While the world is still trying to wrap its head around the fact that Europe is again facing a huge war not even a century after the Second World War, Ukrainians are courageously defending their country. Various governments are sending military and humanitarian support to help Ukrainians be stronger than their enemy. People from places all over the globe are sending prayers and good thoughts to support them and make the soldiers feel like they are fighting for the right purpose.

Regular people can do just as much as governments can by donating money, warm clothes, giving Ukrainian families a place to stay, going to protests and just showing their complete support because Ukrainians see that and it really helps with keeping the soldiers’ spirits high.

Memesters are also doing their fair share of work by creating memes that demonstrate they are on Ukraine’s side. Joking around about war is absolutely not funny and not right because it is not a game and people’s lives are on the line. But even in the darkest moments, there is a need for a break and for a laugh, so Bored Panda searched the internet to collect the best memes people shared that show we all are on their side.

Also, if you have the means to support Ukraine, The National Bank of Ukraine (NBU) opened a special fundraising account which collects money that goes directly to supporting the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The number of the special account is UA843000010000000047330992708. You can find more information and make a card payment if you follow this link to the official NBU website.

Not too long ago, the Winter Olympics ended and we collected a list of memes that came out of it. Major events like these always inspire people to express their opinions in the form of a meme as it is short, sarcastic and powerful.

Lately memesters are getting a lot of hate for making fun of the fact that there is war, especially when they live nowhere near the region and have no real understanding of what is happening. Glamourising the ‘war aesthetic,’ and trying to find a bright side to the invasion are only a few examples of the cringey memes that exist on the internet.

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But there is the other side of the internet where people are understanding and realize how sensitive the topic is and don’t undermine the pain and fear that Ukrainian people are feeling. On the contrary, they are sympathizing with those who suffer.

Even the official Twitter account of the state of Ukraine shared some memes and they are really spot-on and relatable to Ukrainians and other neighboring countries. They are dark, but they are funny in the sense that they are true, ironic and sarcastic.



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subversive216 avatar
Destiny Kruse
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Honestly I'm just proud to live in the same world as Ukrainians.

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ATwatterUser1 Report

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saragregory0508 avatar
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Hi, me again. Posting a supportive comment to hide a less supportive one.

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Of course, it seems that creating memes is not that big of a deal and doesn’t have an impact, especially comparing it to the huge protests that are being organized or people taking their own cars and driving to the borders of Ukraine to take families into their homes.

But we need to remember that the snowball effect starts from a small snowflake. People who see these memes might be reminded that they wanted to donate, they might be inspired to organize something bigger so it could lead to an actual impact on the people in Ukraine.


While people on the internet are doing their thing and citizens of other countries are creating initiatives, it is important to note the efforts of governments too. Like Switzerland, the most neutral country in European history, famous for not being involved in either of the world wars when bombs were flying around it, deciding to join the EU sanctions against Russia and freezing Russian assets.

Also, a historic decision was made by the EU, which decided as an institution to support Ukraine and give €450 million ($503 million) to allow the country to buy weapons. They also decided to provide Ukraine with planes as well. This decision was very surprising as it is the first time in the EU’s history that it will finance a purchase of weapons but it will greatly help the Ukrainian forces.



EdCaspersen Report

Another surprise was how relatively easy it was to make Germany’s government change their minds about disconnecting Russia from SWIFT as it means huge financial losses for the country. But this decision is already active and the world observes what consequences it will have for Russia’s economy.


The world is united against a common enemy and are waiting to see if our efforts will be enough to help Ukraine to protect the Western world and values.

And again, financial support is very important as it allows Ukraine to have a chance against Russia by being able to get weapons and supplies for the soldiers. So here is the account that The National Bank of Ukraine started: UA843000010000000047330992708 and here is the link to the Bank’s official website.

Слава Україні!



Guilty_Substance7098 Report

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Daniel Marsh
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

To the people who say, as if exposing corruption, that it turns out that the 13 soldiers on Snake Island ended up being taken prisoner: Do you think that makes their balls any smaller? (I am glad to know the truth, however.)

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jmscargill avatar
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Not funny at all. This is the true state of affairs and I am ashamed that more has not been done in support of Ukraine's brave defenders.

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MujeliKhalil Report

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listy avatar
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Because the big winners after the last world war made sure that they all had a 'veto' clause built into it........ it was pretty much corrupt from the start.

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ner_diz avatar
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I am a Bosnian and I feel this. The difference is that Europe imposed a weapons EMBARGO on my country when we were attacked, allowing the agressors to have the starting upper hand. We survived an agression by two countries, a genocide and Europe’s bureaucracy and we still are an independent state. It seems that at least that lesson from Bosnia is learned by the EU. Slava Ukrajini!

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Katy McMouse
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

How could Putin not see any of this coming? Some would probably say he has so much money, he doesn't care if Russia's economy tanks, but what about his uber-rich buddies? I doubt they will tolerate economic collapse because of one man's mad schemes. This makes me think he will be stopped by his own cronies, one way or another. Someone, somewhere must have a plan for this.

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Bacony Cakes
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2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017


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