Being in love with someone is much more than holding hands, going places together, or posting cute photos of each other on Instagram. Being truly in love means worrying when your loved one takes time to get home, sitting close and listening about your partner's worries when he/or she has a hard day, taking care of your loved one when he/or she gets ill and much more than that. It's simply loving your partner unconditionally and always being there without expecting anything in return.

When we are in a relationship, especially at the beginning of it, it seems that nothing in the world is more important than that person and we could do anything just to make him/her happy. Over time, this feeling may fade a bit but true love will remain. And that's exactly what illustrator Luong Thuy shows in her beautiful drawings. “My inspiration lies in everyday life with my boyfriend. The stories I illustrate are also stories about myself” - said the artist to Bored Panda when asked how she was inspired to create these drawing ideas.

More info: Instagram | Facebook

Luong Thuy, or beisme08 on Instagram, uses her cute drawings to depict her daily life and adorable moments with her boyfriend that make people smile at what a cute couple they are. "These love drawings recreate my everyday moments with my boyfriend. I always try to draw with the simplest content so that anyone who looks at it can easily understand the story"- said the artist about the creative idea behind her illustrations. These couple drawings are both cute and funny and perfectly show the relationship goals that we all dream of!

The artist says that she started drawing her illustrations about 6 months ago and what’s really impressive is that she already has more than 50k followers on her Instagram account who really enjoy her illustrations. It usually takes her 2-3 days or more to complete one illustration since she has to somehow manage to do classwork and also work at a company.


Luong Thuy enjoys drawing girls who are true to themselves and show their real emotions even when they are sad. She is not afraid to draw body curves that some artists might avoid and girls with colorful hair. When asked about her drawing style, the artist said: “I have tried to draw a lot of styles before. But later, I liked the simpler styles more. I always try to draw so that anyone looking at me can understand the content I want to convey.”

"Through the pictures that I draw, most importantly, I want to portray the good memories I have with my boyfriend. I also want people to feel happy and optimistic when they see my paintings. Sometimes, a few of my followers text me about their love stories or share their problems with me. I am not always able to give people the right advice but I am always willing to share my experiences with them, helping them to feel relieved. It also makes me happy when I know I have helped them a little bit. Life is so much better with love in it” - said the artist. We should admit that these illustrations make us believe that true love really exists!


Illustrator Shows In Lovely Drawings What It Is To Be Truly In Love

beisme08 Report

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Kizzy Kizzy
Community Member
4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Awwwww and this is totally me I have very small hands and all my friends comment on it

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Illustrator Shows In Lovely Drawings What It Is To Be Truly In Love

beisme08 Report

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Jymmi F.
Community Member
4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

My bf nibbles on my cheeks all the time. I do that to my baby cousin. That’s what chubby cheeks are for!

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Illustrator Shows In Lovely Drawings What It Is To Be Truly In Love

beisme08 Report

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Lady Marmalade
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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Some of you are saying she's clingy and yes, it may seem that way but it's just hearing someone say "I love you " is what feels good. To know that no matter how much you ask the answer will always be yes. That's what feels good

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Illustrator Shows In Lovely Drawings What It Is To Be Truly In Love

beisme08 Report

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P.Brux FHell
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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

You can tell she's insecure and needy, but how cute she has a significant other that loves her as she is.

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Illustrator Shows In Lovely Drawings What It Is To Be Truly In Love

beisme08 Report

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Jenica Thomas
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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

My wife and I do this. I always say "I love you mostest, because there is nothing more than mostest!"

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Illustrator Shows In Lovely Drawings What It Is To Be Truly In Love

beisme08 Report

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Jayden Michael
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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Gravity: Everything shall fall straight down! Rain: No. Gravity: And Why not? Rain: Because we need more of this ^

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Illustrator Shows In Lovely Drawings What It Is To Be Truly In Love

beisme08 Report

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Illustrator Shows In Lovely Drawings What It Is To Be Truly In Love

beisme08 Report

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Community Member
4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

To everyone else who's all upset about this... IT'S A JOKE OBVIOUSLY. Me n my bf do the same thing. He jokes about how i should dress like an Amish woman to keep other men away. We laugh, then I throw on my revealing outfit anyway. Which he also appreciates because he's the guy with the sexy gf. So y'all can just chill the f**k out n stop being so damn offensive. For f**k sake ya sensitive lil bitches. You're what's wrong w/ society and why everyone has to walk around on eggshells. TAKE A DAMN JOKE N LIGHTEN THE F**K UP

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