These days, when cameras are everywhere, from our phones to security cams in public spaces, it’s easy to forget that the major part of history has passed without them. Only in 1888, when Kodak released the first commercial camera, did they slowly begin permeating our lives.

But long before thousands of snaps on our camera rolls, photographs were reserved for capturing precious and one-of-a-kind moments. These incredible visual monuments of history have resurfaced and brought a whole new meaning to events and lives of people in the past.

And today we’re about to get on board down memory lane full of raw emotions and unstaged realities captured in these rare historical photos. After you’re done, make sure to check out our part 1 right here.


100,000 Iranian Women March Against The Hijab Law, Tehran 1979

100,000 Iranian Women March Against The Hijab Law, Tehran 1979

poaia Report

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goodmiffy avatar
v_r_tayloryahoo_com avatar
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Google "pre taliban afghanistan". Even more of a kick in the gut. Afghanistan used to be a vacation destination. All the good that any organized religion has done or can do will never make up for or offset all the harm that they've inflicted and continue to inflict.

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bcgrote avatar
Brandy Grote
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Iran used to be so modern and advanced! In the 50s, women went to college, worked outside the home, drove cars.... What religion did to these women is horrific, and put Iran back into a more primitive place.

owlbystarlight avatar
Community Member
3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

It's not religion as much as it is politics and outside meddling. Though, religion makes it a whole lot easier to take control of the masses. See how states use evangelical christianity/catholicism to change women's rights in the states. It's why separation of church and state is absolutely necessary. When politicians use religion for control, they abuse the people and the religion as well by twisting its words to fit their agenda.

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napalmglop avatar
Rod Egret
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Looks like USA is going down the same path with bigots growing more and more powerful.

owlbystarlight avatar
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Yep you're right. Women are starting to lose their rights (again), so now we're starting to regress. Notice how some of the poorest states do this kind of crap.

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rinjishsreedhar avatar
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Those fundamentalists who say that "Hijab is a choice" have never seen this pic..!!

fredneobob90 avatar
Huddo's sister
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Usually the people who say the hijab is a choice are in countries where it IS a choice.

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louisebruton avatar
Louise B
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3 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

And today 3 women are in prison in Iran for 'inciting prostitution' because they refused to wear a veil. So not much has changed. Check out Amnesty International, you can help by adding your name to their petition.

williescreek avatar
Katie Morris
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Shame these poor woman had to go back to living in the dark ages this was a very wrong way of life and should never have been bought back into play - woman should be respected not hidden away like we are dirty with men doing what they want to do

crisbarriuso avatar
Miss Cris
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

That shows that things can change quickly so women and feminism must fight harder to get equity and agains violence to women. US could have live that, or worst, with Trump, just few months ago, for example.

supercarotte01 avatar
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3 years ago

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Many leftist feminists are supporting islamic culture and all that it implies.

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oriolus_ avatar
melissawong avatar
Melissa Wong
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Nothing. The moment you can try to speak up for them you will be label a islamaphobe and that word will immediately silence you.

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aamna14here avatar
Aamna Shah
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3 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I am fascinated by American hypocrisy. Even when they're responsible for the oppression of minorities and women in other countries, it's still the fault of Islam. These women lived free while being Muslim, something hypocritical Americans won't acknowledge. They became oppressed AFTER the US organized a coup in Iran against a democratically elected president. Religion didn't cause this. A secular powerhungry superpower was responsible for this and continues to be responsible. Also can Americans finally stop equating liberty with short skirts and bikinis? Like I could be more educated than the men in my family and earn more but just because I cover up and it's an image of oppression to American audiences, doesn't mean I am oppressed. Women in Iran and Afghanistan never largely wore skirts. The pictures you see being circulated as a sign of their lost freedom was never a widespread reality but only limited to certain areas of their capitals.

ammar_2098 avatar
Mohammad Ammar
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Yup. Even in Pakistan, America funded Zia, an Islamic extremist dictator who sent us back decades in terms of progress. We still haven't fully recovered from that yet most Americans probably don't even know his name .

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minhakhan avatar
Minha Khan
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

American militaries created theses types of organizations (terrorists, like Taliban and ISIS). Do to our military occupying Iraq, this created a power vacuum, thus allowing any group to go get power. If it was in America, and America was occupied by Iraq, then most likely a Christian version of this would form. How many people would join that? More than Iraq, considering its a larger country than Iraq.

ngaerew avatar
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Really interesting when you look back before these laws and Sharia law, all of them free at the beach etc.

tianarandazzo avatar
Anita Pickle
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

That's so sad. There have been so many times the people have tried to stand up and no one comes to help them.

davenyc88 avatar
Dave P
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

And the police opened up with live ammo and and tear gas. People forget the Revolutionary Guard was one of 7 anti-Shah groups and the only religious one. The others were secular. But they were the armed one, that was trained. Since they had the weapons, training, and support of the religious fanatics, they took charge, killed the leaders of the other factions and used force and violence to create the Iran we see today

manueldelgado avatar
Manuel Delgado
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

People also forget that Iran used to have a democratically elected president, but the UK and US decided to topple him because he wanted his country to exploit their oil reserves. They put a the Shah Reza to rule the country. He did, for the West and the rich. Eventually the people got tired and Jomeini saw his opportunity. Learn the whole story.

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kathinka avatar
Katinka Min
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Iran was on its way to become a modern democracy - but the US didn't like that so the CIA helped overturn the government. Same in Irak and Afghanistan.

io_toto2 avatar
Ionut Tautan
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

you can thank good ol' USA for the way Iran looks/acts nowadays

barbara-delahunty avatar
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I remember this. The Shah was overthrown and the clerics took over, women lost a lot of the freedoms they had always enjoyed. But they still wire makeup and nice clothes under their chadors, so once they reached their destination they were able to enjoy a semblance of normality.

mariaelmbaek avatar
Just me
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

And now they are kicked back to the Stoneage, largely because of men with big egos, powertrips and small d.icks are afraid their women will outsmart them. Brainwashed to harm their own population. The United States are to follow, taking women's rights but giving no alternative.....

mark-karolchik avatar
Mark Karol-Chik
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

What an intense photo. In the states the over reaching laws against women's rights in Texas where the women made their voices heard against a religious zealot.

lyone_fein avatar
Lyone Fein
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Things have gone backwards so far back backwards under the Ayatollas.

clanmorello avatar
Lynn Morello
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

so sad, they are so down trodden they feel they HAVE TO wear it now for modesty.

inkslingerkate avatar
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Some stranger shouldn't be making laws about what a woman can do with her body and mind. We are legitimately human beings and capable of deciding for our selves. If you don't like it, mind your own f*****g business - you are not required to like anyone's choices but your own.

backatya7 avatar
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3 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

They're chanting I want my vacuum cleaner and pots & pans back lol

vicki-perizzolo avatar
Vicki Perizzolo
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

and yet they are still stuck in those nasty things... obviously Islam is NOT women-friendly

jjbuddhabrot avatar
JJ Buddhabrot
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

This is for those that drone on about "it's their culture". Yeah, so? Wrong is wrong in any culture.

faridred avatar
Farid Red
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Hijab law is a law by God (Allah), men are just messenger and obey. So are they trying to be higher than God?

mjw0sysascend_com avatar
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

But, but, I thought that they liked it. That's what they keep saying in Western Countries.

damontripodi avatar
Damon Tripodi
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3 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Wait... And you all want to fight to make them wear it? I don't get it.

ammar_2098 avatar
Mohammad Ammar
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

It's about choice u dimwit. If I forced you to carry a Bible with you at all times it's the compulsion that would be the problem not the book.

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lcaputony avatar
Ella Blackwood
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Next time I hear someone say, "But they LOVE to wear the Hijab, it's their choice and they prefer it". I will reference this photo and point in Iranian history.

rhemore1 avatar
Suzanne Haigh
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Did not work did it? Now they say they WANT to wear hijab and be covered up

stienbabe avatar
Becky Samuel
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

You do understand that there are over a billion Muslims, right? They won't all want exactly the same thing, and that's fine. What they want is the right to make their own choice.

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dwendele avatar
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3 years ago

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All the more reason to fight against the left here in America, who support this type of oppression of women, and they call anyone who speaks against it racist. Which in itself is stupid. A religion is not a race.

abdk333 avatar
K Witmer
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Choice. People fight for choice dimwit. The women should have a choice. If someone is wearing a hijab in the US and that's what they choose to wear it's no ones business

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Meet The "Night Witches", Fearless Russian Female Pilots Who Bombed Nazis By Night, 1941

Meet The "Night Witches", Fearless Russian Female Pilots Who Bombed Nazis By Night, 1941

Beast667Neighbour Report


A Native American Mother And Her Child - 1900s

A Native American Mother And Her Child - 1900s

admaiora_ Report

“Photography historians are each different in how they approach studying the life of the medium: some are interested in its technical history, asking what camera improvements, and limitations, meant for the people who became photographers,” Gabrielle Moser told Bored Panda.

Gabrielle is a writer, book author, independent curator, and Assistant Professor of Aesthetics and Art Education at York University. She was happy to share some insights into the wondrous world of historical photography and what photography historians do to bring them back to life.

“What could you literally photograph—because of film speed, exposure times, and the ability or inability to print multiple copies of an image—and what did that mean for the kinds of images that were made?” These are the inquiries photography historians are looking for the answers to.


In 1941, The Photo On The Left Was Taken Of Soviet Soldier Eugen Stepanovich Kobytev On The Day He Left To Go To War. The Photo On The Right Was Taken In 1945 After The End Of The War, Just 4 Years Apart

In 1941, The Photo On The Left Was Taken Of Soviet Soldier Eugen Stepanovich Kobytev On The Day He Left To Go To War. The Photo On The Right Was Taken In 1945 After The End Of The War, Just 4 Years Apart

irishamerican Report


Keshia Thomas Protects An Alleged Kkk Supporter From A Mob In Ann Arbor, Mi, 1996

Keshia Thomas Protects An Alleged Kkk Supporter From A Mob In Ann Arbor, Mi, 1996

InevitableClear Report


A Red Cross Nurse Writing Down Last Words Of Mortally Wounded Soldier, Taken Around 1917

A Red Cross Nurse Writing Down Last Words Of Mortally Wounded Soldier, Taken Around 1917

PeJae Report

“For instance,” Gabrielle continued, “war photography was incredibly difficult until the early 1900s since shutter speeds were so slow and exposure times were so long that any movement, like armed battle, wouldn’t be captured by the camera. That didn’t mean that photographers didn’t make images of wars, but that they had to be inventive, using staging, re-enactment, or capturing the aftermath of battle, as Roger Fenton, Mathew Brady, and Timothy O’Sullivan were all very skilled at.”


Sir David Attenborough As A Young Man, Late 1950s

Sir David Attenborough As A Young Man, Late 1950s

respedi Report


Annette Kellerman Promotes Women's Right To Wear A Fitted One-Piece Bathing. She Was Arrested For Indecency (1907)

Annette Kellerman Promotes Women's Right To Wear A Fitted One-Piece Bathing. She Was Arrested For Indecency (1907)

mrkyle31 Report


British Soldiers (Interrupted During Drag Show Rehearsals By A German Raid) Manning A Bl 6-Inch Mk Vii Naval Gun At Shornemead Fort, England In 1940

British Soldiers (Interrupted During Drag Show Rehearsals By A German Raid) Manning A Bl 6-Inch Mk Vii Naval Gun At Shornemead Fort, England In 1940

File-Environmental Report

The professor explained that many important photography historians have also traced where these images circulated, who would have seen them, and in what context: “did they have captions? Were they shown in newspapers, or in more spectacular settings like lantern slide presentations, or through a stereoscope which produced a 3D effect for the viewer? Were they used by the government for the purposes of surveillance, or by activists to make claims for social change?”


Grand Central Terminal, NYC, The Sun Can't Shine Through Like That Now Due To The Surrounding Tall Buildings. 1929

Grand Central Terminal, NYC, The Sun Can't Shine Through Like That Now Due To The Surrounding Tall Buildings. 1929

Feiruzz Report


Coal Miners Coming Up A Coal Mine Elevator After A Day Of Work In 1920's Belgium

Coal Miners Coming Up A Coal Mine Elevator After A Day Of Work In 1920's Belgium

rockystl Report


Today In 1945, The Auschwitz Death Camp Was Discovered And Liberated By The Red Army

Today In 1945, The Auschwitz Death Camp Was Discovered And Liberated By The Red Army

hollmantron Report

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jmscargill avatar
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

A glorious day but the existence of such a hellish place is a stain on the history of humankind that will never fade. What those poor people must have seen and experienced.

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“Other photography historians are curious about how photography was used as a fine art form and about how artists like Julia Margaret Cameron, F. Holland Day, and Berenice Abbott adapted the medium to make photographs that were taken as seriously as paintings and sculptures from the same period.”


More recently, there has been an interest among photography historians in the social life of photographs. “It focuses less on the artists who made the images and more on the people who are in them. These historians ask how photographs might be used to claim rights, like citizenship, or to protest social and political injustices,” the professor explained and named some important figures who used images for social justice: “Photographers like Lewis Hine, Raja Deen Dayal, James van der Zee, and later Roy DeCarava, Susan Meiselas, and Zanele Muholi.”


A Boy's Reaction Staring At A TV Screen For The First Time (1948)

A Boy's Reaction Staring At A TV Screen For The First Time (1948)

SchoolProjectLad Report


American Troops Treat A Wounded Dog On Orote Pennisula. W.Eugene Smith. 1944

American Troops Treat A Wounded Dog On Orote Pennisula. W.Eugene Smith. 1944

gnevzmaja Report


Female Snipers Of The 3rd Shock Army, 1st Belorussian Front, 775 Confirmed Kills, Germany, May 1945

Female Snipers Of The 3rd Shock Army, 1st Belorussian Front, 775 Confirmed Kills, Germany, May 1945

NihilisticNoir Report

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andreavilarmelego avatar
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

We need more pictures like this to show that women were indeed in wars

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When asked how photography historians determine the date, context, and the participants of the particular photograph if there are no apparent indications, Gabrielle said that most photography historians rely on their technical knowledge of photography to date images that are “orphaned" from their captions.


“We examine the photographic print—its dimensions, the quality of the image, its wear and tear—to determine what kind of camera or printing technique was used. Daguerreotypes produce a mirrored surface, a high level of detail and contrast, but could only be made at very small scales, for instance, while salt prints could be much larger, and printed on paper, but sacrificed a level of detail.”


Lockheed Martin Employee Sally Wadsworth Working On The Fuselage Of A P-38 Lightning In California In 1944

Lockheed Martin Employee Sally Wadsworth Working On The Fuselage Of A P-38 Lightning In California In 1944

NihilisticNoir Report


JFK & Bill Clinton Greeting At The White House, In 1963

JFK & Bill Clinton Greeting At The White House, In 1963

SmoothlyPass588 Report


Arikara Warrior 'Bear’s Belly' - North Dakota, USA - Photo By Edward Curtis (1909)

Arikara Warrior 'Bear’s Belly' - North Dakota, USA - Photo By Edward Curtis (1909)

rockystl Report

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officialjob-p-d avatar
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I would put this on my wall. It just emits so much force and self confidence!❤

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Turns out that “early Kodak cameras were the first widely available and cheap mass-produced cameras in North America, introduced in 1888,” Gabrielle said and added that they have particular prints that produce a circular image.

“Determining the context in which an image from the past circulated can be much trickier. Historians often have to look to archives of illustrated newspapers to see if photographs were reproduced there, and often with photographs made for press agencies, like Magnum or Black Star, stamps and captions are included on the back to indicate where the image was seen.”


An Undercover Police Officer On Duty. New York, Brooklyn, 1 July 1969

An Undercover Police Officer On Duty. New York, Brooklyn, 1 July 1969 Report


San Francisco's Iconic Cliff House, Shortly Before It Was Destroyed By Fire In 1907

San Francisco's Iconic Cliff House, Shortly Before It Was Destroyed By Fire In 1907

Maynard078 Report


Geologist Thomas Griffith Taylor And Meteorologist Charles Wright In The Entrance Of An Ice Grotto. Terra Nova Expedition, Ross Island, 5 January 1911. Photo Taken By Herbert Ponting

Geologist Thomas Griffith Taylor And Meteorologist Charles Wright In The Entrance Of An Ice Grotto. Terra Nova Expedition, Ross Island, 5 January 1911. Photo Taken By Herbert Ponting Report

However, in the case of private or domestic images, “like portraits, family photo albums, passport photographs, or class photographs,” the professor said that we might not ever know everything we want to know about who is in the photographs, or what context in which they were made. Having said that, she added that “we can use our imaginative capacities to speculate and make educated guesses.”


Visiting Quarantined Family And Friends At Ullevål Hospital, Oslo - Photo By Anders Beer Wilse - 1905

Visiting Quarantined Family And Friends At Ullevål Hospital, Oslo - Photo By Anders Beer Wilse - 1905

StcStasi Report

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sarahsandiego avatar
Sarah Foster
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Just like many people, myself included, who visited family in care centres during COVID. Heartbreaking.

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A U.S. Marine Rescues Two Vietnamese Children During A Gun Battle At The City Of Hue, During The Tet Offensive Of The Vietnam War - 1968

A U.S. Marine Rescues Two Vietnamese Children During A Gun Battle At The City Of Hue, During The Tet Offensive Of The Vietnam War - 1968

999kid999 Report


A Woman Overlooking A Snowy Mountain Pass In The Pyrenees Mountains, France - 1956

A Woman Overlooking A Snowy Mountain Pass In The Pyrenees Mountains, France - 1956

Cecca105 Report

According to Gabrielle, as digital photography has become accessible to almost everyone through smart phones, we have begun to value historical photographic processes, “especially ones that have been made obsolete, more highly. Especially the processes that resulted in one-of-a-kind images, like photograms, daguerreotypes, cyanotypes, and Polaroids, because they seem unique and irreproducible.”


Homecoming, A British Soldier With His 8 Month Old Daughter As He Arrives At The Docks From Overseas 1945

Homecoming, A British Soldier With His 8 Month Old Daughter As He Arrives At The Docks From Overseas 1945

NihilisticNoir Report


A German World War II Prisoner Is Released By The Soviet Union And Reunited With His 12-Year-Old Daughter, Who Has Not Seen Him Since Infancy. 1956

A German World War II Prisoner Is Released By The Soviet Union And Reunited With His 12-Year-Old Daughter, Who Has Not Seen Him Since Infancy. 1956

noctus_exterreri Report

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yar999 avatar
Ray Heap
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Over three million Germans were taken into the Soviet Union as prisoners of war, two million returned. Adenauer went to Moskau and begged for the remaining Prisoners in 1955, he brought 55.000 back to Germany.

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Mother And Baby Of Family Of Nine Living In Field On U.S. Route 70 Near The Tennessee River, March 1936

Mother And Baby Of Family Of Nine Living In Field On U.S. Route 70 Near The Tennessee River, March 1936

ghostmrchicken Report

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crisbarriuso avatar
Miss Cris
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I hope the photograph give them some aid, not only take pics for his profit.

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“In many ways, the more we know about the history of photography, the more we seem to find parallels between now and the past. We might worry that there are 'too many images' in the world through platforms like Instagram, TikTok, or even in the millions of photographs uploaded to Flickr and Facebook each day, but if we look back at some of the earliest cartoons and caricatures about the invention of photography in France in 1839, we see the same panic surrounded the first viable and publicly available photographic method, too,” Gabrielle concluded.


Cetshwayo, King Of The Zulu Who Defeated The British At The Battle Of Isandlwana, 1878

Cetshwayo, King Of The Zulu Who Defeated The British At The Battle Of Isandlwana, 1878

Zuccaro1 Report

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hlea1 avatar
Hec L
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Amazing to see that not all was lost with the British Invasion of the world.

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The World's Last Commercial Ocean-Going Sailing Ship - The Pamir - Rounding Cape Horn, 1949

The World's Last Commercial Ocean-Going Sailing Ship - The Pamir - Rounding Cape Horn, 1949

Bernard_Hunor_Deak Report


Navajo Riders In The Canyon De Chelly, Arizona. 1904, Photo Taken By Edward Curtis

Navajo Riders In The Canyon De Chelly, Arizona. 1904, Photo Taken By Edward Curtis

verostein Report

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hlea1 avatar
Hec L
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Sad to see them disappear by force encampment or death. Never we will see again natives riding in the open plains.

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A Native American Man Looking Over The Newly Completed Transcontinental Railroad In Nevada, 1869

A Native American Man Looking Over The Newly Completed Transcontinental Railroad In Nevada, 1869

Feiruzz Report


One Of The Many Selfies That Emperor Nicholas II Took Throughout His Life, (1868-1918)

One Of The Many Selfies That Emperor Nicholas II Took Throughout His Life, (1868-1918)

Pavel-Romanov Report


Frozen Niagara Falls, 1911

Frozen Niagara Falls, 1911 Report


All Of Them Pick Shrimp At The Peerless Oyster Co. Photo Was Taken While Bosses Were At Dinner As They Refused To Permit The Children To Be In Photos. Out Of 60 Workers, 15 Were Apparently Under 12 Yrs Old. Bay St. Louis, Miss, March 1911

All Of Them Pick Shrimp At The Peerless Oyster Co. Photo Was Taken While Bosses Were At Dinner As They Refused To Permit The Children To Be In Photos. Out Of 60 Workers, 15 Were Apparently Under 12 Yrs Old. Bay St. Louis, Miss, March 1911

NihilisticNoir Report


Oldest Austrian Soldier Of Ww1, A 79-Year-Old Gaspar Wallnöfer, Veteran Of Habsburg Campaigns In Italy In 1848 And 1866, September 1917

Oldest Austrian Soldier Of Ww1, A 79-Year-Old Gaspar Wallnöfer, Veteran Of Habsburg Campaigns In Italy In 1848 And 1866, September 1917

KandiLili Report


Last Sword Duel In History In France, 1967 Between The Mayor Of Marseille And The Socialist Party Candidate For Presidency

Last Sword Duel In History In France, 1967 Between The Mayor Of Marseille And The Socialist Party Candidate For Presidency

Chocolatechipweb Report


A Rare Photo Of A Traffic Accident In The Netherlands More Than 100 Years Ago. The Photo Was Taken In 1914

A Rare Photo Of A Traffic Accident In The Netherlands More Than 100 Years Ago. The Photo Was Taken In 1914

AbAladwani Report


An Outdoor Hockey Game In Sweden Is Cut Short, 1959

An Outdoor Hockey Game In Sweden Is Cut Short, 1959

verostein Report


Acrobats Balance On Top Of The Empire State Building (1934)

Acrobats Balance On Top Of The Empire State Building (1934)

Itchy_Kiwi Report


A Babushka Keeps The Ears Of Her Grandson Warm As He Takes An Oath Of Enlistment For The Russian Army. Volgograd, 1994. Photo Taken By Nikolai Ignatiev

A Babushka Keeps The Ears Of Her Grandson Warm As He Takes An Oath Of Enlistment For The Russian Army. Volgograd, 1994. Photo Taken By Nikolai Ignatiev Report


Rome When It Became The Capital Of The Kingdom Of Italy (1871)

Rome When It Became The Capital Of The Kingdom Of Italy (1871)

PinkWarPig Report

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giulia_3 avatar
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

we have say here "eh una volta qui era tutta campagna" = "once here it was only open land" aaand this picture is absolutely on point since near the Colosseo now there are so many buildings (mostly are offices) and considered that the 90% of us lives so far away from the center... man this city is huge lmao and in the 1871 it was barely what it is now

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Eddie "The Eagle" Edwards Soars Above A Roaring Crowd At The 1988 Winter Olympics. He Finished Last

Eddie "The Eagle" Edwards Soars Above A Roaring Crowd At The 1988 Winter Olympics. He Finished Last

sadnubbin Report


Survivors Of 1972 Of The Infamous Andes Plane Crash. The Passengers Resorted To Cannibalism To Survive 72 Days In The Snow

Survivors Of 1972 Of The Infamous Andes Plane Crash. The Passengers Resorted To Cannibalism To Survive 72 Days In The Snow

hconfiance Report

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celinebernadet avatar
Lynn Donovan
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Look at the right, right next to the chair. You can see human remains on the floor... Caitlin Doughty did a great episode on this story.

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FDR Using Help To Get Out Of His Car, One Of The Few Photos That Show His Paralytic Illness, Journalists And Photographers Avoided Showing The President In This Weak State Especially During WWII, Taken In The 24th Of September 1932

FDR Using Help To Get Out Of His Car, One Of The Few Photos That Show His Paralytic Illness, Journalists And Photographers Avoided Showing The President In This Weak State Especially During WWII, Taken In The 24th Of September 1932

PeJae Report


Iron Workers Pose For A Photo Atop The North Tower Of The World Trade Center, 1973

Iron Workers Pose For A Photo Atop The North Tower Of The World Trade Center, 1973

DecisionLivid Report


Conrad O'brien-Ffrench Greets A Bear. Having Spent His Youth As A Mountie, Surviving The First World War And Serving As An Mi6 Agent In The Second World War, He Was Known To Welcome Danger. Banff National Park, 1950. Photo Taken By Rosalie French

Conrad O'brien-Ffrench Greets A Bear. Having Spent His Youth As A Mountie, Surviving The First World War And Serving As An Mi6 Agent In The Second World War, He Was Known To Welcome Danger. Banff National Park, 1950. Photo Taken By Rosalie French Report


The Airship Le Jaune Flying Past The Eiffel Tower, In Paris, France. (11/20/1903)

The Airship Le Jaune Flying Past The Eiffel Tower, In Paris, France. (11/20/1903)

X0llynh0BR Report

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crisbarriuso avatar
Miss Cris
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Wooow, even today it looks as sci-fi, not real. My mind sees a whale underwater.

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Las Vegas Police Facing Mike Tyson After He'd Just Bitten Holyfield's Ear Off (1996)

Las Vegas Police Facing Mike Tyson After He'd Just Bitten Holyfield's Ear Off (1996)

SubstantialRange Report


Young Punks In Communist Hungary - Budapest, 1982

Young Punks In Communist Hungary - Budapest, 1982

videki_man Report


A Ukrainian-American Family Celebrates The Death Of Stalin, 1953

A Ukrainian-American Family Celebrates The Death Of Stalin, 1953

EasternMonandry Report

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the_true_opifex avatar
Katie Lutesinger
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

When people celebrate your death by dancing in the street and giving out free food, that's when you know you really were the worst.

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Soviet Tanks Interrupt Young Couple Wedding. Soviet Invasion To Czechoslovakia

Soviet Tanks Interrupt Young Couple Wedding. Soviet Invasion To Czechoslovakia

Muff1995 Report

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sonja-szabrotska avatar
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Don't think that "interrupt wedding" is correct. It happened during the night and early morning hours. The armies of USSR, Poland, East Germany, Hungary and Bulgaria crossed the borders of Czechoslovakia on 20th August arround 11:00 PM. My father remembers the noise of tanks arround 2:AM. So, sorry, I doubt they interrupt wedding during its process. Possibly it was staying there since night. And maybe the wedding didn't happened that day at all because nobody knew what is going to happen. Some people thought at first that it is begging of another war.

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A Romanian Soldier Giving A Sign Of Victory After The 1989 Revolution, Having Removed The Communist Insignia From His Headwear

A Romanian Soldier Giving A Sign Of Victory After The 1989 Revolution, Having Removed The Communist Insignia From His Headwear

Feiruzz Report


Berlin, 1923. Less Than Five Years After The End Of The Great War, Germany Economy Lies In Ruins. A Disabled War Veteran Begs In The Street Dressed In His Pre-War Dunkelblau Waffenrock

Berlin, 1923. Less Than Five Years After The End Of The Great War, Germany Economy Lies In Ruins. A Disabled War Veteran Begs In The Street Dressed In His Pre-War Dunkelblau Waffenrock

Pavel-Romanov Report

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j_f_ avatar
J. F.
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3 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

One of the things that led to World War 2 - insane demands from France and Great Britain that ruined the economy completely. The US didn't sign the Treat of Versailes for that exact reason

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Sir Richard Owen Standing Next To A Moa Skeleton And Holding The First Bone Fragment Belonging To A Moa Ever Found. 1879

Sir Richard Owen Standing Next To A Moa Skeleton And Holding The First Bone Fragment Belonging To A Moa Ever Found. 1879

jerisad Report

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maddie-castillo2008 avatar
Alastor the radio demon
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I googled it and now I can't stop thinking about how this looks like Kevin from up

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Photograph Entitled "Wait For Me, Daddy". It Shows A Child Running To His Father, A Canadian Soldier, Before Being Deployed During The Second World War. Behind You Can See His Mother. October 1, 1940

Photograph Entitled "Wait For Me, Daddy". It Shows A Child Running To His Father, A Canadian Soldier, Before Being Deployed During The Second World War. Behind You Can See His Mother. October 1, 1940

Positive-Objective02 Report


Little John F. Kennedy Jr. Waiting For His Dad, President John F. Kennedy To Land At Camp David, Maryland In October 1963. Jfk Was Assassinated The Very Next Month

Little John F. Kennedy Jr. Waiting For His Dad, President John F. Kennedy To Land At Camp David, Maryland In October 1963. Jfk Was Assassinated The Very Next Month

sputnik-the-sages Report


Soviet Soldier Carrying The Head Of A Statue Of Hitler, Berlin 1945

Soviet Soldier Carrying The Head Of A Statue Of Hitler, Berlin 1945

Feiruzz Report

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Firefighters Battle A Blaze In Montreal, 1889

Firefighters Battle A Blaze In Montreal, 1889

Freefight Report


Burial At Sea On The Uss Intrepid, November 1944

Burial At Sea On The Uss Intrepid, November 1944

itsjesusbrother Report


Ethnic Cambodian Guerilla Fighter Danh Son Huol Is Carried To An Improvised Operating Room In A Mangrove Swamp After He Was Wounded By American Bombing. Ca Mau Peninsula, 15 September 1970. Photo Taken By Vo Anh Khanh

Ethnic Cambodian Guerilla Fighter Danh Son Huol Is Carried To An Improvised Operating Room In A Mangrove Swamp After He Was Wounded By American Bombing. Ca Mau Peninsula, 15 September 1970. Photo Taken By Vo Anh Khanh

verostein Report


Mounted Cop Flies Down Tremont Street, Boston 1920s - Photo By Leslie Jones

Mounted Cop Flies Down Tremont Street, Boston 1920s - Photo By Leslie Jones

CryptoMyner Report


A Family Of Migratory Fruit Workers From Texas During Cherry-Picking Season. Berrien County, Michigan, July 1940

A Family Of Migratory Fruit Workers From Texas During Cherry-Picking Season. Berrien County, Michigan, July 1940

Pavel-Romanov Report


A Young Private Waits On The Beach During The Marine Landing At Da Nang, 1965

A Young Private Waits On The Beach During The Marine Landing At Da Nang, 1965

PeJae Report


A Student Protester Gives The V For Victory Sign In Front Of Chinese Soldiers Of The Pla. Tiananmen Square, 1 June 1989. Photo Taken By Peter Charlesworth

A Student Protester Gives The V For Victory Sign In Front Of Chinese Soldiers Of The Pla. Tiananmen Square, 1 June 1989. Photo Taken By Peter Charlesworth Report

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louisebruton avatar
Louise B
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

The look on those soldiers faces just cry out that they don't want to do what they're going to be made to do. They're about the same age as that brave, probably naiive protester. I hope there was a good outcome, but I doubt it.

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Children Eating The Half A Liter Of Supplementary Food Per Day Received From The Interkerkelijk Bureau Voor Noodvoedselvoorziening En Kinderuitzending During The Hunger Winter, The Hague, Netherlands, 1944/45, Photo By Menno Huizinga

Children Eating The Half A Liter Of Supplementary Food Per Day Received From The Interkerkelijk Bureau Voor Noodvoedselvoorziening En Kinderuitzending During The Hunger Winter, The Hague, Netherlands, 1944/45, Photo By Menno Huizinga Report

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Police Officer Wearing A Face Mask During The London Smog In 1952

Police Officer Wearing A Face Mask During The London Smog In 1952

JordenGG Report


John Meintz, An American Farmer Tarred And Feathered By A Mob For His German Heritage And Allegedly Not Supporting War Bond Drives, 1918

John Meintz, An American Farmer Tarred And Feathered By A Mob For His German Heritage And Allegedly Not Supporting War Bond Drives, 1918

verostein Report


Bob Dylan & Muhammad Ali, Madison Square Gardens, New York, 1975

Bob Dylan & Muhammad Ali, Madison Square Gardens, New York, 1975

ThePopesRedShoes Report


An Aerial Photo Of The Kowloon Walled City, Hong Kong Taken In 1989

An Aerial Photo Of The Kowloon Walled City, Hong Kong Taken In 1989

sgt_hard_times Report

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alihmsalehuddin avatar
Ali H M Salehuddin
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Here's a series of photos on the life there. Pretty enlightening.

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A British Army Bomb Disposal Specialist Approaches A Suspect Vehicle In Belfast, 1970s

A British Army Bomb Disposal Specialist Approaches A Suspect Vehicle In Belfast, 1970s

theherolt Report


Czechoslovak Man Posing With Half Loaf Of Bread In Front Of Banner "The Meaning Of The Policy Of The Communist Party Of Czechoslovakia - Paradise For Humans" Communist Czechoslovakia, Probably 1960

Czechoslovak Man Posing With Half Loaf Of Bread In Front Of Banner "The Meaning Of The Policy Of The Communist Party Of Czechoslovakia - Paradise For Humans" Communist Czechoslovakia, Probably 1960

Muff1995 Report


The Guards Of Maharajah Ram Singh III In The Royal Palace Of Jaipur. India, 1858

The Guards Of Maharajah Ram Singh III In The Royal Palace Of Jaipur. India, 1858

verostein Report

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justforfacebook avatar
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3 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Don't just stand there, let's get to it. Strike a pose, there's nothing to it, Vogue.

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Survivors Of Hmas Armidale On A Raft After Their Ship Was Sunk By Japanese Air Attack, December 1942. A Catalina Flying Boat Later Took This Photo But Was Unable To Assist Due To Rough Seas. The Survivors Were Never Found Again

Survivors Of Hmas Armidale On A Raft After Their Ship Was Sunk By Japanese Air Attack, December 1942. A Catalina Flying Boat Later Took This Photo But Was Unable To Assist Due To Rough Seas. The Survivors Were Never Found Again

Western_Roman Report

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Israeli Soldier Taking A Glass Of Water From The Jordan River After The Six Day War, On His Left Arm Is A Serial Number From The Holocaust. July 1967

Israeli Soldier Taking A Glass Of Water From The Jordan River After The Six Day War, On His Left Arm Is A Serial Number From The Holocaust. July 1967

Feiruzz Report

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nicoletta-karam avatar
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

It's sad that Holocaust survivors engage in cultural genocide against the Palestinians.

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The Result Of Firefighting In Extreme Winter Conditions. The Remains Of The Eureka Building In Chicago. 1920

The Result Of Firefighting In Extreme Winter Conditions. The Remains Of The Eureka Building In Chicago. 1920

noctus_exterreri Report


Dog Being Posed By A German Soldier, 1940

Dog Being Posed By A German Soldier, 1940

ThickSeptet Report


The Beatles Pose With “The Greatest”, Cassius Clay (Muhammad Ali), At The Fifth Street Gym On Miami Beach, 1964

The Beatles Pose With “The Greatest”, Cassius Clay (Muhammad Ali), At The Fifth Street Gym On Miami Beach, 1964

noctus_exterreri Report


A Woman Is Humiliated For Having Had Personal Relations With The Germans. In The Montelimar Area, France, French Civilians Shave Her Head As Punishment. August 29, 1944

A Woman Is Humiliated For Having Had Personal Relations With The Germans. In The Montelimar Area, France, French Civilians Shave Her Head As Punishment. August 29, 1944

noctus_exterreri Report

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lyuboiv avatar
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I've heard about this. The French were pretty harsh with anyone who collaborated or was in some way close to the Germans. The German occupation of France was pretty brutal.

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Soldier Stands Besides His M60 Machine Gun, Which Is Mounted On The Steps Of The U.S. Capitol To Deter Rioters From Entering The Building During The Martin Luther King Jr. Assassination Riots In Washington D.C. (April 1968)

Soldier Stands Besides His M60 Machine Gun, Which Is Mounted On The Steps Of The U.S. Capitol To Deter Rioters From Entering The Building During The Martin Luther King Jr. Assassination Riots In Washington D.C. (April 1968)

TrendWarrior101 Report


A Chechen Man Prays During The First Battle Of Grozny, January 1995. The Flame In The Background Is Coming From A Gas Pipeline Which Was Hit By Shrapnel

A Chechen Man Prays During The First Battle Of Grozny, January 1995. The Flame In The Background Is Coming From A Gas Pipeline Which Was Hit By Shrapnel

PeJae Report

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clarissa-h-unpronounceable avatar
Easily Excitable Panda
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Extraordinary. He's got such a look of peace on his face, despite what's going on around him.

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American Wwi Veterans At A Reunion, 1978

American Wwi Veterans At A Reunion, 1978

PeJae Report

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Korean Children Play Near A Church In North Pyongan Province, Japanese Korea (Present-Day North Korea) - 1930s

Korean Children Play Near A Church In North Pyongan Province, Japanese Korea (Present-Day North Korea) - 1930s

vaish7848 Report


Lee Harvey Oswald, The Assassin Of John F. Kennedy, Being Shot By Jack Ruby On November 24, 1963 While Being Escorted By Dallas Police

Lee Harvey Oswald, The Assassin Of John F. Kennedy, Being Shot By Jack Ruby On November 24, 1963 While Being Escorted By Dallas Police

sarge-g Report

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chrissydormeier avatar
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I'm sure this image is seared into the minds of Americans who watched it happen on live television.

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1858 Picture Of The Last Mughal Emperor Bahadur Shah II. Fun Fact: Persian Word For Mongol Is “Mughal”, It’s Often Overlooked That India Fell Under Mongol Rule. First Emperor Was A Direct Descendant Of Genghis Khan

1858 Picture Of The Last Mughal Emperor Bahadur Shah II. Fun Fact: Persian Word For Mongol Is “Mughal”, It’s Often Overlooked That India Fell Under Mongol Rule. First Emperor Was A Direct Descendant Of Genghis Khan

random_reddit_1010 Report

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sofacushionfort avatar
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Their Empire had been in decline for generations, even before the British achieved domination. Even so, his son was summarily executed as a show of force and vengeance.

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George H.w. Bush Takes A Toboggan Ride With Arnold Schwarzenegger At Camp David. 1991

George H.w. Bush Takes A Toboggan Ride With Arnold Schwarzenegger At Camp David. 1991

MartaHen Report


"The Weightless Cat"-Experiment, Performed Inside The Cockpit Of An F-94c To Test The Effect Of Sub-Gravity Forces On The Body, 8 February 1958

"The Weightless Cat"-Experiment, Performed Inside The Cockpit Of An F-94c To Test The Effect Of Sub-Gravity Forces On The Body, 8 February 1958

Shadoukoa Report


American Soldier Wearing The Crown Of The Holy Roman Empire In A Cave In Siegen, Germany, On April 3, 1945

American Soldier Wearing The Crown Of The Holy Roman Empire In A Cave In Siegen, Germany, On April 3, 1945

Feiruzz Report


The Weathered Face Of Norwegian Polar Explorer Tryggve Gran - 1923

The Weathered Face Of Norwegian Polar Explorer Tryggve Gran - 1923

Sexual-Thunder69 Report


Fidel Castro Visiting The Great Wall Of China, 1995

Fidel Castro Visiting The Great Wall Of China, 1995

Nidzovantije Report

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Pre-Dreadnought Battleship Sms Kaiser Friedrich III Leads The German Home Fleet, 1901

Pre-Dreadnought Battleship Sms Kaiser Friedrich III Leads The German Home Fleet, 1901

Freefight Report


President John F. Kennedy And Ivory Coast President Felix Houphouet-Boigny In Bubble-Top Limousine, 22nd Of May 1962

President John F. Kennedy And Ivory Coast President Felix Houphouet-Boigny In Bubble-Top Limousine, 22nd Of May 1962

myrmekochoria Report


U.S. Soldier: Sgt. Ronald Payne, 21, Of Atlanta, Georgia, Emerges From A Viet Cong Tunnel While Holding A Silencer-Equipped Revolver (January 21, 1967)

U.S. Soldier: Sgt. Ronald Payne, 21, Of Atlanta, Georgia, Emerges From A Viet Cong Tunnel While Holding A Silencer-Equipped Revolver (January 21, 1967)

derzto Report


Imperial Japanese Soldiers Climb The Great Wall Of China, 1937

Imperial Japanese Soldiers Climb The Great Wall Of China, 1937

Feiruzz Report

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nicoletta-karam avatar
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

The Japanese treatment of Nanking was so brutal even a Nazi officer decried the atrocities.

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Emperor Of Japan Hirohito And Empress Nagako With Their Children And Grandchildren - 1970s

Emperor Of Japan Hirohito And Empress Nagako With Their Children And Grandchildren - 1970s

vaish7848 Report

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mmagcoco avatar
Turnip and a Frog
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Empress Nagano seems to be suffering from lymphoedema or even lipoedema, judging by Her arms. Painful and incurable at the time. I’m sorry.

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A Red Army Soldier Firing From A Bathtub During The Battle Of Stalingrad, 1942

A Red Army Soldier Firing From A Bathtub During The Battle Of Stalingrad, 1942

Ybur__ Report


"Kombat" Heroic Image Of A Soviet Political Commissar Of The 220th Infantry Regiment Calling Soldiers To An Assault, Eastern Front, In Soviet Ukraine, 12 July 1942. It Has Been Said That The Subject Of This Photo Died Minutes After It Was Taken

"Kombat" Heroic Image Of A Soviet Political Commissar Of The 220th Infantry Regiment Calling Soldiers To An Assault, Eastern Front, In Soviet Ukraine, 12 July 1942. It Has Been Said That The Subject Of This Photo Died Minutes After It Was Taken

PeJae Report

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j_f_ avatar
J. F.
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3 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

A political commisar - those were the ones threatening the officers and soldiers with execution if the tactic or strategy didn't fall in line with the ideology. One of the reasons why the Wehrmacht could advance so far was the difference in the command structure

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American Deserters Being Publicly Humiliated In Florient, France On November 5, 1918. During Wwi, 2,657 U.S. Servicemen Were Convicted Of Desertion, With 24 Being Sentenced To Death; All Of The Condemned Were Instead Commuted To Prison Terms By President Woodrow Wilson

American Deserters Being Publicly Humiliated In Florient, France On November 5, 1918. During Wwi, 2,657 U.S. Servicemen Were Convicted Of Desertion, With 24 Being Sentenced To Death; All Of The Condemned Were Instead Commuted To Prison Terms By President Woodrow Wilson Report

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jmscargill avatar
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Another heading might read: American teenagers publicly abused for being scared of dying.

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A German Prisoner Of War Rebuilding Stalingrad, 1947

A German Prisoner Of War Rebuilding Stalingrad, 1947 Report

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Red Army Infantry Marching Through The Main Street Of Kiev, Ukraine, Following The Liberation Of The City From German Forces - 1943

Red Army Infantry Marching Through The Main Street Of Kiev, Ukraine, Following The Liberation Of The City From German Forces - 1943 Report