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After Trying To Stop Their Only Daughter From Attending College, Parents Are Met With A Pricey Ultimatum When Asked To Be Forgiven Years Later

After Trying To Stop Their Only Daughter From Attending College, Parents Are Met With A Pricey Ultimatum When Asked To Be Forgiven Years Later


Who hasn’t been jealous of their siblings? All those times they were allowed to go out after 7 p.m. while you’re stuck at home with your mom because you aren’t “old enough” to do anything else. Being constantly annoyed with your brothers and sisters — the competitive nature of it all — is the price you’re forced to pay for having siblings. And while parents are obliged to love all their children unconditionally and equally, the reality can sometimes be different.

As this woman shares in her story, she got the short end of the stick simply because her parents were “religiously and culturally” conservative. Meaning that while all three brothers were encouraged to reach for the stars — go to college, start a 401k career, perhaps, work their way towards Forbes’ “30 under 30” list — the only daughter was supposed to aspire to be the greatest stay-at-home-with-the-kids wife just like her own dear mother.

The author disobeyed her parents’ wishes and proved to them she is no less worthy of greatness than her own brotherly counterparts. The best part: she achieved everything on her own. And when her old folks reached out to her years later to do away with the resentment, the author asked only for one thing — to pay her back all the money she did not receive at the time of college, just like her brothers did.

Seeing how upset her parents were after her ultimatum, the author turned to the ‘Am I The [Jerk]‘ community to find out whether she hasn’t overplayed her own hand.

Sometimes parents’ vision for you and your future is completely different from what you have in mind, so you have to achieve everything with no support


Image credits: Hannah Olinger (not the actual photo)

So when these parents decided to make things up with their only daughter, they were met with an ultimatum they did not see coming


While the world is definitely moving in the right direction — industries (film, video games, tech, engineering) encouraging more and more women to become part of male-dominated enterprises; academic education that used to be a privilege only men were allowed (now, significantly outnumbered by women circa 1970) — recent studies showed that we’re still miles ahead from egalitarian society as brilliance, or in this case “children’s notions of intelligence and ability,” is thus far linked to gender. Unfortunately, it’s not difficult to guess which gender we all might be thinking about.

Wishing to learn more about how traditional gender roles in the family affect both boys and girls alike, Bored Panda reached out to Susan Marie McHale, the director of Social Science Research Institute at Penn State University who has spent decades focusing her research on family gender dynamics.

“In the ’80s when maternal work involvement was changing and there were some important developments happening in the department of gender — it became clear to us that one of the key dimensions of family life was gender roles,” McHale told us, explaining her fascination with family system dynamics. In one of McHale’s more famous papers titled ‘Family Patterns of Gender Role Attitudes,’ she was able to find out that families with parents who stick to traditional gender role attitudes tend to engage in more conflicts.


“It was a time — still is a time — when people were trying to figure out what works. It’s not like we have established models in the traditional family where you do this and I do that and this happens,” she explained. “But when the roles in the family are more well-defined, it’s a lot easier to find reasons for conflict. The families where gender roles were more egalitarian, however, proved to be more positively linked to adjustment.”

To explain this phenomenon further, McHale described an experiment in which boys in the traditional family setting were tasked with more-feminine household chores, like washing dishes or doing laundry. “Moms would ask for their boys to help out but fathers were very traditional. So the boys were caught between these two opposing forces with respect to their gender. And that led to them underperforming (likely) because of their father’s attitudes towards manliness and gender.”

A lot of folks showed support to the author and respected the way she approached giving her parents a clean slate


But some people thought that this apple didn’t fall that far from the tree and her expensive ultimatum shows just that


Although more research ought to be done in this area of study, according to McHale, one thing is clear for sure — siblings are an important factor when analyzing the effects of stereotypical gender roles in the family. “Kids are vigilant in how they monitor their parents’ treatment of them versus their brothers or sisters,” she told.

As you’d have guessed, seeing how differently you are being treated solely because of your gender — all the get-to-stay-later than you and act freely privileges — affects the relationship between siblings and one’s understanding of what’s possible or not. “In families with strict gender role norms, where boys get to do this and girls get to do that, implications for gender socialization and possible sibling conflict are reportedly higher,” McHale pointed out.

One key discovery she made through her research was that fathers who have firstborn daughters tend to have less traditional gender role attitudes. “As you know, girls mature earlier than boys. They have what we call ‘executive functions’ organized: they pay more attention and get things done. While boys, at least typically, are a couple of years behind girls,” McHale explained.


“So, you’ve got this dad who has this belief that girls aren’t as capable as boys, right? And they’re watching their firstborn daughter, who’s just way far ahead of her male counterparts.” The result? McHale says that being a father to a firstborn daughter has a significant (secular) change in their gender attitudes.

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Ignas is an editor at Bored Panda with an MA in Magazine Journalism. When he is not writing about video games or hunting for interesting stories, chances are that you will find Ignas at the movies.

Gabija Palšytė

Gabija Palšytė

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Gabija is a photo editor at Bored Panda. Before joining the team, she achieved a Professional Bachelor degree in Photography and has been working as a freelance photographer since. She also has a special place in her heart for film photography, movies and nature.

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Gabija Palšytė

Gabija Palšytė

Author, BoredPanda staff

Gabija is a photo editor at Bored Panda. Before joining the team, she achieved a Professional Bachelor degree in Photography and has been working as a freelance photographer since. She also has a special place in her heart for film photography, movies and nature.

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liddlecatpaws avatar
Jo Johannsen
Community Member
2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I can't believe how many of the negative comments harped on how greedy the OP was. Jeez, people, it was glaringly obvious she knew her parents very well, i.e., no money would be forthcoming. She got her point across that she knew the apologies were insincere and manipulative.

troux avatar
Community Member
2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I was unsure if she *actually* wanted the money and would accept it, or whether she was just using it to make her point. If the parents did pay, it would be an awkward relationship forever, and they would still be bigots who only became proud of their daughter because she got married and pregnant. Either way, she probably should have stated her point of view more clearly - they didn't want her to succeed in life, and that is not something that can ever be overlooked.

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wehf100 avatar
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Can we stop calling bigots and racists 'old fashioned'. My grandfather is old fashioned when he wears a jacket and tie to leave the house under any circumstances, even if it's to take the car down to the petrol station. He's also a lifelong Labour party member, supporter of progressive policies and plays golf with my gay cousin and his husband because, and I quote, "they're a bloody good laugh". I hate it when "Old fashioned" is used as a euphemism to mask and worse, excuse, evil and bigoted behaviour.

satu-portimojarvi avatar
Big Blue Cat
Community Member
2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Yes please. Old-fashioned doesn't mean racism, bigotry, extremist religioness or general nutness (is that a word, idk. Lol).

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thepenguinbandit avatar
The Penguin Bandit
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I'm wondering, if the parents paid her back, would she even want that relationship? I would think no. It seems like the parents are only interested because she's finally achieved woman success in their closed minds with the marriage and child. Also, I think it's incorrect to say "old-fashioned" instead of just calling a spade a spade and saying "intolerant" and I wish more people would realize that. Being old fashioned is one thing but let's stop making excuses for people who are just flat out intolerant.

donotreplytokjk avatar
Community Member
2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Betcha the parents are only making up with her, because she's about to give them grandchildren. They don't give a rat's ass about the OP, just grandsons.

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liddlecatpaws avatar
Jo Johannsen
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2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I can't believe how many of the negative comments harped on how greedy the OP was. Jeez, people, it was glaringly obvious she knew her parents very well, i.e., no money would be forthcoming. She got her point across that she knew the apologies were insincere and manipulative.

troux avatar
Community Member
2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I was unsure if she *actually* wanted the money and would accept it, or whether she was just using it to make her point. If the parents did pay, it would be an awkward relationship forever, and they would still be bigots who only became proud of their daughter because she got married and pregnant. Either way, she probably should have stated her point of view more clearly - they didn't want her to succeed in life, and that is not something that can ever be overlooked.

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wehf100 avatar
Community Member
2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Can we stop calling bigots and racists 'old fashioned'. My grandfather is old fashioned when he wears a jacket and tie to leave the house under any circumstances, even if it's to take the car down to the petrol station. He's also a lifelong Labour party member, supporter of progressive policies and plays golf with my gay cousin and his husband because, and I quote, "they're a bloody good laugh". I hate it when "Old fashioned" is used as a euphemism to mask and worse, excuse, evil and bigoted behaviour.

satu-portimojarvi avatar
Big Blue Cat
Community Member
2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Yes please. Old-fashioned doesn't mean racism, bigotry, extremist religioness or general nutness (is that a word, idk. Lol).

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thepenguinbandit avatar
The Penguin Bandit
Community Member
2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I'm wondering, if the parents paid her back, would she even want that relationship? I would think no. It seems like the parents are only interested because she's finally achieved woman success in their closed minds with the marriage and child. Also, I think it's incorrect to say "old-fashioned" instead of just calling a spade a spade and saying "intolerant" and I wish more people would realize that. Being old fashioned is one thing but let's stop making excuses for people who are just flat out intolerant.

donotreplytokjk avatar
Community Member
2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Betcha the parents are only making up with her, because she's about to give them grandchildren. They don't give a rat's ass about the OP, just grandsons.

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