Endeavor to look brightly into the existence of nature around us, we will understand almost everything in this world closely.

Who dares doubt the beauty of nature?

Just to live in a corner of this world is hardly enough until one checks on nature and exposes himself to it.

The voice of birds in the forest is amazing. The sight of wild animals in the forest is highly interesting.

What of little animals and different species of butterflies and insects?

How do you feel when you’re getting fresh air at the bank of river in your backyard or the sight of the sea or ocean doesn’t move your spirit?

You will also agree that flowers make life better and romantic.

Checking on this, you will discover a lot about the nature of this world. When you move closer to nature, you will never be let down. I enjoyed nature so much.

One amazing thing to learn from nature is patience.

Yes, you get it right.

Nature has no relationship with manipulation of the world. It obeys the principle of time zone to the core.

The evidence can be seeing when you see things happening at their own time zone without manipulation to interrupt another.

At times, you feel like being in haste and put yourself at relm of mistakes just because you don’t want to wait for your time zone.

Before I created Omoluabipoint , I had made a lot of mistakes that ended me up in delay. Provided, I obeyed the principle of nature and allowed my previous blogs to grow naturally while working on them steadily, it won’t be long to this extent before I got it right.


I changed from blog to another because I couldn’t let the principle of nature take over.

That is to say that nature teaches us a lot.

Beauty of Nature

Endeavor to look brightly into the existence of nature around us, we will understand almost everything in this world closely.

Who dares doubt the beauty of nature?

Just to live in a corner of this world is hardly enough until one checks on nature and exposes himself to it.

The voice of birds in the forest is amazing. The sight of wild animals in the forest is highly interesting.

What of little animals and different species of butterflies and insects?

How do you feel when you’re getting fresh air at the bank of river in your backyard or the sight of the sea or ocean doesn’t move your spirit?

You will also agree that flowers make life better and romantic.

Checking on this, you will discover a lot about the nature of this world. When you move closer to nature, you will never be let down. I enjoyed nature so much.

One amazing thing to learn from nature is patience.

Yes, you get it right.

Nature has no relationship with manipulation of the world. It obeys the principle of time zone to the core.

The evidence can be seeing when you see things happening at their own time zone without manipulation to interrupt another.

At times, you feel like being in haste and put yourself at relm of mistakes just because you don’t want to wait for your time zone.

Before I created Omoluabipoint , I had made a lot of mistakes that ended me up in delay. Provided, I obeyed the principle of nature and allowed my previous blogs to grow naturally while working on them steadily, it won’t be long to this extent before I got it right.


I changed from blog to another because I couldn’t let the principle of nature take over.

That is to say that nature teaches us a lot.

Beauty of Nature