It is a well known issue that the Earth is not going in a great direction. Global warming and climate change are already having their effects, which encourages people to speak up and address this problem more and more frequently. According to the statistics obtained from NOAA’s 2021 climate report, since 1981, the rate of increase in land and ocean temperature is 0.18 Celsius per decade, which is double compared since the year 1880 per decade.

However, not everyone is trying to do something to help this issue, so environmental activists can be seen more and more often regarding their actions such as gluing their hands to an airport runaway in Germany, and many more desperate ways to make people pay attention.

Different groups of activists target rich people as they paint their cars, yachts, aircraft or deflate their tires

Image credits: The Tyre Extinguishers

On the windshields of deflated cars, the group puts a brochure that reads, “You’ll be angry, but don’t take it personally. It’s not you, it’s your car”

There are quite a few different actions that activists have performed. However, if you have heard about deflating tires, this year, the action is back again. According to NDTV, The Tyre Extinguishers, a British-based organization of climate activists, is going around slashing tires of SUVs (sports utility vehicles) which are parked on the road in order to fight global warming.

Additionally, Fox News shares that this organization has taken responsibility for tire-deflation operations in a number of cities throughout the world, including England, Canada, France, Spain, Germany, and Italy, as well as American cities including New York City, Boston, Chicago, and San Francisco. 


Image credits: The Tyre Extinguishers

Image credits: hodlonaut

Moreover, The Tyre Extinguishers’ Twitter bio says “We will make it impossible to own an SUV in the world’s urban areas.” However, you may be wondering why they attack these expensive cars. On the note that they leave it states that SUVs are the second-largest source of carbon dioxide emissions, surpassing the entire aviation sector.

But why deflate tires, then? Business Today reveals that on the note it is said that SUVs produce more air pollution than smaller vehicles and are more likely to result in fatal accidents than regular vehicles. Deflating Tyres states that politicians and governments have not done enough to safeguard citizens from these massive cars. Apart from the people who drive them, “everyone hates them,” they added, noting that polite protests had failed.

Image credits: T_Extinguishers

Another group of activists painted a luxury sports car

Image credits: futurovegetal

Additionally, deflating tires is not the only act of vandalism that eco-activists have performed recently. Diariodeibiza states that a beautiful Lamborghini automobile was painted red on Sant Josep de sa Talaia Avenue by the environmental group Futuro Vegetal.


The group posted a video on their Instagram stating that “The 1% is responsible for more greenhouse gas emissions than more than half of the population. They are a luxury we cannot afford. To mitigate the climate crisis, we must put an end to their way of life. To adapt to the new climate context, we cannot continue to support their privileges.”

They have also targeted a superyacht which belongs to the Walmart heiress

Image credits: futurovegetal

Image credits: futurovegetal


However, that’s not all. USA News Today states that environmental activists spray-painted a superyacht they said belonged to the Walmart heiress in Ibiza. The Spanish environmental organization Futuro Vegetal posted a video of two activists painting a boat in red and black while holding up a sign that reads, “You consume, others suffer.”

The group also made a comparison between the migrants who died trying to enter Europe and the rich superyachts in the port. Civil disobedience is used by the activist group to bring attention to the global warming crisis.

Activists made a move towards a business jet with a very similar message


Image credits: futurovegetal

The same environmental activists vandalized a business jet which was parked at Ibiza Airport. The protesters’ statements underlined basically the same goal, which is to target people in the world’s top 1% financial bracket on the grounds that they produce as much carbon dioxide as the world’s lowest 50% of people.

To protest the exclusion of golf greens from water use bans, activists plugged the holes on golf courses with cement

Image credits: xrToulouse

To protest the exclusion of golf greens from water restrictions in the midst of the terrible drought in the nation, activists filled holes with cement. BBC mentions that the protestors claimed in a petition that the exception proved “economic madness takes precedence over ecological reason”. Golf courses have been exempt from the national restrictions, but inhabitants in the worst-hit communities are unable to water their gardens or wash their cars.

Image credits: xrToulouse

It’s important to note that it’s not the first time nor year that environmental activists have organized protests like these that catch a lot of people’s attention. There are various opinions about such actions and eco activists, because many people believe that such protests are useless and won’t change anything, though as the situation is getting worse – it’s important to do at least something. 


But what do you think about such actions? Do you agree with them or should activists find new ways to gain attention that would be useful? Share your opinion in the comments below! 

People online didn’t love these activists’ actions as vandalism and wasting resources are the wrong ways to save the planet

Image credits: mac5x

Image credits: BlieckStijn

Image credits: Crypt0_Facts

Image credits: Markus Spiske (not the actual photo)

Image credits: Crypt0_Facts

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Image credits: Markus Spiske (not the actual photo)

Image credits: Christo62758389

Image credits: Crypt0Quacks

Image credits: umhutchva