Here is the video of the making of my kinetic sculpture called the Shadow Boxer. I was inspired by several makers in the Automaton/Automata FaceBook group who have produced great pieces with cams and followers. Like mini programs and readers. Think: record needle and groove. I wanted to try and make one myself. So as usual I started with a mechanism and no real plan. I work in wood and metal but the immediacy of welding allows me to change and adapt as I go, on the fly. The whole video is 19 minutes long so if you get bored or don’t care for the rolling commentary just fast forward. I have always liked when others produce “process” videos. It gives me an insight into their brains that the finished piece doesn’t always reveal. Making things move is not a straight-line process. It involves putting together and taking apart a million times before you get it right. I like to see that messiness. It makes me feel human. In my case it took several thousand cranks and a whole lot of welds in order to breathe life into my little figure. Enjoy.