The Ultimate Fake Truths Challenge: Find Out Some Of The Most Widely Believed Facts And Surprise Yourself With These Questions
Have you ever believed something for years only to discover it wasn’t true at all?
Whether you want to uncover these fake truths or be on top of your facts, this trivia will guide you on a curious and surprising journey. Get ready to question everything you knew until now –whilst also having a good laugh in the meantime. During this journey you may find yourself saying “What?!”, but also “Never heard of it” – either way, keep your mind open and your curiosity ignited.
Now we want to know: can you spot the fake truths? 🤯

Image credits: Milivigerova
The Great Wall question is worded wrong. You can see my house from space, so you certainly can see the the Great Wall. It should have said "with the naked eye."
How glass is depends on what temperature it's at - above 800 C it will turn into a liquid.
That is true of most materials. Virtually all metallic, gaseous and crystalline substances have a melting point.
Load More Replies...16/17 because I’m questioning what “glass” is. Per #2, those of us who live on this island are aware that we may be slightly obnoxious by always telling visitors that Mauna Kea is taller than Everest even though Everest is higher above sea level. We pretty much tell anyone we can that we live on the tallest mountain on earth. It’s our Hyperballad.
I took issue with that question because it specifically said "highest," not "tallest." I think I've been watching too much "Um, Actually" on Dropout. Hehe
Load More Replies...The Great Wall question is worded wrong. You can see my house from space, so you certainly can see the the Great Wall. It should have said "with the naked eye."
How glass is depends on what temperature it's at - above 800 C it will turn into a liquid.
That is true of most materials. Virtually all metallic, gaseous and crystalline substances have a melting point.
Load More Replies...16/17 because I’m questioning what “glass” is. Per #2, those of us who live on this island are aware that we may be slightly obnoxious by always telling visitors that Mauna Kea is taller than Everest even though Everest is higher above sea level. We pretty much tell anyone we can that we live on the tallest mountain on earth. It’s our Hyperballad.
I took issue with that question because it specifically said "highest," not "tallest." I think I've been watching too much "Um, Actually" on Dropout. Hehe
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