Quarantine had posed some serious challenges for college students. As schools were closed down to prevent the spread of the coronavirus, the chaos ensued. Colleges were forced to figure out how to proceed with the school year as quickly as possible. However, the biggest decision making has fallen into the hands of professors. Some decided to transfer all of the classes online, whether by holding virtual video classes or prerecording them and uploading them where students can have access to the material. There were also those who decided to give up entirely and canceled the finals altogether. While the majority found some sort of solutions of what do during the quarantine, there’s one thing a college professor Melissa Wong wishes that lecturers won’t forget–how to be human. After receiving her very first email from a student who contracted COVID-19, the professor took to Twitter to share a script about how one should reply.

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Recently, a college professor shared a script she suggests using when a student emails about getting sick with COVID-19

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In her words, the most important thing a professor can do during this trying time is to be a human first

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In response, both students and professors shared their own experience with showing each other compassion

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Image credits: Josh_HigherEd

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Image credits: Louisabacio

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