If your city has a metro or train system, you’re probably pretty thankful it’s there. Even if it’s unpredictable and needs a remodel, it’s better than having to deal with city traffic and parking.

That said, there are some people who really take public transport for granted and treat it like it’s their own personal bedroom, bathroom, and… actually, there is no comparison, I don’t know anybody who has a room in their own house where they think it’s appropriate to throw food all over the floor and leave it there.

When you’re using public transport, remember that the “public” means everyone has to use it, and next time, you could be the person getting nail clippings flicked into your lap.


Full Train And People Asking Him To Move But He Was Too *Tired* To Give Them The Seats

Full Train And People Asking Him To Move But He Was Too *Tired* To Give Them The Seats

NichtScar Report

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franziska-birk avatar
Community Member
4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

i once saw a guy in a train doing exactly the same.. another guy just sat on him... "i just keep you warm while you sleep". i laughed so hard

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People Who Leave A Train Like This

People Who Leave A Train Like This

HMSBannard Report

Researchers analyzing handrails and other surfaces in the London Underground found an astonishing variety of bacteria that get there by way of human feces, rats, mice, and sewage. Some are even associated with antibiotic-resistant infections.

While the researchers reassure readers that the bacteria won’t be able to get through to most people with healthy immune systems just through skin contact, immunocompromised people, and those who visit people who are, should be extra-careful with hygiene after passing through.


Person Puts Wet Boots On Subway Seat Right Under A Sign Telling Her Not To Do So

Person Puts Wet Boots On Subway Seat Right Under A Sign Telling Her Not To Do So

Markuu6 Report


This Jerk Wouldn't Slide Over So The Jeans Guy Could Sit. So He Stood Super Close To Him

This Jerk Wouldn't Slide Over So The Jeans Guy Could Sit. So He Stood Super Close To Him

upvoteHero Report

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franziska-birk avatar
Community Member
4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

if i really wanted to sit there, i would ask, if the seat is taken and than i gonna slide in there really awkwardly with my a** rubbing in his face..

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In response to the study, a London transport health and safety director argued that the Tube is not significantly dirtier than any other public place in London, which might not be comforting, but it sounds about right.


Doing Some Shaving In A Train Station

Doing Some Shaving In A Train Station

cathal1k97 Report


Not Sure What Was Happening Here, But I Bailed At The Next Stop

Not Sure What Was Happening Here, But I Bailed At The Next Stop

floppyjackhammer Report

As far as the number of unique bacteria found, the New York metro blew London out of the water by the measurements of one study. It mostly paints a similar picture of pathogens that are usually riding around with us in quantities too small to do us harm, but there are some additional residents: New York is ruled by a type of bacteria that’s used to clean up toxic metals from wastewater. Benevolent bacteria used to ferment kimchi and age cheese also like to tag along with metro riders.


In one statistic that's so ominous it's almost funny, researchers also found an abundance of DNA that didn’t match any identifiable organism.


This Guy Eating Pistachios On The Train

This Guy Eating Pistachios On The Train

ThinkResearcher Report


Chav Let His Dog Tear Apart The Seats On The Train

Chav Let His Dog Tear Apart The Seats On The Train

Spookytooth66 Report

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wianjama avatar
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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

But that's damaging public property.... Find them and make the lm pay.

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jakejudd Report

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james_fox1984 avatar
I’m Foxxy and I know it 😉
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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I am disgusted in him smoking on public transport but I am also disturbed by his skullet/mullet. Worst hairstyle EVER.

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Sat Near Two Women Who Let Their Toddler Throw Food Around In Public Transport

Sat Near Two Women Who Let Their Toddler Throw Food Around In Public Transport

tomic24 Report


On Subway. Doors Closing. Young Women In Uggs Holding Starbucks Latte Running To Get On Train. Inserts Cup Into Door To Hold Doors Open? Doors Close. Drink Exploded On Everyone Inside Train

On Subway. Doors Closing. Young Women In Uggs Holding Starbucks Latte Running To Get On Train. Inserts Cup Into Door To Hold Doors Open? Doors Close. Drink Exploded On Everyone Inside Train Report


Lady Refuses To Throw Her Cigarette Away Even Though She's Delaying The Train For Everyone Else

Lady Refuses To Throw Her Cigarette Away Even Though She's Delaying The Train For Everyone Else

RamboBoujee Report


Has Anyone Else Seen A Subway In Worse Shape Than This? This Isn't Something That Can Become An Acceptable Norm

Has Anyone Else Seen A Subway In Worse Shape Than This? This Isn't Something That Can Become An Acceptable Norm

allianc4 Report


Woman On The Subway Having Fun With Her Hair And A Lighter

Woman On The Subway Having Fun With Her Hair And A Lighter

thekoalaishere Report

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letsgobuyshoes avatar
Catherine Hankinson
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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I've seen this before. She's burning the ends of her wig to make the plaits stay. It's how it's usually done. But not on public transport obviously haha

ocoker avatar
Community Member
4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

The latter several inches of her hair aren't braided so it would be silly to heat seal it. You use a lighter to seal each braid, one at a time. Secondly, you dont just wildly burn the hair, it's done carefully. She is just playing with fire.

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brigitta-swart avatar
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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I don't care if she burns herself, I do care if she brings harm to others with her stupidity

carlyhanson avatar
Chilli Charlie
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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Hopefully the woman with her feet in the bucket of water is on the same train

pam_tafarella avatar
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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I recognize so many of these cars from the NYC Metro. Just keep raising the rates, overworking the staff and not doing s**t about this sort of thing. Speaking of s**t, we just opened a brand new subway on 2nd ave and what did i find there? HUMAN C**P!

weatherwitch101 avatar
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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

It's one way of ensuring that the seat next to you remains empty.... 😉

baali_venomax avatar
Baali Venomax
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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

You're in for a horrid shock if that catches and you end up burning all the hair off.

thefeyfox avatar
Elise Williams
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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Gee, I wonder if her hair had caught fire if she'd be smart enough to not try that ever again? "Prolly" not.

el_dee avatar
El Dee
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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

The smell of burning hair in a restricted space, please, I'd rather have the lady smoking a cigarette next to me..

georgehudacko avatar
George Hudacko
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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

How about starting at the other end---yu know the one on y0ur head b***h. Whew the stench. Maybe go douche too.

kachang avatar
Kathi Keegan Chang
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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Thanks for the reasoning behind this photo Catherine..still not sure she's got real hair there.....

nesakysiukurtaueiti avatar
princessstrickland avatar
Princess Strickland
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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Wrong place wrong time. This is done to "seal" the braids of synthetic hair! Those long braids have to be burnt then dunked in boiling water to set the style.

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It Wouldn’t Be An Exaggeration To Say I Found Some Happy Campers

It Wouldn’t Be An Exaggeration To Say I Found Some Happy Campers

aintgotnohater Report


What Bugs Me Most About This Is That There’s Usually A Super Nice Guy In A Wheelchair Who Stays There And I Bet He Had To Move Because Of This Lovely Person

What Bugs Me Most About This Is That There’s Usually A Super Nice Guy In A Wheelchair Who Stays There And I Bet He Had To Move Because Of This Lovely Person

RadEpicReddit Report

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alex_davis_uwe avatar
Alexandra Davis
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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I delayed a train the other day because I couldn't access the wheelchair area of my train because inconsiderate a**holes had left their luggage in the clearly labeled wheelchair area. The guard getting me on the train had to find the luggage owners and make them move their luggage to the luggage racks (all empty and like 5m away) but the 'lovely' luggage owners refused. It took the guard threatening to call transport police to remove them from the train (wheelchair spaces are protected by law on public transport in Britain) for them to finally and slowly move their stuff. They then loudly moaned when the tannoy announcement said we were now running 10 minutes late, seemingly unable to understand that they delayed us. Was a horrible train journey and I wish people were more considerate to wheelchair designated areas, you never know if you'll end up in a wheelchair one day- I didn't expect to!

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This Man Taking Up 5 Seats On An England Train On Possibly The Hottest Day The UK Has Seen

This Man Taking Up 5 Seats On An England Train On Possibly The Hottest Day The UK Has Seen

GodBurntMyBush Report


Bunch Of Luggage Piled Up On Priority Seats Of A Full Train

Bunch Of Luggage Piled Up On Priority Seats Of A Full Train

Cal-Capone Report


Woman Washing Her Feet In The Train

Woman Washing Her Feet In The Train

SirFol55 Report

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dhejno avatar
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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Did she carry the bucket and water with herself? Does it not spill during the ride? Is it just water or some soap as well? Does it help? Should I start?

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Buttwipe On The Subway Eats Sunflower Seeds And Tosses The Shells All Over The Train

Buttwipe On The Subway Eats Sunflower Seeds And Tosses The Shells All Over The Train

mikemunoz1018 Report


There Are People Standing On This Train While This Asshole Takes Up 2 Seats

There Are People Standing On This Train While This Asshole Takes Up 2 Seats

jeansouth Report


My Cousin Found This Rare Specimen On The Montreal Subway Today

My Cousin Found This Rare Specimen On The Montreal Subway Today

ZeMatster Report


That Moment When Mom Pops Your Pimple On The NYC Subway

That Moment When Mom Pops Your Pimple On The NYC Subway

emilNYC Report


Nah It’s Cool. I Didn’t Need To Sit During My 50 Minute Commute

Nah It’s Cool. I Didn’t Need To Sit During My 50 Minute Commute

a-me- Report

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james_fox1984 avatar
I’m Foxxy and I know it 😉
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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

That's okay, this person will have bad luck for the next few years for opening their umbrella inside.

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This Woman On The Train Occupying 4 Seats. The Train Wasn’t Full And I Understand When You Put Your Bag On The Next Seat But This Is Next Level

This Woman On The Train Occupying 4 Seats. The Train Wasn’t Full And I Understand When You Put Your Bag On The Next Seat But This Is Next Level

VaderD Report

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colleencoughlin avatar
Colleen Coughlin
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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Looks innocent enough... She even refrain from putting dirty sneakers on the seat! Impressive in comparison to the last photos I've seen! unless there were people standing, and she refused to offer them a seat, I don't see a big deal

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For The Busy Individual - Dart Yoga

For The Busy Individual - Dart Yoga

funkpie1992 Report


Trash Left On A Train In New York City

Trash Left On A Train In New York City

Apprehensive_Penguin Report


Bread Crusts And Bones In The Train. What's Wrong With People?

Bread Crusts And Bones In The Train. What's Wrong With People?

stup4200 Report

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This Woman Putting Her Nasty Feet On The Metro Pole People Have To Hold With Their Hands

This Woman Putting Her Nasty Feet On The Metro Pole People Have To Hold With Their Hands

Tungnafellsjokull Report


NYC Subway

NYC Subway

rustik23 Report

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marciepeterson avatar
Marcie peterson
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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

You go girl. I think she's sitting on the person that refused to move.

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Scooter In The Subway

Scooter In The Subway

Hummus__God Report

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els_g avatar
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4 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

that's terrible... in the nertherlands this isnt allowed, if the subwaydriver sees it they'll just refuse to go further untill the driver gets out. I gladly wait the extra minutes. But with us it's mostly bikes:) Besides, what's the point of taking a scooter on the subway?

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Walked In Front Of A Family Of 6 On The Train To Claim These Seats For Her Feet And Knockoff Bag

Walked In Front Of A Family Of 6 On The Train To Claim These Seats For Her Feet And Knockoff Bag

Cupname_Cyril Report


This Guy Blocking 4 Seats In The Metro

This Guy Blocking 4 Seats In The Metro

chinupf Report

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tristessa avatar
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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Sbahn in Berlin. There is assigned place for bikes.

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Moments Ago On The NYC Subway. There Was More On The Other Side. Dude Was Committed

Moments Ago On The NYC Subway. There Was More On The Other Side. Dude Was Committed

redditmason Report

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james_fox1984 avatar
I’m Foxxy and I know it 😉
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4 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Yes this is unpleasant but Usually when I see people carrying around large bags of bottles it is because the person is homeless and after collecting a certain amount they take it to the recycling depot to cash them in and if this person is homeless it is unlikely they have a car to transport their hoard so they would need to catch public transport.

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This Guy Smoking In A Subway Car

This Guy Smoking In A Subway Car

KingB0T Report


Forcing People To Stand On The Train Because You Need To Lay Across The Seats

Forcing People To Stand On The Train Because You Need To Lay Across The Seats

DickVanDyke_2020 Report

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stacywinnubst avatar
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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

After seeing a lot of pics of people laying down on the seats with nasty feet and what not I think I would rather stand as not to catch anything!

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Ladies And Gentlemen, I Give You The World's Worst Person

Ladies And Gentlemen, I Give You The World's Worst Person

Jorarl Report

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james_fox1984 avatar
I’m Foxxy and I know it 😉
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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I can guarantee you this is NOT the worlds worst person,I don't mind a bit of musical entertainment. If they can play well.

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Remember To Floss Everyday Kids. Just Don’t Do It On The Subway

Remember To Floss Everyday Kids. Just Don’t Do It On The Subway

DocHoliday79 Report

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issabellam avatar
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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Loving the people reflected in the window, distracting the puppy from seeing the gross flossing lady.

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Picking Off Your Fake Nails On The Train And Throwing Them On The Ground

Picking Off Your Fake Nails On The Train And Throwing Them On The Ground

gabsteriinalol Report


This Woman Cutting Her Nails And Letting Them Fall In The Train

This Woman Cutting Her Nails And Letting Them Fall In The Train

angiolettamancini Report

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dirigobill avatar
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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Remember the college project where they re created peoples faces from the DNA in wads of improperly discarded gum

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This Guy Using His Phone On Speakerphone On The Train So Everybody Can Hear Both Sides Of His Conversation

This Guy Using His Phone On Speakerphone On The Train So Everybody Can Hear Both Sides Of His Conversation

BegginStripper Report

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emerald_joanna avatar
Emerald Joanna
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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Thats when you get on your own mobile phone, make a "fake" call & declare loudly into your own phone how there is some jerk on the train with their phone on speaker.

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There's Really No Place Like The Metro To Do Yoga

There's Really No Place Like The Metro To Do Yoga

SubwayCreatures Report

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nekowakawaidesu avatar
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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Must be good for your abs though to remain in that position on a moving train. Impressive

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Just Some Panties Hanging From The Train Ceiling

Just Some Panties Hanging From The Train Ceiling

pillowpants1983 Report


The MBTA (Boston Subway) After The Superbowl Parade

The MBTA (Boston Subway) After The Superbowl Parade

Tropical_Wendigo Report


Count The Different Ways One Can Be Trashy On The Train

Count The Different Ways One Can Be Trashy On The Train

cyclingthroughlife Report


Woman With Muddy Shoes On A Rainy Day In The Copenhagen Metro. She Was Being A Jerk About It Too When Asked To Put Her Foot Down

Woman With Muddy Shoes On A Rainy Day In The Copenhagen Metro. She Was Being A Jerk About It Too When Asked To Put Her Foot Down

notjustanumber24601 Report


Do You Mind?

Do You Mind?


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franziska-birk avatar
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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

for godsakes! just kick him away! step on his foot! whatever, at least make sure he moves his foot!

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Someone Asked Her To Move And She Yelled "I Got Here First”. Stay Classy Sydney

Someone Asked Her To Move And She Yelled "I Got Here First”. Stay Classy Sydney

tommys93 Report

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max_lombardi_mi avatar
Max L.
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4 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Why just not seat on her legs, "and here I got second".

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Packed Metra Train And These Classy Ladies Needed To Have Their Feet Up Rather Than Let Families Sit Together

Packed Metra Train And These Classy Ladies Needed To Have Their Feet Up Rather Than Let Families Sit Together

Chicaagobeers Report

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Smoking On Public Transportation

Smoking On Public Transportation

Nerva756 Report

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michellec0581 avatar
Michelle Chevalier
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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Probably need that cigarette after realizing he went out looking like a damn fool....who the hell wears jogger cut jeans with boots!?!

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This Lady On The Train

This Lady On The Train

emisjo Report


All Kinds Of Chill On The Tram

All Kinds Of Chill On The Tram

kmisquit Report


Guy Gets On Train, Proceeds To Play "Take Me Out To The Ball Game" Repeatedly On Recorder

Guy Gets On Train, Proceeds To Play "Take Me Out To The Ball Game" Repeatedly On Recorder Report


Trashy Dad, Letting Baby Drop Food On The Train Floor, Then Stepping On It Himself In His Socks. Witnessed Near Birmingham (UK)

Trashy Dad, Letting Baby Drop Food On The Train Floor, Then Stepping On It Himself In His Socks. Witnessed Near Birmingham (UK)

MamboGods Report


Crowded Commuter Train This AM

Crowded Commuter Train This AM

txkid972 Report

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franziska-birk avatar
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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

at least put your nasty shoes on the ground! wtf is wrong with people?

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Woman Clipping Her Nails On The Train UK

Woman Clipping Her Nails On The Train UK

DanGlebals Report

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A Family Of Four With All Their Luggages In The Priority Seat And Took Another Whole Row For Themselves While Eating Packed Dinner Inside The Train

A Family Of Four With All Their Luggages In The Priority Seat And Took Another Whole Row For Themselves While Eating Packed Dinner Inside The Train

goneballing Report

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houseofatreus2000 avatar
Rob Chapman
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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

This is in Japan. As the Japanese generally have great manners and etiquette , I'm guessing these tourists were not Japanese.

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On The N Train, Right Now. Does This Count?

On The N Train, Right Now. Does This Count?

TheKrimeStopper Report


Ahhh The Morning Commute On The NYC Subway

Ahhh The Morning Commute On The NYC Subway

DickieMiller77 Report

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dhejno avatar
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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

There is nothing like hands inside pants on public transportation

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Slumbering Slammed Stroker NYC Metro

Slumbering Slammed Stroker NYC Metro

malakaikid Report


Apparently, The F Train Is A Snack Car... Dude Just Ate Seeds And Spit Out The Shells

Apparently, The F Train Is A Snack Car... Dude Just Ate Seeds And Spit Out The Shells

Icollinscfc Report

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maiabracksieck avatar
Maia Bracksieck
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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

And I thought I was bing a nasty person by accidently spilling a few muffin crumbs on the train...

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Refusing To Let People Sit On The Train Because “Leftovers”

Refusing To Let People Sit On The Train Because “Leftovers”

PanarinBagel Report


I Never Mind When People Sleep On Trains... But... When You Take Up Three Seats In A Full 6am Train, And Have 8 Alarms Set... It Gets A Bit Annoying

I Never Mind When People Sleep On Trains... But... When You Take Up Three Seats In A Full 6am Train, And Have 8 Alarms Set... It Gets A Bit Annoying

Filipino_Jesus Report


He Just Wants To Show Off His Pedicure And Toe Rings

He Just Wants To Show Off His Pedicure And Toe Rings

puppylove827291 Report


Someone Removed Their Fake Nails And Just Left Them Next To A Sit In The Train

Someone Removed Their Fake Nails And Just Left Them Next To A Sit In The Train Report


33°c (90 F) Today In Venice. Family Of 3

33°c (90 F) Today In Venice. Family Of 3

3 pairs of sweaty feet on the seats. His shirt completely open so that I could see his hairy belly and the little girl was walking barefoot even before getting on the train, her feet were extremely dirty. Trashy tourists.

mjb00 Report

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Someone Caught A Feast On The Gold Line. Not So Much On The Scratchers

Someone Caught A Feast On The Gold Line. Not So Much On The Scratchers

verysuebear Report

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People Were Standing On That Train

People Were Standing On That Train

killstur Report

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lsoo avatar
Raine Soo
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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Some people are just oblivious to how inconsiderate they are.

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My Commute Home Yesterday In NYC

My Commute Home Yesterday In NYC Report

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tessawaikem avatar
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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

It's like she thinks she's less trashy for taking her shoe off first..


Saw This During The Morning Commute

Saw This During The Morning Commute

justinbieberselfie Report

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Your Subway Art Looks Like Trash

Your Subway Art Looks Like Trash

StonecutterGrandpa Report

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lsaizul avatar
Lsai Aeon
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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

clear pic of this person's face, report to police for defacing public property, enjoy your fine and possible jail time, sweetheart

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Let Me Dump My Fast Food All Over The Subway And Leave It (Seen Today In Boston)

Let Me Dump My Fast Food All Over The Subway And Leave It (Seen Today In Boston)

plum4 Report


True Love Is Popping Your Mans Zits On The Train

True Love Is Popping Your Mans Zits On The Train

AgentScullysEyebrow Report

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This Guy Playing Music With His Phone Speakers, On The 5:45 AM Path Train To NYC

This Guy Playing Music With His Phone Speakers, On The 5:45 AM Path Train To NYC

CrankyUnionCarpenter Report


Smoking In The Doorway Of A Train

Smoking In The Doorway Of A Train

_Dont__Blink_ Report

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Jerk Uses A Bike To Take Up 2 Handicap Seats On A Rush Hour Metro

Jerk Uses A Bike To Take Up 2 Handicap Seats On A Rush Hour Metro

shakingmydamnhead Report

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This Slob Who Left Chestnut Shells On The Subway Seats And Floor Needs To Have His Head Put In A Toiletbowl

This Slob Who Left Chestnut Shells On The Subway Seats And Floor Needs To Have His Head Put In A Toiletbowl

DrinksAreOnTheHouse Report

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I’m Just Here For The Comments

I’m Just Here For The Comments

mrnycsubway Report


Some Jerk Padlocked His Electric Bike To The Pole In The Middle Of A 9:00 AM L Train

Some Jerk Padlocked His Electric Bike To The Pole In The Middle Of A 9:00 AM L Train

Sk8ballin3 Report

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Leaving Her Hair On The Subway Floor

Leaving Her Hair On The Subway Floor



Welcome To NYC

Welcome To NYC

kalicles Report

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erickahuth avatar
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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

This one is actually pretty sad not something to get upset over. They are most likely homeless trying to sleep not even stretching out so others can sit if they want.

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Young Love In NYC

Young Love In NYC

MichaelRahmani Report


Today This Guy Brought Like 4 Carts Of Full Trash Bags Onto The Subway (NYC)

Today This Guy Brought Like 4 Carts Of Full Trash Bags Onto The Subway (NYC)

nvrdntsqueezthglutes Report

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sb256003 avatar
Stevie B
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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Is it possible his job is to collect trash from the train, and has to transport it back to a dumpster?

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When You Think You're Watching Your Private Stuff Undisturbed But Someone Is Spying On You And Sneering You

When You Think You're Watching Your Private Stuff Undisturbed But Someone Is Spying On You And Sneering You

peoplefromsubway Report


He Brought This Dumpster To A Subway

He Brought This Dumpster To A Subway

kalicles Report

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karen-lancaster000 avatar
K Lane
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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Homeless people don't live out of a bin just for fun, they do it because they have no choice, and probably feel humiliated enough without being photographed and shamed online too. Have some pity.

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