If you are not self-employed, you probably have a boss. For many people, this relationship is one of the most important parts of their work life. How you get along, how you work together, and how much you trust and empathize with one another can have a significant impact on your job satisfaction and even day-to-day well-being, not to mention long-term career prospects.

But some higher-ups are hard to even talk to; they’re stubborn, have no empathy, and use their team as pawns for their own success. Luckily for Imgur user DiscriminativeStimulus, their boss still hasn’t lost touch with reality.

When the two of them got into a disagreement over the employee’s overpayment deduction, one listened to the other and common sense prevailed. Continue scrolling to check out how they resolved the issue. Their exchange should be the norm!

This person recently got an email from their boss, informing about an overpayment deduction

Image credits: DiscriminativeStimulus

Image credits: DiscriminativeStimulus

But they did their research and challenged their boss

Image credits: DiscriminativeStimulus

Image credits: DiscriminativeStimulus

Surprisingly, the two of them found common ground


Image credits: DiscriminativeStimulus

After the exchange went viral, the employee provided more information

Image credits: DiscriminativeStimulus

Image credits: DiscriminativeStimulus


Image credits: DiscriminativeStimulus

Image credits: DiscriminativeStimulus

And here’s what the people had to say about it


Some were even overjoyed