People often think of aging in negative terms as a form of loss, and in Western culture we particularly seem to be more and more obsessed with preserving youth at any cost, spending large proportions of our income on surgery Plastic, botox, filler and implants, in a desperate attempt to be free of wrinkles. But perhaps we should have a different perspective on old age and the elderly. After all, people are living more and more these days, and many people will live to be a century old than the generations that have passed.

German photographer Karsten Thormaehlen made his mission celebrate the beauty of the elderly traveling the world and taking photos of centenarians. “Beauty as an aesthetic concept is always something that comes from personal experiences, most of the time it is seductive and deceitful, it comes and goes,” he said. “In this world has a” term of validity. “I’d rather try to capture the inner beauty.

For example, a person may be one hundred years old, but the way she looks, her eyes, the smile radiates and you feel that that is and has always been a happy person.

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