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Finding the courage to tell my now girlfriend that I loved her.....


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Well, I was pretty proud after my first band concert. Actually, I was proud of EVERYONE. It was really stressful, but we were all amazing and played with no fear. I was also proud of everyone at the second band concert, especially since that one was bigger and better than the last. We had a lot of trouble with tempo and dynamics (volume), but we pulled through. Us alto saxes were quiet enough that you could hear the flutes, and the trumpets were slow enough that the rest of the band could keep up. I felt super proud after both of them. The first concert was especially liberating, because we were all amazing together, even though we were just starting. And we still are amazing! :)



My boyfriend's birthday is near Thanksgiving and he stayed in my state for the holiday because it was a lot of work to fly back home for a few days. I felt bad that he spent his birthday doing homework so I managed to figure out his favorite dessert (I am not a sneaky person at all) and coordinate with my brother who loves to bake to make it. While my family was distracting him, I grabbed it and surprised him with it. He was so happy and immediately took a picture and sent it to his family back home. I heard all about it the next time I went out to visit him for Christmas.


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