Misguided Motives:

Lesson’s learned sometimes come with a high price. In 2021 I sold my soul to the devil. Greed was my motive. Yet, selfish living and misguided motives found me in a homeless shelter losing absolutely everything.

It was a price tag worthy of my maladjusted ways. I had to go through it in order to learn what matters in this world. It was also a good way to weed out the friends who were not friends at all. Good Riddance!

For 52 days, I stayed in a low-end shelter that offered no way out or up. So rebuilding my life was all on me and my resilience to overcome obstacles that left others holding on to their bad habits. Addictions and materialism left many clients return there more than once. As clients gathered around the picnic table out back of the shelter, they passed around all kinds of mind altering chemicals, and I gratefully walked away clinging to lessons learned from watching others fall short (and on more than one occasion carried away by ambulance). My own quiet desperation, however, was to be my greatest gift.

To make a long hard story short, today I have a small circle of authentic friends that is beyond solid. I know that intentions paved in gold are deadly. I am focused on my craft of photography and art, which needless to say consists of animals and a universe of magestic beauty.

Below are some black and white photos I took during my 52 days of intensive training in this crazy life.

Lorri Anderson / Dawghouse Artistry Professional Photographer.

See Also on Bored Panda