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Meet Pringle: The Cute Bearded Dragon That Never Gets Bored

Meet Pringle: The Cute Bearded Dragon That Never Gets Bored


This is Pringle – a bearded dragon from Melbourne, Australia. His owner, Sophie Hayes, got him when he was a tiny one-month-old lizard, and discovered that Pringle is nothing like those reptiles who just like eating and sunbathing all the time. Pringle loves to be in front of the camera! He’s a natural model and you can see him posing with all kind of props without any problems.

Pringle is now 4 years old and has already got so famous that he even appeared on The New York Post! However, he remains a humble lizard who likes simple things like going for a walk, eating salads or playing video games. Even many presents from his owner can’t spoil this bearded dragon!

More info: | Instagram (via: nypost)


    Pringle has his own bike! He’s still learning to ride it, though.

    Lookin’ fabulous.

    And after his warm baths, he wears a robe to look like Hugh Hefner.

    Let the feast begin!


    Pringle’s going on a trip.

    Pringle would like to be the next Doctor Who as he can defeat the Daleks without any problem!

    Being a serious policeman suits him very well.

    Pringle wishes you a Merry next Christmas!


    To relax, Pringle likes to play Pokemon with his owner.

    The Force is strong with Pringle!


    “Enough taking pics of me, now I’ll take a pic of YOU!”

    Pringle totally rocks his new scarf.

    Pringle’s favorite book. His favorite character is dragon Viserion as he looks a lot like Pringle.


    “Ha! And you thought that bearded dragons can’t drive”

    After a rough day, Pringle just wants to cuddle with his teddybear and sleep. Good night!

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