My name is Carolina Breeze, and I’m a 23-year-old filmmaking student from a little country somewhere in the world. About a year ago, my father (45) came to me and showed me a piece of jewelry he made out of scrap metal. The handmade jewelry junkie inside me felt like my world had just turned upside down.

I was full of surprise, admiration, and love for my father who just lost his job but still remained a creative person that never stopped using his hands to bring some beautifully unique designs to the world. It was a big pendant made out of copper wire from an old radio combined with some ugly beads he took from an old piece of my jewelry. My father had never made any jewelry designs before, and there it was, simple yet perfect and annoyingly beautiful.

From that day on we’ve been designing different types of beautiful necklaces, earrings, and bracelets, all inspired by mythology, ancient cultures, Indian tribes, Celtic symbols, etc. My father is a real modern polymath: he draws beautifully with both hands, carves sculptures out of wood, used to be a tattoo artist for a while, and now, he makes unique jewelry.

More info: Etsy


(this was my dad’s third attempt)


(this was the second piece my dad made)


These beautiful pieces are available on Etsy