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I Paint The Eyes Of Vulnerable People To Show That Vulnerability Is OK
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I Paint The Eyes Of Vulnerable People To Show That Vulnerability Is OK


I became tired and frustrated with the notion that Vulnerability is this taboo subject that no one wants to acknowledge. Knowing that we all struggle with it, and that it affects our daily lives, I wanted to create an outlet for others to speak up about their experiences in a way that was safe and beautiful.

I talk to people, one-on-one, about their history with vulnerability and how it has shaped who they are. Then, each Sunday I post a watercolor portrait of the person that I talked to, along with a few quotes from our conversation. My goal is to show that no matter what we each experience in life, we are all struggling with the same emotions and we are never alone in that. It’s time to start sharing, start talking, and most importantly, start practicing empathy with everyone we meet.

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“It was my entire life… so when it all broke apart in that moment, in my eyes it seemed like my life was ending. I was lost.”

“Looking back, while there is a lot that I regret, I wouldn’t change a thing. I wouldn’t be who I am today and where I am in this moment.”

“I’ve been programmed to believe that no one wants the burden of my emotions.”

“Everyone has a story to tell, and there is no way that we can know all of it. For me, I just needed someone to listen.”

“I wasn’t ready to embrace that struggle… I wasn’t ready for that to be my struggle.”


“Being authentic has changed how I live. Once I realized to express my feelings in a way that is truly me – not what somebody else wants to hear – it taught me to be my own advocate.”

“I trusted everyone and everything all the time. And when that trust was finally ripped from me, I thought: why live anymore? What’s the point?”


“Feeling all that shit – as painful as it is – gives you the gift of awareness. Awareness of where you are and where your life truly stands. You have feelings that in turn reflect how you can better yourself and make the world around you better. It makes it worth waking up in the morning.”


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Elissa Hogan

Elissa Hogan

Author, Community member

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Artist, Hand-Talker, and Seeker of Meaningful Connections

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Elissa Hogan

Elissa Hogan

Author, Community member

Artist, Hand-Talker, and Seeker of Meaningful Connections

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