I've been with this man for 11 years now. I'm 69 he's 59. I don't look my age. Anyway, he was self employed in the home improvement sector. We met August 1 and move in together September 16. He had been clean for 6 years and I'm one of those women that attract men with issues. I'm well aware of addiction and it's problems but I wasn't knowledge about adult ADD/ADHD which he has since age 10. To get to the point, he hasn't worked since right before the pandemic and he relapsed the first year we were together. He doesn't use daily but once a week. I'm on a fixed income and now he gets ssi,but that's it. I smoke cigarettes and am having a really hard time trying to stop due to the cost. And just to explain what adult add/adhd is like, its like having a 2 year old on crack! Instant gratification and all. I'm to the breaking point but he has such a good heart. He apologizes after every melt down but sometimes the melt down went a bit too far. So I have some resentment built up. Plus his mother passed 2 days before Xmas and didn't leave him or his sister anything and left EVERYTHING to her oldest grandson who along with her lady friend (who is a serial beneficiary) did everything they could to keep him and his mother estranged. He was close to his mother until these people started their onslaught. So now he's just a broken man. He can't get over what his mother did to him and his sister. I always felt his mother treated him like a red headed step child. I took care of her through 2 knee replacement surgeries a hip out of place etc. I stayed at her house for weeks. All the while her husband had dementia and took care of him also. I stayed at the hospital for 3 straight days on death watch when he passed. So folks, should I stay or should I go?