Living together is not easy. People come with their quirks and ways of doing things that sometimes might seem questionable to the other person. That's especially true for couples. One poll estimates that people think their partner has an average of five annoying habits.

In this online thread, people had to pick just one. They told their stories to one netizen's prompt, "What was the most shocking habit you discovered when you moved in with a partner?" I'll admit, some of them are quite quirky and heartwarming. Other partners, however, deserve jail time for their nasty tendencies. 


Person on a couch with hands raised, expressing surprise at partner's weird habits after moving in together. I didn't move in with him I just stayed there a lot and cleaned up his mess a lot of times but he had pee bottles under the bed and I don't know why I didn't leave the moment I discovered it either.

Ladies, please please make pee bottles under the bed a deal breaker. 🤢.

anon , stockking / freepik Report


    Person making the bed, highlighting partner’s weird habits after moving in together. He doesn't change his bedsheets... ever. He thought the only reason I change mine regularly was because of periods so yeah he thought men just doesn't have to change bedsheets ever. Now he changes it regularly but damn that was a wild thought.

    Nice-Background-3339 , freepik Report


    Man carrying a box of items at home, highlighting partner's weird habits after moving in together. My husband organizes something every day. BUT. It's the most random box in the back of the closet or re-folding his clothes. At first my thought was WTF???, but now I realize it's one way he relaxes after a long day. He's adorable.

    quickwitless , EyeEm Report


    Dog nestled on a blanket, displaying an expression of curiosity, which might surprise new partners moving in together. She let her dog use the carpet as a toilet. Like she wouldn't take this dog out at all, the carpet in the living room is the only place the dog would go. The floor was spongy and wet, you could expect to find poop all over, she was totally desensitized to it. She wasn't willing to start taking the dog out, so the relationship ended very quickly after this.

    Thick_Description982 , freepik Report


    Man organizing towels on a shelf, illustrating partner's weird habits after moving in together. My husband folds towels while they are still wet and puts them away. It’s absolutely disgusting

    Editing to add that he stopped doing it after I asked him, so we were able to progress with our relationship 🤣.

    Keyspam102 , creativityart / freepik Report


    In the early ‘80’s. Moved in with an Iranian chick who had recently escaped from the islamic revolution. After our first weekend together, while she was in the shower, I started cleaning up the mess I helped make. I was washing the dishes when she walked in. She completely freaked out. “.. stop ..stop..what are you doing...”. And she kept looking out the window...turns out it was some kinda deadly sin for a man to do her house work...making the woman some kind of dishonorable so & so. And the worst part was she was in a complete panic that someone walking past might see me washing dishes. We just had sex all weekend . . . But me doing to dishes was a some kinda sin ???? Weird s**t for a guy from Los Angeles.

    Just to clarify. This wasn’t meant to be a comment about religion. Any religion. Just some wierd s**t i experienced.

    ImpressiveMind5771 Report


    Marble bathroom sink with cluttered items, highlighting partner's weird habits after moving in together. He would pee in the sink instead of walking ten more feet to the bathroom. He is my ex now.

    Arthropody , freepik Report


    Cat litter scoop showing a common weird habit after moving in together. Saving the used cat litter. Literally 15 or so 33 gallon trash bags filled with dirty cat litter from the last five years he’d lived there, all broken open and with bugs living in them in the closet next to his room.

    emilyfish01 , EyeEm Report


    My ex had big fingers that wouldn’t fit in his nose which he was always picking. He would use tweezers and he’d scratch the inside of his nose causing it to bleed. He would leave his boogers everywhere in the bathroom. The sink, the shower, wipe them onto the rim of the trash can. When I broke up with him and he moved out I was finding bloody boogers all over my apartment for months afterwards. It was so damn disgusting!

    KristyKaboom Report


    He would keep the TV on for background noise. As soon as we walked into the apartment, he would zoom over to the TV and turn it on and leave it like that. We inadvertently had a silent war of him turning it on and me turning it off all day. I finally realized it was slowly driving me crazy and had to explain to him that all the constant noise was hurting my brain and it was me or the TV.

    I didn’t have a problem with the TV on while he’s actually watching it (at a normal volume) but him moving around the apartment with god knows what blaring from the TV was wayyyy too overstimulating. It was almost 30 years ago when we really didn’t have the language to understand or explain sensory overload, he acted like I was just being controlling. It wasn’t until we had our baby, who couldn’t tolerate all the noise, that he finally realized it wasn’t just a ‘me’ thing. We don’t even keep a TV in the living area anymore. There’s one in the guest room and one in the master bedroom. He’s much more respectful and understanding of my (and the kids’) sensory sensitivity.

    donttouchmeah Report

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    tracy black
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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    i can relate to the hubby here my tv stays on 24/7 i cant stand it if its quiet

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    She wanted me to fix her gaming chair one time because the lever to raise and lower it stopped working. So I grabbed it and flipped it upside down but my hand was grabbing something rough and crunchy. I almost puked when I realized what I was looking at and touching was months worth of her dried boogers she wiped on the bottom of the chair.

    1684ID Report

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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I can understand picking your nose sometimes. A tissue can rip getting out a gritty one. But for ffs wipe it on the tissue after.

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    A couple laughing together in bed, exploring new habits after moving in. He liked to tear holes in the sheets with his toenails so he could tuck his feet into them.

    clarityinthevoid , teksomolika Report


    A woman in a black dress walks barefoot down a sunlit staircase, representing unexpected partner habits. She sprints up and down the stairs. She just hates being on the stairs, so she makes it as fast as possible. It’s insane to watch her calmly walk to the stairs then just automatically start sprinting.

    Zwolley , freepik Report

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    Josephine Blogs
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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I like sprinting on the stairs, especially when you run up them on four "legs" like an animal.

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    Man inspecting towel, illustrating partner's weird habits after moving in together. My ex would wipe his teeth with the towels in the bathroom. Hand towels, bath towels, same towel guests used to dry their hands, same towels he used to dry his butt. In his mouth. And his plaque would leave crusty yellow stains on them, which made them gross to use.

    Kossyra , user33154880 Report


    Man with red hair and blue eyes looking concerned, reflecting on partner's weird habits after moving in together. That he would bite his nails and drop the little pieces all over the apartment. He moved out 6 months ago and I’m STILL finding fingernail bits in weird places.

    Dear_Fall_6283 , cookie_studio Report


    The first time I lived with a woman (outside of my mom and sister growing up) I was shocked by how much f*****g toilet paper they use.

    I mean, I knew that, intellectually, women have to use toilet paper all the time and men only have to use it sometimes., that difference was staggering.

    When I lived alone I'd buy a twelve pack of toilet paper and no joke it might last a year. Sometimes I would go days without using the toilet paper at home because I'd do it at work or at school.

    Then my girlfriend moved in with me and it was all gone within minutes. Twelve rolls. Vaporized.

    I bought another twelve pack. Gone before I got inside the apartment. Literally evaporated in the car on the way home.

    Costco membership. 48 pack. That lasted two days. "Are you building a f*****g mummy or something?" I was asking.

    My toilet paper budget has a comma in it.

    gaqua Report

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    Aidan Pite
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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    A big costco pack of TP lasts me for about six months. I could not, for the life of me, figure out how my GF went through so much more than I did when we both had the same parts. I finally got my answer when I saw her spill a few drops of water on the counter, wrap her hand in six layers of TP, wipe up the water, and toss it in the garbage. I immediately informed her that I was never paying for TP at her place ever again.

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    Man discovering partner's weird habit of face-picking in the bathroom mirror, highlighting unexpected behaviors in relationships. When he pops a pimple, he puts the contents on the frame of the mirror to “see it” and then forgets to clean it off. I didn’t understand what the white specks were at first.

    This has since stopped after it sent me into a rage🤪

    Edit: The comments have made me giggle, but to be clear it was just little white specks not huge boil like zit contents, still really gross though. I read him the comments tho so he knows the world thinks he is nasty haha.

    Thankfully he is otherwise very normal and treats me like a queen.

    Okbutwhythough16 , pressfoto Report


    Man sitting on a couch, surrounded by snacks and books, highlighting partners' weird habits after moving in together. He won't clear the couch, he just sits down. Fresh folded washing? Sit on it. Handbag? Sit on it. Paper? Sit on it. Was so tempted to leave a saucy plate on the couch and see what happened. Habit finally ended when he sat on a laptop.

    harpy4ire , freepik Report

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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Maybe it's his statement about you leaving your stuff all over a seating area.

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    Every.  Single.  Thing.  Involved her parents.

    I found out years and years later that every argument, discussion, comment, etc.  was fed to her parents.  Everytime I’d make a decision, she’d consult with them and provide their unsolicited input.  Things like my career moves.

    My personal favorite was when things ended how it came out that it was “financial abuse” for her to contribute half her income to household bills the first few years.  My contribution was easily 80%+.  That was early in the relationship.  Within 6 years I paid for everything.  It was such a sore subject for them I heard about it at least a half dozen times during the initial part of the separation process.

    Over time I also ran across super weird s**t like official printed documentation about how poorly I loaded the dishwasher with pictures?  I could only assume this was for some bizarre custody fight she expected.

    There’s a lot more.  Some of which I’m still mentally unpacking.

    DisasterIsMyMaster Report


    Oo I've got one.This was my first live-in relationship.

    His mum often gave him containers of food to take home, and he forgot to take them out of the car boot... then he remembered they were there but just kept putting off dealing with it. He was driving around with a boot load of mouldy food and maggots.

    OlCheese Report


    Colorful patterned socks stacked on a wooden table next to a brown paper bag. My now husband would buy packs of socks and underwear, wear them, and then toss them.

    DiceyPisces , kot64 Report


    Until we agreed on a sane solution, she would remove her daily contacts and just… throw them on the floor wherever she was. They dry up quickly and become crunchy, sharp little eye germ blights. Absolutely unthinkable to me.

    skinnymatters Report

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    1 month ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My husband used to do this, we would find old contacts in the weirdest places (the fridge, trunk of the car, my desk drawers at work). The worst is when they're on the ground and you step on them barefoot - when they're old and dried up they're SHARP!

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    Person pouring cereal into a bowl next to a bottle of milk, highlighting partner's weird habits. Eating cereal with water, not milk.

    Sufficient-Tale-3139 , freepik Report

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    Anna S.
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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I can imagine someone getting used to this as a child if their family had financial difficulties. Between cereal and milk, cereal is more filling and tap water is cheaper than milk

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    She was a baker. Would make all kinds of delicious treats, usually using multiple mixing bowls, utensils, and small appliances.

    Would not even rinse them until days later when the batter is dried on like cement or had started to mold in the blender or on the hand mixer or whatever.

    I swear when I explained if you rinsed them right after to get the majority of stuff out, it made clean up 10x easier.

    She literally did not believe her until I baked something and showed her how easily the still wet batter got rinsed out of the bowl.

    She would spend literal hours scrubbing cemented on batter before then.

    SuccubusAgenda Report

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    1 month ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    When I cook anything, I wash the bowls and stuff in between steps, like while it’s in the oven or simmering on the stove. I got into the habit when I was young and starting out, and didn’t have an endless supply of bowls and mixing/measuring spoons/cups, or even the room to store them if I did. So, if I wanted to mix the frosting for a cake, I had to wash and dry the bowl, mixing spoons, and measuring spoons/cups while the cake was cooking or at least while it was cooling. Same with pits and pans, because I only had a small, limited set at the time. I guess someone who was never poor and starting out with virtually nothing would be more apt to not clean up between steps, since they evidently always had an unlimited supply of cooking tools.

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    Thought he kept a tidy house. Nope. Mommy was coming in each week and cleaning up.

    ballsdeepinmywine Report

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    Black Cat
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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The enabling mother is the problem here. What is with these mothers that wimt let their sons grow up? They dont treat their daughters like that, but will reinforce to their sons that men are useless, cant look after themselves or be independent, need a woman looking after them etc etc.

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    My ex would buy washable period underwear and soak it overnight in the only sink we had. You can imagine the view/smell when you're doing anything that uses a sink, especially in the morning, going to work. She was a jobless parasite consuming media and Twitter all day while I had to provide for both of us and would be greeted with this sight every morning during her period.

    Every time I told her to use a bucket or some other suitable container I would be called a sexist and would have to grow up.

    This is just one but I could fill a book with disgusting/toxic habits she had, most of them just to spite me.

    SupperDup Report


    We would buy veggies etc, and if it had the slightest bit of discoloration (not exaggerating) he’d throw it away.

    Also he would peel like 8 million layers off an onion before cutting it, essentially wasting most of the onion..

    happygouwu Report

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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    With onions (IMO) you have to remove every layer that is the least bit dry or skin like because biting into one of those bits while eating ruins my whole experience.

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    Person spreading peanut butter on toast, illustrating partner's weird habit in kitchen setting. My girl loves peanut butter so much, she has a tub of it next to the bed. And on the coffee table. And in her office. None of these tubs have lids, they are always open with a spoon in it.

    I'm concerned that the peanut butter might spoil/ go bad, but she says she eats a whole container every 2 weeks? I still love her like crazy though.

    Just_aJuiceBoxx , svitlini Report

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    Ana Benham
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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Idk where you live but in the tropical country I live in you'd have to worry about flies laying eggs, cockroaches and many other disgusting bugs ready to feast in any open food container 🤢

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    A severe addiction to scrolling Facebook. So bad he would scroll while driving, the instant he would open his eyes he would grab his phone & open the app... All day long. It baffled me.

    anon Report


    He literally undresses as he walks around the house. Like I will find socks in the living room pants in the dining room T-shirt in the kitchen. My husband also grew up with a stay-at-home mom who did everything for him and his siblings, laundry cleaning cooking etc. Literally the one thing she did not do was put their neatly folded clothes away in their dressers and closets. Some of our biggest squabbles have been over the fact that yes he is getting better at picking up after himself, but he does it in the most infuriating way. Dirty clothes end up right next to the laundry hamper, dishes and garbage end up on the kitchen counter, instead of in the sink and garbage can.

    As far as shocking habits go, I will take this one happily.

    Kmccain9 Report

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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Fine, as long as HE cleans them up and doesn't leave then laying around for you to clean up. Which doesn't sound he's doing. Sad that women think this is ok.

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    Person in a robe eating colorful candies from a bowl, highlighting partner’s weird habits. My GF eats her M&Ms with a spoon.

    anon , Satayasheel / reddit Report

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    Ali H M Salehuddin
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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Not every time, but I do eat potato chips with a tong; especially during a reading session. I do not want to get my dirty fingers to touch everywhere.

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    Didn't move in, but my first long term high school boyfriend used chewing tobacco and used any empty bottle as a spitoon

    First time he invited me in his room I sat on his bed and felt/heard a crunch.

    between his wall and bed and all over the floor/under his bed were FULL bottles of dip and saliva.

    EverywhenHullaballoo Report


    Man discovering a partner's weird habit of storing leftover pizza in a cardboard box above the trash can. He and his roommates NEVER took out the trash. Like ever. Huge pile of full trash bags in the kitchen, almost reaching the ceiling, with trash in all the cabinets too. Every great once in a while, they would rent a U-Haul to take it to the dump. So confusing to me, but I didn’t know how to help them break the cycle. Nice guys, but sheesh.

    callm3caroline , freepik Report


    They didn’t know how to turn on a stove, microwave, washing machine, or dryer. Then the one time they made dinner, I was so surprised and impressed that I didn’t say anything when I found the takeout containers in the garbage. I feel stupid for not calling them out on it now but thankfully it’s not my circus or my monkey anymore.

    The habit was pathological lying and weaponised incompetence which I only learned those terms after. I really thought they were the only ones to do that too.

    krasavetsa Report

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    Júlia Fortes
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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    well, i don't know how to turn on a microwave either, never had one so 🤷‍♀️

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    I knew my boyfriend was messy, but I put it down to the fact he was living on his own. When I moved in with him, we started by deep cleaning his place. He was then absolutely shocked when he realized I expected him to clean and tidy regularly. I don't know what he was thinking, that we would just do it once when I moved in, and then every six months? Thank God he's somehow improved!

    auroreboreale22 Report

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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Here's a lesson for us all. People can change, but it takes a LOT of work. If somebody is messy when living alone, they will likely be messy when you move in. Also, no matter how clean each of you are, one of you is going to be the "clean" one, and they will be driven crazy by the "messy" one. Even if messy just means not re-stacking coasters after they are used.

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    He is a neat freak. Don’t get me wrong, I love a tidy house & all, but if he saw a single hair on the floor then all of the floors in the entire house needed to be swept & mopped.

    While having floors that clean is a nice thought, I have waist length black hair & we have a Rottweiler who sheds like crazy, so it was completely unrealistic. He gave up after 6 months & bought a Roomba.

    TheDollyMomma Report


    He was polite, clean, smelled nice, we took turns cleaning and doing laundry and whatnot.. but he was very sweaty when he slept. I am the polar opposite, but couldn't stand being cuddled and getting sweat on me through the top sheet. He got offended when I explained why I wouldn't cuddle at night.

    And then the eating. Dear god. A grown a*s man that wouldn't eat anything except pizza, cereal, and fried chicken. I could make any other food I wanted to without issue, but he outright refused to eat anything other than those things. And not just any pizza or chicken, but specific brands/restaurants. It was just awful. I made banana bread one day because he said he didn't mind bananas, and I had bought too many at once. He got home while the loaves were still warm from the oven. He turned his head and stuck his nose up like a toddler refusing to eat. I threw the loaf at his head. Shockingly, he wanted to stay together and was hinting at proposing a few weeks later. I left him.

    sachimi21 Report

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    An ex of mine was so lazy that the 5 minute drive to Walmart was “too much.” So he would grocery shop only once a month. Stocking up on tons of stuff that inevitably goes bad before the end of the month cuz he couldn’t finish it all and packed it all in the fridge very messily. Wasting food and money and making a mess while he did so

    It wasn’t the nail in the coffin but I was starting to want to end the relationship around when he accidentally knocked a bowl of old popcorn, that he had left next to the bed, onto the floor and tucked in saying he would clean it up tomorrow. I cleaned it up when he refused :/.

    FunkyTanuki18 Report


    When my future wife and I moved in together I was shocked and confused when she lit a candle.

    At my mom’s house candles were just for looking at….. you never actually lit them.

    KapowBlamBoom Report

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    My ex would pick his nose.. finger all the way in to the knuckle and then dredge it out, examine it and flick it into the air.. so not only would I have an untamed boog somewhere in my house, I had to hunt for it each time to clean up after him. There were days I couldn't find it and had to just walk around knowing it's there somewhere.

    Comfortable_Welder51 Report


    Someone Asked What Weird Habits Partners Hid Before Moving In And 35 Folks Had Some Dirty Secrets My long-distance partner would turn off the freezer on his fridge to save on electricity bills even when we had frozen hashbrowns and vegetables in it. He would only turn it up when we bought ice cream or popsicles.

    queenkitty96 , hryshchyshen Report


    Not washing dishes.

    Like dude they're everywhere.

    BannedForNerdyTimes Report

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    He won't open mail.

    Any mail. He assumes everything is on autopay and ignores it/throws it unopened into a paper grocery bag to shred it "someday".

    When I moved in, we spent an entire day opening and going through about 20 grocery bags worth of mail. Yes, it was mostly junk... But we found out he had healthcare coverage he forgot about (he'd been avoiding the doctor thinking he didn't have insurance), literally dozens of reward checks from Costco, a notice from his bank that they didn't have insurance info for the car he had a loan with them for & they were going to start charging him for their own insurance (he had insurance, but just didn't update them when it changed)... Tax stuff, car stuff, everything. For years.

    On that day, I took over mail handling duty. He got annoyed by me opening HIS mail at first, but I pointed out that I'm not willing to store a random bank statement for years when it's available online. I gave him a 3 day window to open his mail after that (I'd leave it on the counter). He never did. So I went back to handling it as I saw fit.

    We moved recently, and came across another box full of his papers that I hadn't encountered at the old house. I went through it and found about $600 in rewards checks from various credit cards and Costco. Some of them weren't expired somehow despite being nearly a decade old. Lol

    I will say that he's fairly neat, cleans almost as much as I do, and generally has his life together. He's just allergic to opening mail for some reason.

    Oh, also he had a sock drawer full of unmatched socks. Whenever it got too hard to find a matching pair, he'd just go out and buy more. I went through and matched up all his socks. He had over 70 pairs.

    FullofContradictions Report

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    Jessica SpeLangm
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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Sounds like something major happened when he was growing up and opening mail resulted in bad things happening. So, he figures as an adult if he doesn't open the mail, then bad things can't happen.

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    He always lets the lid open from the wet toilet paper whipes thingy. So annoying because dried wet whipes are not fun to use 🤣.

    stella_ella26 Report

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    April Pickett
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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Put some water in there, not a lot, it won't take long to moisten them back up. Oh, and seal them back up.

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    She clips her toenails and just let's them fly wherever and land on the floor. It's disgusting and really wierd considering she's an absolute freak about cleanliness in literally every other aspect of life.

    Her excuse is that "Robbie(our robot vacc) will eat them". I hate it.

    Dexember69 Report

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    Yellow dot
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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Robbie gets a snack! I mean sock! Dobby gets a sock! I mean-...

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    He was a self medicating his mental disorder. His mom had terminal cancer, and so he always had valid excuses for being depressed or having to cancel dates at the last minute.

    Living with him was an eye opener.

    Ohhmegawd Report

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    He kept an empty 2 liter next to the bed to spit phlegm into. I thought that was pretty bad but then I read some of the other answers in this thread and yikes.

    lil-kingtrashm0uth Report


    He stopped brushing his teeth and showering. I didn't realize because we worked opposite shifts and only saw each other when I was coming to bed, for a bit.

    itsybitsyteenyweeny Report


    My partner would wipe his boogers on the outside of his car. And then, my car.

    I noticed one day there was crusty, greenish-yellow s**t in the outside of my passenger door. Then one day, I saw him pick his nose and wipe it on the outside of my car door while we were driving together.

    His excuse?

    "The elements will clean it off."

    They did not, in fact, clean off the concrete-like boogers off of my car.

    It's been ten years and I think he's finally stopped.

    deactivate_your_mind Report

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    Aelin Wildfire
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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Rub a little hot sauce on the car in that spot: that'll fix the problem.

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    My partner met at 20, moved in 3 years ago, he stopped working in professional kitchens 4 years ago(some health concerns, landed a great desk job).

    He worked in fine dining restaurants, as a line cook.

    He has little no idea how to cook. When I started staying over I noticed this man lived off one meal a day. Rotating between microwaved cheese quesadilla(literally nothing but cheese in it), canned chilly, and store brand Mac made with margarine.

    He may have some good knife skills but literally he can’t cook. I was honestly amazed. Considering he worked multiple kitchen jobs at once for 7 f*****g years. 😭 it’s impressive how much he didn’t f*****g learn.

    Crocolyle32 Report

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    Ms. Mack
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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My ex husband was a chef, an actual chef. He would burn damn near everything he cooked at home.


    My husband STILL doesn’t always put his laundry IN THE BASKET. He puts it right next to it. We have been together 9 yrs so at this point it’s now something I poke fun at. He at least helps with the laundry all the time without me asking so I’m willing to let it go.

    space_apartment Report

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    Hoarding 😶.

    wyrd_werks Report

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    My husband, as it turns out, is a sociopath. We moved in together and one day, upon opening the freezer, I found a bowl of heavily seasoned, popped popcorn. I thought maybe he had an off moment and put it there by accident. Nay.

    This sick f**k pops popcorn, coats is in copious amounts of butter, lime juice, garlic salt, and parm, and purposefully freezes it so that, "the butter can re-harden" before he eats it. Wtf.

    Leading_Line2741 Report


    After my fiancé is done brushing her teeth, she just…stops. No washing the tooth brush out, no rinse and spit. She was equally surprised that I didn’t do it like this!

    onceuponamartingale Report

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    Bat cat in a hat
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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I wash the toothbrush, but I don't rinse the toothpaste out, it's recommended by dentists

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    My husband poops with both seats up! Like he sits on the rim of the toilet. When I first saw that I was like…. Wtf?!

    He told me with the seat down the opening is too small. And he also cleans the rim before sitting and only does it at home. But still… wtf?

    IsThisTakenTooBoo Report


    Not a deal breaker at all (he’s very clean, I’m lucky!) But he HATES using the dishwasher. It’s like he doesn’t trust it or something. He does all the dishes by hand, even when we’re tired. When I use our dishwasher, he’s skeptical 😂 I love him dearly but it’s so bizarre.

    FruitSnacks55 Report


    My ex-gf would never close the cabinet doors she opened, re-seal food packaging (like press-to-seal closures or twist ties), turn off lights after leaving rooms for extended periods, or cap the toothpaste tube.

    She would also lose her keys every 20 seconds.

    In her defense, she was hot.

    ciaomain Report

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    Melissa Harris
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    1 month ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Poor parenting. You need to be taught to do thinks like turn off lights and close doors when you're a child so they're habits. Part of raising kids is instilling good habits and it takes a lit of effort to learn them latter in life.

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    My ex used to leave her underwear on the floor. After removal she'd flip the garment around with her toes until it was "sunny side up" (her term).

    Just, no.

    SuperfluousPedagogue Report

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    She spends money like it’s unlimited.

    anon Report

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    Dre Mosley
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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Had a partner like that. It eventually caught up with her since she was living beyond her means.


    We started as a long distance relationship, moved in together and it became clear very quickly that she was a hide-the-bottles kind of alcoholic.

    norulesday Report


    Shes the most clean organized person I know, but she opens our snacks and leaves them out to get stale.

    FloppyVachina Report

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    1st year living with my wife we go on vacation one summer week. We just purchased our house and I wanted to save money on AC. I turned the AC completely off. When we got home. The house smelled like a tuna boat. I was running around the house gagging trying to find the smell. The smell was her maxi pads and tampons over filling the trash. Had to air out the house for 2 days and stay at a Hotel. Turned out she would do this before when she lived with her sister. Another one. She would poop with the door open and thought it was funny. I did not.

    Mikethemechanic00 Report

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    Melissa Harris
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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    They didn't enpty the trash before they left anf he turned off the AC🤯. If I'm leaving the hose for more then 2 days I'm taking out the garbage and checking every bin.

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    Sock, shoe
    Sock, shoe

    I married him anyway. It still shocks me when he does it. Even 30 years later.

    Jenk1972 Report

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    John Boy
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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Did you never watch "All In The Family", where Meathead does this, and Archie about has a stroke watching him do this? It's a sketch I often remember when putting on my shoes and socks.

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    Only brushed his teeth once a day.

    (Before I moved in he would brush them before he’d see me, then he stopped trying).

    BanksyGirl Report

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    Traveling Lady Railfan
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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    When I was a teenager I had a boyfriend like that. He always seemed to be well groomed and clean, until we were officially a couple, and then he stopped washing his face washing his hair washing his body brushing his teeth etc, cuz he figured he didn't have to impress me anymore cuz he had me... Well it didn't have me for very much longer after that. We had some very mature conversations about hygiene, no name calling, no yelling, but it came down to the fact that he hated taking showers and brushing his teeth. Geez that was over 30 years ago... Wonder where he is now?

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    My wife makes no effort to squeeze out any remaining toothpaste. No roll up, no squeeze from the bottom, the second it's a little difficult she throws it away.

    Mental_Guarantee8963 Report


    He automated his workday morning routine. No deviations even when there's an obvious issue. Will respond to verbal stimulus but no communication should be considered accurate because he's still asleep for about a half hour.

    So yeah, if we wake up at the same time, I'm ready to talk and plan and joke, and he is doing the routine. If I impede him, he will mess up his routine and possibly forget to change into pants.

    anon Report

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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Someone who talks and jokes before breakfast? We once had friends staying over who where like that. The moment they opened their eyes, the started chitchatting away. Oh that peaceful silence after they left. People talking to us before breakfast are just scary. And annoying.

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    Someone Asked What Weird Habits Partners Hid Before Moving In And 35 Folks Had Some Dirty Secrets My ex husband used to suck his thumb. I caught him doing it one night was so bizarre seeing this big man covered in tattoos sucking his thumb.

    AmbassadorWilling479 Report


    When I moved in with my then-BF, I realized that when he'd take a shower, he wouldn't dry himself at all. He'd just put on a robe, let it absorb what it had to, and would stew in it for the next few hours until it was time to go to bed.

    ladyteruki Report


    She squeezes the toothpaste from the middle.

    bmwlocoAirCooled Report


    Cut up pizza using scissors like it was the most normal thing in the world.

    thefuturesbeensold Report

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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    There are actually scissors specifically made for that. I tried a pair once, but I found I kept burning my knuckles because I couldn't find an angle where I could cut it and still keep my hand clear of the hot cheese/sauce.

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    She talks and yells in her sleep. OFTEN.

    ninehoursleep Report

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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Many people do, she probably has night terrors or something associated with trauma. Don't make her feel bad about it, instead talk to her and suggest, and I mean suggest not push, she goes to a therapist

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    When she wakes up in the middle of the night, she has a sugar craving. Not weird by itself, but the most common way that she satisfies this craving is by either shooting whipped cream straight into her mouth, or by coating a Fudge Round with whipped cream so much that you can't actually see the original treat.

    Samnesia7 Report