Often times women meet men who do and say all the right things at the beginning only to go MIA when things start to get serious. There are way too many men out here who are ready and willing to give you the love you require to be wasting your time on a man who has nothing but time to waste. When you are love you don’t ever have to wonder if you will ever find someone or if someone will find you. Men are looking for your type of love every day, praying for a love like yours every night, and ready to love you the way you deserve to be loved. There are millions of men on this planet, don’t let the wrong one make you forget you have other options.

Don’t waste your time on an indecisive man. A man knows who and what he wants and if he’s not working or progressing towards that he’s simply not interested. You don’t have time to waste on a man who is full of broken promises. You are willing and able to put in the effort needed to make the relationship work but he’s not sure about you. That’s the type of man you need to dismiss from your life. You require stability in your life and he can’t give you that because he’s not ready to be committed to just you.

Stop wasting your time on a man who is not driven. One who has no motivation to work harder or to work at all to get further in life. It doesn’t matter what excuse he gives you as to why he’s not working, a grown man who relays on favors, handouts, or old lawsuit money to live isn’t going anywhere in life. Being a good woman doesn’t mean you allow a grown man to live off of you. It’s not about how much money he is making right now, it’s about him working towards making more in the near the future. Not everyone is going to be rich in life, but that doesn’t mean you have to stay at the bottom. There is always a job available.

Stop wasting your time on an insensitive man. The one who is quick to point the finger at you the minute you start to feel insecure. The man who fails to realize that the reason you are feeling insecure is because he is giving you every reason to be. You shouldn’t feel like you can’t be yourself around him and talk to him about how you are feeling regardless if it has to do with him or not. He shouldn’t brush you off like your feelings don’t matter. You don’t have time to waste on a man who can’t respect your vulnerability.


Stop wasting your time on a man who treats you like an option and not a priority in his life. You know the type of man who makes time for everything and everyone else but you. The one you have to constantly tell to spend time with you. If a man is not willing to spend time with you, he is not interested no matter what excuse comes out of his mouth. It is 2018 there is no room to be dealing with a man who acts like he’s too busy to nourish the relationship. Stop wasting your time on a man who disrespects you You will lose your mind trying to convince the wrong man to do the right thing. So dig deep, get stronger every day on your own, cut the ties off from the man who mistreats you and realize you deserve to be a “yes” instead of a “maybe” period. You deserve to be a complete thought, the final destination, the most important person to someone. You don’t deserve to be an after thought, a stop along the road, the person who is there when it’s convenient for him. You matter, your heart matters and your feelings matter. Love yourself enough to know that and respect that. Don’t keep putting your heart back into the palm of someone’s hands who is constantly abusing it. Stop wasting your time on the man who has failed you and let you down over and over again. It’s time to forget him and love yourself until you find someone who deserves you.


Often times women meet men who do and say all the right things at the beginning only to go MIA when things start to get serious. There are way too many men out here who are ready and willing to give you the love you require to be wasting your time on a man who has nothing but time to waste. When you are love you don’t ever have to wonder if you will ever find someone or if someone will find you. Men are looking for your type of love every day, praying for a love like yours every night, and ready to love you the way you deserve to be loved. There are millions of men on this planet, don’t let the wrong one make you forget you have other options.

Don’t waste your time on an indecisive man. A man knows who and what he wants and if he’s not working or progressing towards that he’s simply not interested. You don’t have time to waste on a man who is full of broken promises. You are willing and able to put in the effort needed to make the relationship work but he’s not sure about you. That’s the type of man you need to dismiss from your life. You require stability in your life and he can’t give you that because he’s not ready to be committed to just you.

Stop wasting your time on a man who is not driven. One who has no motivation to work harder or to work at all to get further in life. It doesn’t matter what excuse he gives you as to why he’s not working, a grown man who relays on favors, handouts, or old lawsuit money to live isn’t going anywhere in life. Being a good woman doesn’t mean you allow a grown man to live off of you. It’s not about how much money he is making right now, it’s about him working towards making more in the near the future. Not everyone is going to be rich in life, but that doesn’t mean you have to stay at the bottom. There is always a job available.

Stop wasting your time on an insensitive man. The one who is quick to point the finger at you the minute you start to feel insecure. The man who fails to realize that the reason you are feeling insecure is because he is giving you every reason to be. You shouldn’t feel like you can’t be yourself around him and talk to him about how you are feeling regardless if it has to do with him or not. He shouldn’t brush you off like your feelings don’t matter. You don’t have time to waste on a man who can’t respect your vulnerability.


Stop wasting your time on a man who treats you like an option and not a priority in his life. You know the type of man who makes time for everything and everyone else but you. The one you have to constantly tell to spend time with you. If a man is not willing to spend time with you, he is not interested no matter what excuse comes out of his mouth. It is 2018 there is no room to be dealing with a man who acts like he’s too busy to nourish the relationship. Stop wasting your time on a man who disrespects you You will lose your mind trying to convince the wrong man to do the right thing. So dig deep, get stronger every day on your own, cut the ties off from the man who mistreats you and realize you deserve to be a “yes” instead of a “maybe” period. You deserve to be a complete thought, the final destination, the most important person to someone. You don’t deserve to be an after thought, a stop along the road, the person who is there when it’s convenient for him. You matter, your heart matters and your feelings matter. Love yourself enough to know that and respect that. Don’t keep putting your heart back into the palm of someone’s hands who is constantly abusing it. Stop wasting your time on the man who has failed you and let you down over and over again. It’s time to forget him and love yourself until you find someone who deserves you.