Okay pandas, this question will rely on your memory and of course, your dream. I’m bored and I have vivid dreams every night. A lot are crazy. What was the craziest dream you’ve ever had?

Of course, I’m going to cue the rules of this:

1: I do not want any drug dealing through bored panda. It has happened before. If there is drug dealing in your dream, then that’s okay.

2. No politics that are not involved in the dream! Seriously, I’ve seen long-ass arguments over this and I don’t feel like having people banned for saying their views and beliefs.

3. No f-ing downvoting! This is a place to tell dreams, not to be trolls. Not cool, bro. If it doesn’t follow the rules and is violently with threats to you, then you can downvote.

4. You may give details of the entire dream. All I ask is that you keep the explanation in the comments at the top so it is easier to read.

5. You may explain why you think you had that dream. As long as it isn’t belittling the beliefs of others or breaking the rules, I’m fine with that.

Now, as I’m curious if anyone even reads the rules and the description, if you read through all of this, put one of these emojis down: 🥶☹️😇

Now pandas, answer the question and have fun!


Last night, I had a dream that I had to sacrifice means and many other people to satisfy the “gods”, and I was running through a hospital trying to save this girl with cystic fibrosis.



i once had a dream that my crush was having a physical fight with my best friend. and yk in those movies when like for example a character is about to shoot someone but then that someone's sidekick leaps in front and gets shot instead? yeah i just watched a movie a few days ago where that situation happened so it might explain what happened next: crush tries to punch bff, i jump, she punches me. okay seems like a perfectly normal dream i hope...nope! after that i just sit down and go to sleep (in the dream), and my bff tells me "i like the color on ur kitchen wall!" which i reply with, "good morning" and then the song 'yummy'' by justin beiber starts playing - (i had to listen to that awful song yesterday at a birthday party, so that explains it) and we start square-dancing. suddenly my crush turns into fricking BIGFOOT and we all dance together. NOPE, THE DREAM ISNT OVER YET!!!!! i went ice skating a week ago so that explains what happened next: the floor turned into ice, and suddenly, we all stomped so fricking hard and we were yelling "BOOM BOOM!" (which was, for some reason, the same sound from that tiktok audio 'my name is chiki, chiki chiki chiki, my name is cha cha, clap, clap, cha cha cha!' so that explains it) and the ice broke and we were just falling, falling, falling and the background was all black. (i watched the movie inside out yesterday, so that explains what happened next): we fall into that memory-ball pit at the end of the movie (the one joy and sadness fell into) and see that bing bong (that pink elephant) was there and he hands us a bunch of cats. then an alarm clock rings...RIIIIIIIIIIIIING! and it rings until i woke up (turns out my alarm clock broke into my dream and then woke me up).


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