Most of my friends have pets, and rarely one of them. They work with animals, SAR dogs, commercials, service dogs, petting zoo. It sounds like fun when you first hear it, however, dating is not always easy.

I collected and drew some of our stories as funny reminders of all the stupid and unsuccessful dates that we have been on. And all the remarks we were given by pet-free people.

Crazy pet lady’s dating stories

It’s not easy to date when you are in your twenties, in your thirties, living in a city, in a town, looking for a hetero relationship, not looking for a hetero relationship. It’s not easy to date. Period. However, I strongly believe, the sooner you learn to laugh at yourself, the sooner you begin accepting yourself. And then you will be happy with or without a partner.

How to become a crazy pet lady (person)



Becoming a crazy pet person is a gradual process, doesn’t happen overnight. It’s always just a little step further down the road and before you know it, you have more animals than humans close to your heart and in your home.


Dating Begins

Online dating has become the most convenient and effective way of meeting people, this applies to crazy pet ladies as well. There stands, however, the eternal question: which pic to choose as a profile pic.
Should I try to show my non-pet side or should I show my everyday life risking to scare away possible dates?

When Left at Home

New Year’s Eve

Candidate #2


Candidate #3

Candidate #4

Candidate #5


Candidwte #6

Candidate #7

Everyday Life

A (un)romantic evening