Kit Harington And Rose Leslie, AKA Jon Snow and Ygritte from Game of Thrones, have finally put months of rumour and speculation to rest by announcing their engagement (sorry guys and gals). But it isn’t just the news itself that has got people swooning, but also the way they announced it to the world. Because in true old-school fashion, the on-screen lovers and real-life partners revealed their plans in a small advert that they took out in the Times of London newspaper.

“Mr K.C. Harington and Miss R.E. Leslie,” reads the tiny ad. “The engagement is announced between Kit, younger son of David and Deborah Harington of Worcestershire, and Rose, middle daughter of Sebastian and Candy Leslie of Aberdeenshire.”

The couple were first photographed together in 2012, but it was another four years before they publicly appeared together. They’ve tried to keep their relationship secretive but now it’s finally official! Nobody tell Daenerys though…


    So a few days ago everyone started saying Jon Snow and Ygritte were engaged to be married

    Image credits: Dan Wooler / REX / Shutterstock

    But nothing was certain…until this!

    Image credits: PA Wire

    The couple are thought to have been together since 2012 but they’ve been very secretive about their relationship


    Image credits: SPLASH NEWS

    They didn’t appear publicly together until 2016

    Image credits: GETTY IMAGES

    Kit and Rose played on-screen lovers Jon Snow and Ygritte in Game of Thrones

    Image credits: HBO

    Congratulations to them both! Hope nobody tells Daenerys though…

    Image credits: Helen Sloan/HBO