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“She’s Being A Complete Clown”: Woman Is Furious And Offended Coworker Won’t Give Free Manicure

“She’s Being A Complete Clown”: Woman Is Furious And Offended Coworker Won’t Give Free Manicure


We have all ended up encountering people who for some unfathomable reason believe that they are truly entitled to your time, energy, and money. One way or another, we all have to deal with them while trying to preserve a shred of our own sanity.

A woman shared her frustrating experience with a coworker who decided that she was entitled to a free manicure over lunch. She would pester OP over and over in some deluded attempt to get her to spend her entire lunch break and more just doing her nails, for free. Commenters attempted to figure out just how her reasoning worked.

Entitled people are unfortunately everywhere, from one’s family to the workplace

Image credits: ArtHouse Studio (not the actual photo)

One worker shared her experience with a woman who insisted on getting a “free manicure” over lunch


Image credits: Karolina Grabowska (not the actual photo)


Image credits: garetsworkshop (not the actual photo)


Image credits: tigolbiddies2022

Image credits: SHVETS production (not the actual photo)

While it can be hard to pin down, most psychologists believe that this sort of entitlement comes from some degree of narcissistic personality disorder (NPD). From a very twisted point of view, this coworker might legitimately believe that OP has to give her a manicure and, even further, that she is doing her a favor by allowing her to “practice.”

Most humans are rational, so we tend to avoid strategies that constantly don’t work. But as one comment mentioned, this woman’s approach has probably worked out for her in the past. Most likely it has worked enough times to justify acting like this regularly. If she truly suffers from NPD, she is unlikely to even consider that these tactics are wrong, counterproductive, and downright annoying.


However, entitlement has its own quirks over regular narcissism and sociopathy. For better or worse, true narcissists and sociopaths don’t see a lot of value in other people and tend to be somewhat independent. Entitled people are annoying precisely because they feel entitled to something that isn’t actually theirs like a parent wanting their kid’s money or a coworker demanding OP spend her lunch break on a free manicure.

Image credits: Alex Green (not the actual photo)

Indeed, people who are dependent on others for a long period of time often develop a sense of entitlement to the privileges and things given to them. The stereotypical manchild living in their parent’s basement who constantly complains is partially based on reality. As a result, some psychologists suggest that very entitled people might have narcissistic traits but aren’t true narcissists.

The waters are further muddled by the fact that not all entitlement is bad. There are things we can earn and are right to demand, for example, in the workplace or in a relationship. Indeed, earning certain rights and privileges does tend to be psychologically healthy for a person. It helps with self-image and setting good boundaries.


After all, asking a partner not to disregard your feelings or to sometimes do the dishes isn’t an entitlement, it’s a normal and healthy request. Not working after hours without extra pay or demanding to be paid on time isn’t a sign of an entitled worker, it’s a normal demand for a boss to comply with labor laws.

Image credits: cottonbro studio (not the actual photo)

Of course, while this woman feels entitled to OP’s time, OP is actually entitled to spend her lunch break exactly how she pleases, which most would agree should consist of some food and relaxation, not someone else’s nails. Similarly, this woman should probably direct her efforts to her husband who reportedly sees a manicure as a waste of time. While he is free to have his opinions, it’s unclear why a woman with a full-time job can’t just pay for it herself.

If this woman is truly, somehow, fully dependent on her husband’s money, this would suggest the sort of entitlement-dependency cycle that some psychologists believe could be the cause of this kind of behavior. Unfortunately, instead of dealing with her own issues, this woman is using office gossip to manipulate people against OP just because she refuses her demands.


Commenters shared their dislike for these sorts of people and OP chatted with some readers

Others gave some suggestions and shared similar stories

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Justin Sandberg

Justin Sandberg

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I am a writer at Bored Panda. Despite being born in the US, I ended up spending most of my life in Europe, from Latvia, Austria, and Georgia to finally settling in Lithuania. At Bored Panda, you’ll find me covering topics ranging from the cat meme of the day to red flags in the workplace and really anything else. In my free time, I enjoy hiking, beating other people at board games, cooking, good books, and bad films.

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Justin Sandberg

Justin Sandberg

Writer, BoredPanda staff

I am a writer at Bored Panda. Despite being born in the US, I ended up spending most of my life in Europe, from Latvia, Austria, and Georgia to finally settling in Lithuania. At Bored Panda, you’ll find me covering topics ranging from the cat meme of the day to red flags in the workplace and really anything else. In my free time, I enjoy hiking, beating other people at board games, cooking, good books, and bad films.

Viktorija Ošikaitė

Viktorija Ošikaitė

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Viktorija Ošikaitė

Viktorija Ošikaitė

Author, BoredPanda staff

I'm a visual editor here at Bored Panda and I enjoy a good laugh. My work ranges from serious topics related to toxic work environments and relationship difficulties to humorous articles about online shopping fails and introvert memes. When I'm not at my work desk, checking if every single pixel is in the right place, I usually spend my free time playing board games, taking pictures, and watching documentaries

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dirkdaring99 avatar
Dirk Daring
Community Member
7 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

"I'm not paying for your hobby!" I agree, and neither shall you be a participant in it.

vassey1 avatar
Carol Vasbinder
Community Member
7 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I dealt with something similar years ago when I worked for a department store. My best friend’s Aunt would show up several times a week to get me to shop with her on my lunch break so she could get my discount. So no lunch for me and had I been caught I would have been fired or at least reprimanded. Finally told my friend to tell her no more. Aunt was pissed.

missidontgetit avatar
Community Member
7 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Sounds like my aunt who would come shopping with me and fill up my trolley and then moan at the checkout how it was my fault she was buying so much until I paid for everything. I stopped and boy did she moan.

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micheldurinx avatar
Marcellus II
Community Member
7 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Just send all the love back... "Oh yeah I remember, she was too cheap to treat herself to a mani, so she KEPT badgering me the WHOOOOLE morning! She didn't get ANY work done haha!" surely that will reflect well.

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dirkdaring99 avatar
Dirk Daring
Community Member
7 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

"I'm not paying for your hobby!" I agree, and neither shall you be a participant in it.

vassey1 avatar
Carol Vasbinder
Community Member
7 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I dealt with something similar years ago when I worked for a department store. My best friend’s Aunt would show up several times a week to get me to shop with her on my lunch break so she could get my discount. So no lunch for me and had I been caught I would have been fired or at least reprimanded. Finally told my friend to tell her no more. Aunt was pissed.

missidontgetit avatar
Community Member
7 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Sounds like my aunt who would come shopping with me and fill up my trolley and then moan at the checkout how it was my fault she was buying so much until I paid for everything. I stopped and boy did she moan.

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micheldurinx avatar
Marcellus II
Community Member
7 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Just send all the love back... "Oh yeah I remember, she was too cheap to treat herself to a mani, so she KEPT badgering me the WHOOOOLE morning! She didn't get ANY work done haha!" surely that will reflect well.

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