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kilroyduke avatar
Duke Kilroy
Community Member
1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Nothing makes me feel like someone from The USA when someone says a 3 hour flight is "not short."

joann-f avatar
Jo Firth
Community Member
1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I know right? It's not a competition (and yet here I am) but three hours wouldn't get you across my country much less to another one. And counting 6.5 hours as a day-long journey truly indicates you live in Europe. I'm heading to Iceland next year ... a mere 30 hours and 3 flights away.

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davidhenry_2 avatar
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I'm so glad my one time flying was a faith in humanity thing and not the all too common horror stories you hear. I was terrified bc I'm scared of heights...but also requested a window seat bc I couldn't *NOT* pass up the chance to view the world from above. It was my curiosity battling my phobia. There was this little old lady, in her mid 70s, who struck up conversation and we small talked a bit. Told her I might seem distant once we took off bc I didn't know how I was gonna handle flying. She said, "When we flew into Vegas last week, it was my first time flying. I was so scared, but let me tell you...that view was entirely worth it. And if the view isn't soothing to you, just talk to me. We'll try to keep you distracted. We'll bore you with the story of us renewing our vows". Just stuff like that. They picked up oh my nerves and recognized what was going on. It was like they air-adopted me. Bc of that I was able to just...GUSH over the view. I still think about them.

lavenderoak avatar
Lavender Oak
Community Member
1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I went to Vegas from NC last June and was lucky enough to have a window seat. It was not my first time flying, i was 6 months old for that and flew a lot as a child and young adult (dad was military) but flying to Vegas was my first time flying west of Texas. And it was such an insanely awesome view! I truly never knew all the desert areas looked so different because on TV typically they only show similar looking stuff. That and the weather was an eye opener. You mean to tell me walking in the desert cools you off because your sweat actually evaporates instead of covering you in a slimy film like the humid southeast!? I was shivering in the shade outdoors when it was 108 in Vegas. Definitely moving west as soon as we're able 😂 I'm uncomfortable at 65 degrees in NC bc it just feels nasty. Plus with asthma and allergies I can barely breathe most of the time. Even indoors with constant AC year round it's never under 60% humidity INSIDE 😂

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laceneil avatar
Lace Neil
Community Member
1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I will never swap my seat. I'm autistic and sitting next to the window calms me. I will happily pay extra in order to be able to choose my seat, and unless the person is offering me an upgrade to first class, it ain't happening.

spamreceptacle726 avatar
steampunk dandelion
Community Member
1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

good on you for standing your ground, Lace! I entirely understand the struggle unlike a certain Johnny Randall that needs to shut up ☺️

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kilroyduke avatar
Duke Kilroy
Community Member
1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Nothing makes me feel like someone from The USA when someone says a 3 hour flight is "not short."

joann-f avatar
Jo Firth
Community Member
1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I know right? It's not a competition (and yet here I am) but three hours wouldn't get you across my country much less to another one. And counting 6.5 hours as a day-long journey truly indicates you live in Europe. I'm heading to Iceland next year ... a mere 30 hours and 3 flights away.

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davidhenry_2 avatar
Community Member
1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I'm so glad my one time flying was a faith in humanity thing and not the all too common horror stories you hear. I was terrified bc I'm scared of heights...but also requested a window seat bc I couldn't *NOT* pass up the chance to view the world from above. It was my curiosity battling my phobia. There was this little old lady, in her mid 70s, who struck up conversation and we small talked a bit. Told her I might seem distant once we took off bc I didn't know how I was gonna handle flying. She said, "When we flew into Vegas last week, it was my first time flying. I was so scared, but let me tell you...that view was entirely worth it. And if the view isn't soothing to you, just talk to me. We'll try to keep you distracted. We'll bore you with the story of us renewing our vows". Just stuff like that. They picked up oh my nerves and recognized what was going on. It was like they air-adopted me. Bc of that I was able to just...GUSH over the view. I still think about them.

lavenderoak avatar
Lavender Oak
Community Member
1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I went to Vegas from NC last June and was lucky enough to have a window seat. It was not my first time flying, i was 6 months old for that and flew a lot as a child and young adult (dad was military) but flying to Vegas was my first time flying west of Texas. And it was such an insanely awesome view! I truly never knew all the desert areas looked so different because on TV typically they only show similar looking stuff. That and the weather was an eye opener. You mean to tell me walking in the desert cools you off because your sweat actually evaporates instead of covering you in a slimy film like the humid southeast!? I was shivering in the shade outdoors when it was 108 in Vegas. Definitely moving west as soon as we're able 😂 I'm uncomfortable at 65 degrees in NC bc it just feels nasty. Plus with asthma and allergies I can barely breathe most of the time. Even indoors with constant AC year round it's never under 60% humidity INSIDE 😂

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