Husband and I met 8 years ago at a Harry Potter movie marathon and decided to make our honeymoon and other trips a little more interesting with some old friends!

Looking back through our pictures of all these amazing places is always fun bc of our LEGO friends.

Trio posed outside Notre Dame

Wine tasting at Chenencou was very romantic

Harry flew to the top of L’Arc de Triomphe

Trio threw some sickles over their shoulders into Trevi

Ron chilled at the colosseum

Site seeing can be quite fun

Hermione dragged Ron to the Louvre, he refused to go in


Train ride to Cannes


Harry forgot his swim trunks

Ron enjoyed some shade in an abandoned monastery on île st honora

St. Paul De Vence was a fun stop on the Provence day trip

Hermione tried but not even Alohomora could open this door

Flying home

Hermione needed some coffee, ok a lot of coffee

Harry and Ron wandered around Newport’s mansions in RI


Ron enjoyed the hike in the rain

Waterfalls can magical but we needed som butter beer after this chilly hike

Quebec City agrees with Harry

The boys chilling at Montmorency Chute

Harry flew through a rainbow at canyon Sainte- Anne

Checking for Runes

Hermione was looking for gifts in old town of Quebec City


Ron enjoyed the cobbled pedways in Quebec City

Trip to Kentucky meant yet another visit to a state park!