While all of our dads are our superheroes when it comes to humor (why do you think dad jokes are called what they’re called?), some fathers go above and beyond the call of sneaky jokes and trolling to get what they want when they’re feeling peckish. Dad of two, Joel Willis, was very much in the mood for eating some takeout. Unfortunately, his wife, Laura, didn’t want any. So Joel turned on his A-game and started making some 300 IQ, 5-D chess moves.

Joel used his power as the Editor in Chief of ‘The Dad’ to tweet out to Chipotle and ask them for some help. That’s how ‘National Laura Eats Chipotle Day’ was born. Did Joel get to enjoy his burrito? Can you go on Bored Panda and not expect a happy ending to every story? Check out how everything played out by scrolling down. And before you ask, no, this wasn’t an ad!

Joel told Bored Panda that his go-to Chipotle order is a brisket burrito, white rice, black beans, corn, light sour cream, and extra cheese. (Great! Now I’m hungry again. And I just ate.) And that’s exactly what he had this time as well. “It didn’t do me wrong! But the real win was taking a night off of cooking and dishes. I typically do most of the cooking in our house, but my wife does most of the cleanup. So it was a win for both of us. In 2020, I’ll take any victory I can get. And yes, the next night I cooked the salmon,” Joel shared. Read on for our full interview with him.

More info: Instagram | Twitter (Joel Willis) | Twitter (The Dad) |

Joel Willies reached out to Chipotle because he was craving burritos, but his wife wasn’t. Something had to change!


Image credits: thedad

Image credits: thedad

Image credits: ChipotleTweets

Image credits: thedad

Joel finally got to have his burrito and the effort was all worth it

Image credits: thedad

Image credits: TheJoelWillis

Joel said that ‘National Laura Eats Chipotle Day’ is now on his and his wife’s shared calendar, so it’s official. Can we expect them to celebrate the holiday next year as well? Heck yes!

“For all the Lauras out there, the day is actually 11/17, even though I posted on Instagram on the 18th. Chipotle tweeted back on 11/17 night but it was too late for that night,” Joel pointed out.

He shared that he often pulls small pranks that involve his wife. So often, in fact, that she’s grown a bit used to them (and expects the unexpected). “At this point, she is 100% unbothered by all of it. So she just laughed and said, ‘Guess we have to get Chipotle.’ She’s the best.”


Not all heroes wear capes but we think Joel definitely deserves a burrito-themed one

Joel is also the Head of Gaming for ‘The Dad Gaming’ and calls himself a “proud and very tired father.” According to his bio, he enjoys memes, spending time with his family, and making memes about spending time with his family. And we honestly think that he’s someone very witty and probably great to grab an after-work burrito with.

The team at ‘The Dad’ believes that it takes someone special to be a dad, even though there are many fathers out there.

“Those who answer the call accept the responsibility of continuing a legacy of bad (or are they great?) puns, thrilling (yet slightly dangerous) tosses in the air, historical education (aka 80s and 90s movies), embarrassing behavior, unyielding sarcasm, and unconditional love & support,” they write.

Joel’s witty antics went viral on Instagram with 175k likes and even made it to the front page of Imgur, after one of the site’s users published the tweets and racked up over 7.1k upvotes and more than a hundred comments. “Not all heroes wear capes,” Imgurian DiDaVinci said.

You can check out Bored Panda’s previous interview with Joel right here.

“The only thing I regret is that I didn’t get a photo of Laura with her Chipotle on her special day. So here is a realistic recreation. Just look how happy she is,” Joel told Bored Panda


Image credits: thejoelwillis

This is far from the first prank and joke that he’s pulled over the years. Joel’s got a fantastic sense of humor

Image credits: thejoelwillis

Image credits: thejoelwillis

Image credits: thejoelwillis

Here’s how some people reacted to the Twitter thread


Image credits: RonDrafkok

Image credits: pakiahkoi