If Your reading this put the word Orange in your answer


When people r walking so damn slow in the hallways at school when you’re trying to get to class. Also the overuse of pronouns and stuff as it’s being shoved down your throat.


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constantly saying a word like "literaly this" or "litteraly that happend" over and over (orange is my favoite color)


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I get so angry when I'm at the store and someone is holding up the line because they're having a hissy fit. Like arguing with the cashier over a coupon, or the price of something. Worse is when it's at a pharmacy. Not if there's an issue with their medication or whatever. But just a few weeks ago, this woman was holding up the line in the pharmacy, which was short staffed, because she wanted to buy a basket full of cookies with a coupon, it was something like '$2 off when you buy 5 packs', I don't remember the exact numbers, but that was the jist. But the store had less than that in stock and she was demanding that they honor the coupon because 'it's not her fault they didn't have it in stock'. She had already gotten her prescription, and this was a separate transaction. Meanwhile, there were over 10 people waiting for the pharmacy with more lining up. She demanded that they check the stock in the back. She refused to leave because she didn't want to lose her place in line. She was miserable person. She turned around and saw the long line of people trying to get their medicine, and growing impatient, and she said 'Sorry everyone has to wait' then blamed the stores incompetence. Some folks just politely said its fine. I had been in line for about 15 minutes now and worse I had to pee so bad! So I was irritated. I glared at her👿 and told her since she already got her meds she should cash out at the register for the store instead of holding everyone here that needs to pick up their medicine because you're having a hissy fit about cookies. What was funny was the man a couple of spots behind her pulled out a few bucks and gave it to her and said 'There ya' go! Now can you leave!?' My hero haha. She finally just said she didn't want the cookies and she'll be giving them a complaint online. I think I got a bit of track, sorry haha. But people that hold up lines for bulls**t really pisses me off.


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1.Walk slow in front of me and take the whole sidewalk.
2.Saying i cant or don't know how to anything without even trying.
3.Letting there kids come and pet my dog without even asking and then yelling at me if my over energetic and happy dog wants to play and lick the kid.


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People who are rude to others. I don’t care what kind of day you had. There’s no excuse for you to be rude to the person who’s helping you. Especially because 9/10 times the other person has zero control over your issue.


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People who get in my personal space, I like to be alone for a reason, and I don’t need people getting in my personal space.



Crazy drivers who are secretly oranges


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I cant stand tailgaters! Wether Im in the car with one, or Im being tailgated. IDGAF I will throw my beer at you!


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See Also on Bored Panda

then people call me a tranphobe even though I am literally trans


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People who hold up lines at the convenient store playing lottery ticket after lotter ticket. Buy your damn waste of money tickets and leave.

Smokers who smoke in front of doors and are oblivious, or purposely ignorant of smoke allergies and asthma, and just generally don't give a rats a*s about other's health.

People who don't respect other people's privacy in public washrooms and change rooms. It should be illegal to take photos and record where people should be expecting to have some privacy. Especially when there's friggin gaps in the stalls.

Drivers who don't yield for pedestrians are cross walks. There's really no excuse for this kind of impatience.


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1. People playing videos or listening to music on their phone on full volume in public places
2. People not following traffic rules


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People who use words that are completely wrong and don't apply to a situation.


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See Also on Bored Panda