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Karen Confuses The Restaurant Owner With A Waiter, Treats Him Like Garbage, Ends The Night With An Unexpected $4k Bill
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Karen Confuses The Restaurant Owner With A Waiter, Treats Him Like Garbage, Ends The Night With An Unexpected $4k Bill

Karen Confuses The Restaurant Owner With A Waiter, Treats Him Like Garbage, Ends The Night With An Unexpected $4k BillKaren Gets Taught A Very Expensive Lesson By A Restaurant Owner After She Tries To Lie Her Way Into A VIP TableKaren Tries To Lie Her Way Into A Packed Restaurant Without A Reservation, The Owner Complies, But Doesn't Tell Her The VIP Table Costs $2kSelf-Entitled Woman Ends The Night With An Unexpected $4k Bill After Shamelessly Lying Her Way Into A Packed RestaurantKaren Confuses The Restaurant Owner With A Waiter, Treats Him Like Garbage, He Teaches Her A Lesson Restaurant Owner Teaches Karens A Lesson After They Lied To Him And Treated Him Like GarbageRestaurant Owner Gets Revenge On A Karen That Restaurant Owner Gets The Best Revenge On A Group Of Karens That Treated Him Like GarbageKaren Tries To Lie Her Way Into A Packed Restaurant Without A Reservation, The Owner Makes Sure She Regrets It

Ah, Karen—the female archetype that defines some of the most entitled human beings on this planet. Infamous for their public tantrums at Starbucks and endless requests of speaking to the manager, they are as ignorant as they are annoying. And this restaurant owner knows it from personal experience.

RRinfo posted a story on r/ProRevenge telling how he greeted a group of young women at his restaurant’s door. The main Karen demanded a table because the owner is a “personal friend”. Needless to say, the man had no clue who she was. “Look, you can just give us a table or I can make life very difficult for you,” the leader of the group did not plan to tone it down.

Such a belittling and nasty attitude made the owner realize that he had three choices: call them out, give them a table, or teach them a valuable lesson. As you can guess, the author of this post chose the last option and decided to play along, getting his revenge in the best way possible. Read on for the whole story.

Psst! If you’re in the mood for some more Karen content, check out our previous stories about them right here and here.


    This restaurant owner shared his encounter with a group of entitled women who gave him the world’s nastiest attitude


    Image credits: No Revisions

    Read the full story on how he got his revenge

    The leader of the group went full Karen, trying to get in without a reservation


    The author came up with a plan to teach the Karens a life lesson


    The moment of sweet revenge: the bill


    He came clean and put these spoiled brats in their place

    Later, Queen B Karen’s father came in to speak to the owner


    Some people actually believe that they deserve more than others. This unearned sense of self-importance lets them think that they are in control and can do whatever they please. However, more often than not, they are just plain annoying. Talking down to people, taking mocking pictures or straight-up threatening to get others fired—they’re the scourge of client-focused businesses and their employees.

    People who work in food service are often taught that “the customer is always right”. As you can see from this story, this could not be more wrong. According to Food & Wine, customer entitlement at restaurants is at an all-time high. This is a big issue within the industry, often making workers feel unsafe and underappreciated.

    It seems that this horrible customer behavior has worsened since the pandemic began, because “impatience regarding wait times, name-calling, frustration over limited seating and menu options, and disregard for safety protocols” are being recorded more and more often.

    One server told Food & Wine that they are expected to provide customers with above-and-beyond service, even if they are abusive: “It makes us feel like we are not allowed to have the expectation of being treated like a person.”


    If a person is throwing a fit when the service does not meet their personal expectations and the establishment does not stand up to it—or, even worse, encourages such behavior—the restaurant business might start to seem like a one-way street. However, people tend to forget that a restaurant is like a house and the customers are the guests.

    Previously, we reached out to Alexander Kjerulf, author of The Chief Happiness Officer Blog, to talk about the “customer is always right” mentality. He mentioned that some customers seem to be getting worse.

    “Especially in America, there’s been an increase in entitled belligerent jerks who think they can get whatever they want if they yell loudly enough about it.” He added, that it’s the boss’ job to deal with such customers: “They’re bad for business, they cost a lot of time and money and they will never be happy no matter what you give them.”

    “In fact, if you give in this time, they’ll be back soon with even stupider demands,” Kjerulf added. “On top of that, it feels deeply unfair to see the worst customers get the most benefits through the brattiest behavior.”

    Many Redditors left a comment appreciating the man’s efforts



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    Ieva Gailiūtė

    Ieva Gailiūtė

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    Ieva is a writer at Bored Panda who graduated in Scandinavian studies from Vilnius University. After learning the Swedish language and getting completely lost in the world of Scandinavian mythology, she figured out that translating and writing is what she's passionate about. When not writing, Ieva enjoys making jewelry, going on hikes, reading and drinking coffee.

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    Ieva Gailiūtė

    Ieva Gailiūtė

    Author, Community member

    Ieva is a writer at Bored Panda who graduated in Scandinavian studies from Vilnius University. After learning the Swedish language and getting completely lost in the world of Scandinavian mythology, she figured out that translating and writing is what she's passionate about. When not writing, Ieva enjoys making jewelry, going on hikes, reading and drinking coffee.

    Denis Tymulis

    Denis Tymulis

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    Denis is a photo editor at Bored Panda. After getting his bachelor's degree in Multimedia and Computer Design, he tried to succeed in digital design, advertising, and branding. Also, Denis really enjoys sports and loves everything related to board sports and water.

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    Denis Tymulis

    Denis Tymulis

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    Denis is a photo editor at Bored Panda. After getting his bachelor's degree in Multimedia and Computer Design, he tried to succeed in digital design, advertising, and branding. Also, Denis really enjoys sports and loves everything related to board sports and water.

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    John Baker
    Community Member
    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Am I the only one who just isn't buying this guy's story?

    Community Member
    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I didn't buy the story the moment I saw him writing their as there multiple times

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    Monkey Spunk
    Community Member
    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Did the constant use of there instead of their or they're grate on anyone elses nerves?

    Sebastian Melmoth
    Community Member
    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Not to mention they used “past” instead “passed” for “passed away” and “chief “ instead of “chef”. I think technology has spoiled many people to the point that they do not bother to learn how to spell due to the often faulty spell check. I’m very forgiving when it comes to most punctuation (unless it’s a proper article…punctuation/proper sentence structure in comments I normally couldn’t care less about it…obviously, haha ), however, it does bug me when someone cannot spell even the simplest words.

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    H Edwards
    Community Member
    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Glad to see that nobody else is buying this obvious fantasy.

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    John Baker
    Community Member
    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Am I the only one who just isn't buying this guy's story?

    Community Member
    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I didn't buy the story the moment I saw him writing their as there multiple times

    Load More Replies...
    Monkey Spunk
    Community Member
    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Did the constant use of there instead of their or they're grate on anyone elses nerves?

    Sebastian Melmoth
    Community Member
    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Not to mention they used “past” instead “passed” for “passed away” and “chief “ instead of “chef”. I think technology has spoiled many people to the point that they do not bother to learn how to spell due to the often faulty spell check. I’m very forgiving when it comes to most punctuation (unless it’s a proper article…punctuation/proper sentence structure in comments I normally couldn’t care less about it…obviously, haha ), however, it does bug me when someone cannot spell even the simplest words.

    Load More Replies...
    H Edwards
    Community Member
    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Glad to see that nobody else is buying this obvious fantasy.

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