This Woman Was Nervous About Her Photoshoot With Fiancé, But The Result Won The Internet

Community member
So often today on social media we are bombarded by images of plastic people, airbrushed and filtered to such an extent that all genuine emotion and feeling, the human connections that shine through the picture and into our hearts, is lost.
Step forward Stephanie and Arryn, a young couple from Texas. They are not models, but friends with photographer Bria Terry, of Wolf & Rose Photography. Stephanie decided to respond to an everyday call for models to take part in a boudoir photoshoot, and as you can see, the results are stunning.
The photoshoot was uploaded onto Wolf & Rose Photography’s Facebook page, which is pretty much normal protocol, but this time the photos went hugely viral. What is it about these particular photos that have caused such a stir? We will leave it for you to decide. But the obvious love, chemistry, confidence and beauty of the images are there for all to see, generating an unexpectedly wonderful response from an infamously mean internet comments section. “This makes my heart so happy and gives me hope as a plus size woman that not all men care about what size you are” is just one example of the body positive message that this photoshoot, breaking the mold of societal expectations, has inspired.
Stephanie has embraced the opportunity to give her message of body positivity to the millions who struggle with unrealistic expectations pushed by both social and mainstream media, leading to self-esteem issues. “I remember being in junior high and looking at myself in the mirror, wondering why my stomach wasn’t the way it was ‘supposed’ to be,” she told HuffPost. “Over the years, I’ve come to accept that I am always going to be considered plus-size. I push myself out of my comfort zone by wearing clothes that I love but aren’t in society’s mold of what is acceptable for bigger women, like crop tops, tight shirts, shorter dresses and shorts. I walk around with my head high, smiling, and show no shame in myself.” The photoshoot gave her a great opportunity to really express herself, and she loves the result. “I honestly have never felt more attractive,” was her reaction to first seeing the album. “I was shocked. I look so in love and confident. Every person should be able to see themselves in that light. It is really eye-opening.”
We at Bored Panda say cheers to Stephanie and Arryn, who plan to wed in early 2019, and to Bria for capturing the connection, emotion and chemistry between them. Bria told Healthline that the couple had made her job seem easy. “The connection they share is truly inspiring, even to me. It has always been my hope as a photographer to show people the beauty that they hold, and I feel like I’ve done this here. I am a firm believer in love. Size, race, religion, and sexuality are all things that are at times used to divide us, but at the end of the day, we all just want to be loved. I think that’s why these photos have become so popular. Above all else, you can see the love that these two share.”
You can scroll down to check out the gorgeous pics below. True love really does know no boundaries!
More info: Wolf & Rose Photography
“I remember being in junior high and looking at myself in the mirror, wondering why my stomach wasn’t the way it was ‘supposed’ to be”
“Over the years, I’ve come to accept that I am always going to be considered plus-size”
“I walk around with my head high, smiling, and show no shame in myself”
“I honestly have never felt more attractive,” was her reaction to first seeing the album
“I was shocked. I look so in love and confident”
“Every person should be able to see themselves in that light. It is really eye-opening”
The photographer believes that “The connection they share is truly inspiring, even to me”
ADVERTISEMENT“It has always been my hope as a photographer to show people the beauty that they hold, and I feel like I’ve done this here”
“I am a firm believer in love. Size, race, religion, and sexuality are all things that are at times used to divide us, but at the end of the day, we all just want to be loved”
The photoshoot resonated with people across the internet
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James is a Bored Panda reporter who graduated with a BA in Peace And Conflict Studies and an MA in African Affairs. Before Bored Panda, he was an English teacher and also travelled a lot, doing odd jobs from beer-slinging to brickie's labourer and freelance journalism along the way. James loves covering stories about social and environmental issues and prefers to highlight the positive things that unite us, rather than petty internet squabbles about fictional characters. James is the grumpy, contradictory one who thinks that Bored Panda, due to its large audience, has a social responsibility to inspire and inform its readers with interesting issues and entertaining, well-researched stories. Let's do our bit to make our little corner of the internet a smarter, more truthful and less angry place!
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James Caunt
Author, Community member
James is a Bored Panda reporter who graduated with a BA in Peace And Conflict Studies and an MA in African Affairs. Before Bored Panda, he was an English teacher and also travelled a lot, doing odd jobs from beer-slinging to brickie's labourer and freelance journalism along the way. James loves covering stories about social and environmental issues and prefers to highlight the positive things that unite us, rather than petty internet squabbles about fictional characters. James is the grumpy, contradictory one who thinks that Bored Panda, due to its large audience, has a social responsibility to inspire and inform its readers with interesting issues and entertaining, well-researched stories. Let's do our bit to make our little corner of the internet a smarter, more truthful and less angry place!
Oh god, if she hadn't posted it online nobody would be any the wiser and it would be a nice private memory, but because it's online I feel compelled to reply. I get the feeling that nowadays just because someone is big it MUST be immediately beautiful. Well everybody likes different things and personally I think this is a lovely private album but I'm not too keen on looking at it. There.
Thank God someone said it! I hate these kind of publicized photos that should be kept private... not meant for everyone's eyes! I'd never do this, let alone show EVERYONE on the internet! It's great that she has the confidence as a plus size woman to do this kind of photo shoot... but she should've kept them private, really!
Load More Replies...Those of you complaining about this being publicized obviously didn't read the article. The photos were shot by a photography company that was doing a model shoot. Model. Advertising. Showing the public the work they have done. Duh. The photographer said it was standard policy to put their work on the company Facebook page. Literacy: It helps you not look dumb.
these kind of photos should be kept private? if the female model was not a plus-size then you will find okay to show these kind of photos to the public??
Bottom line: Porn takes up a lot of internet space, a lot. These loving photos could do a lot to heal the violence against women, perpetrated by men, often -- for what? Porn is violence and unhealed trauma portrayed as sex, it seems to me. Sex=Life. Porn=Suicide to Sex. Just my observation from watching my sister die after ten years on heroin, selling her body to stay high...and knowing porn contributed to men being able to see my angelic, kind, cheerful sister as something she was not. Heroin helped her deal with unthinkable pain. I am so sorry if this is not your reality, if you feel porn is good for you. It's been a long life watching porn spill into the streets, like poison. My reality; just mine. I wish you the beauty I see here: honest, loving connection. That takes balls, and heart. How does one heal their heart? Not with porn <3 ~ C l a i r e
Darenda - BMI is VERY little to do with health. My BMI says I'm Morbidly Obese. I'm not, I'm 6'2" so my BMI is never correct. Not to mention people starving to DEATH have been shown to have optimal BMI. It is nothing more than a tool and not a very accurate tool at that. It's as helpful as a blunt knife in the kitchen....Let me guess, you have NO PROBLEM with people who are dying to be thin, as long as their body looks like it would have a proper BMI.
Posting the photos may indeed be standard practice, but I'm sure it's also standard practice to get the customers' consent before posting. Just because a professional photographer takes a photo doesn't automatically give them the right to post it online, so the above comments of Little Menace and Ann Ros'a are still applicable.
This isn't hate by any means.....it's just a pseudo glam fad woman seeking confirmation . not a totally confident woman .. it show such distaste to glamorize women at an unhealthy BMI. End of discussion. It does not promote drive for self improvement or self-actualization. And it tries to push an idea that everything that's beautiful quote on quote is acceptable and an unhealthy BMI should be considered normal and acceptable. I'm glad she's in love with her man and that her man is in love with her but these are the type of photoshoots that should be kept private so as not to send the improper connotation to younger people that for any other reason besides health-related scenarios that lend to obesity, a woman should be okay with who they are how they are No matter what their weight is and don't have to have a sense of modesty or self maintenance at healthy reasonable BMI. Definitely should be kept private! Frown.
When I was young I had an argument with a friend. My Dad asked why I no longer liked her. I said she was fat and ugly. My Dad said she was beautiful. I repeated, she was ugly and fat. My Dad said your not looking close enough. He was right I love you Daddy. I no longer judge.
both you and your dad are correct, your friend can be a beautiful person but still has a fat body and ugly face.... if she was too skinny and ugly faced, then she would be a beautiful person with ugly face and too skinny body.....
I don't normally comment on things like this , but I felt compelled to play "devils advocate " here , I detest hypocrites who watch a blue movie till the end or look at every single photo in a risqué photoshoot and then say it's disgusting and shouldn't be allowed ! We have all been given the power of our own private censorship , or if you no likey , you no lookey , simples just switch off or swipe to the next story !
Well, I'm definitely not in the camp that "because someone is big it MUST be beautiful", but I happen to think these pictures ARE beautiful - because of the photography, because this girl is pretty, because they're clearly in love, etc. So, I enjoyed seeing them for that.
it said in the article the photographer uploaded them to her FB page: The photoshoot was uploaded onto Wolf & Rose Photography’s Facebook page, which is pretty much normal protocol, but this time the photos went hugely viral.
I am pretty sure before a photographer can upload pics there has to be an agreement between the said photographer and the client legally speaking.
i get it but there are so many people of bigger size that struggle. Struggle to see themselves as beautiful. I come from an obese family yet I'm not obese. My sibblings have struggled so much to get their weight under control and see themselves as beautiful in the process. Sure I would never even post a hint of a nipple on social media and I'm not keen on seeing anyone naked in photos like these; however, I can see how this would help or encourage someone like my sisters. Remember in the media it only portrays slender as beautiful. So sure it's not our cup of tea to be so blatantly out there but think of what this type of thing say to others who struggle with their size. Like my sisters, it says that through their struggle to get a handle on their weight they are beautiful and desirable just like anyone else.
Sooooo just because it's not something that you don't like to see that means that you rule the internet? Sharing things like this is a great positivity boost to other women who happen to be larger because rude people like you discourage us EVERY day. Had this been a thin couple you wouldn't have said anything, and you probably would have said how wonderful it was. Well you know what Becky (yes, I'm calling you Becky, because you're acting like a Becky), other people are allowed to share their moments that make them feel amazing about themselves too not just the perfect barbies that get posted the vast majority of the time. Here let me post something else for you to not be "too keen on looking at" 13620045_1...de086f.jpg
Ah, I am plus size and she did not inspire me. I mean seriously, why do people feel they Have to share private moments such as nearly nude photos via social media therefore making them public. Just because you can do something doesn't necessarily mean you should and just because something makes you feel good doesn't necessarily mean you should do it. No one really has respect for himself or herself in this day and age. It's very sad. A plus size woman should not have to post nearly nude pics via social media in order to feel good about herself.
They're photo shoot would have been more effective with either all their clothes on or all off. The guy looks like an idiot standing in a lake with his pants on.
I can't even handle all the people saying they dont want to see it, but they freaking had to click the button to post a comment. IF YOU DONT WANT TO SEE IT KEEP ON FREAKING SCROLLING!!!!! Its really easy!!!!!
Meagan, I think the haters really just hate themselves. And they're so lost and unable to see a way out of their dark place that instead of trying to get out, they pull others in. That's why people like Lizz -- and soooo many others -- seem to revel in always degrading & insulting others. They have nothing, and they want you to be just as unhappy and empty as they are. It's sad, really. Yet, I find myself unable to have much compassion for them. Maybe that makes me a hypocrite. So be it. BTW, that's a lovely photo that you posted. You are a beautiful person, inside and out. :-)
Yes, I am not sure why couples think te rest of us want to see their inimate pics. Whether fat or thin. If people want to do these, keep them to yourselves. They are neither sexy or attractive or inspiring or anything.
Dan. Puppet? No just too lazy to write the same comment as Theresa which I totally agree with, therefore I put 'ditto'. Also you don't know me and quite frankly you sir talk out of your a*s ;)
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Next time you both instagram your noodles or snapchat your duckfaces you should consider "Does this really need to be published?" and realize that no. It effin doesn't. Yet we get to see more s**t like that, than images of moments like the pictures posted. because of you. Feel better? No. because you're bloody ignorant. Little menace. You will NEVER be beautiful, because your mind is tainted. The woman is beautiful and the guy is hot looking. Monika, you behave like a freaking puppet. If someone pull your strings hard enough they would snap and you'd end up flat on your face. Next to your feet. Would you rather break out of the strings to think for yourself, or spend your life smelling your feet on the floor? Imbecills..
So I suppose you are also bothered by models in bra/undies catalogs?? 😂🤣😂🤣 Whatever.
Little Menace.......I detect a little jealousy coming from you. You know, you don't have to be jealous......you can make your own pics too. Every city has a great photographer. Just pick up the phone and make an appointment. It's that easy!
If you're not keen on looking at it , then why click on this post ? I just don't get it ... Here's someone who's confident and plus size and naked and everyone starts hating ... If they wear clothes completely , it's their effort to look slimmer , if they don't , it's their way of getting attention ... Can't you let people live ?
Then why did look, you could have just clicked the page shut but no you had to make a hateful comment.
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being normal means being ugly i guess :-D
I agree that all women should accept themselves as they are and be self-confident. But I don't see why a woman should get half naked in front of the camera and publish her photos to show herself and the others she became self-confident.
Sometimes I wonder if people who do these things are really that self-confident, since they are clearly still looking for strangers' attention and approval. I feel like people who are truly satisfied are the ones we'll never hear of, because they don't need to tell anyone. But that's just me, too.
Load More Replies...@Rafaella I'm with you on this one. Self-confidence comes from within, not from strangers' approval.
Rafaella - some people might not feel self confident at all,and this might help them feel that they too could love themselves as they are . They don't have to post pics yes , but they will learn from her to love themselves .So it served a purpose ! I agree everyone have their own opinions , but why point out the bad in everything ? This person has finally learnt to love herself and wants to share it with others so they might do the same .
You have misunderstood the purpose of the article, either deliberately or through a reading comprehension problem.
The photoshoot was uploaded onto Wolf & Rose Photography’s Facebook page, which is pretty much normal protocol, but this time the photos went hugely viral.
Because she can and she chose to do it ... And it doesn't hurt anyone else in the process ...
To give strength to others. To share her happiness. That's reason enough.
I agree. The pictures would still look beautiful with their clothes on.
I'm glad she shared these. I like seeing women who look like me being beautiful and appreciated. It's still so rare to see pictures celebrating bigger women. 20 yrs ago, when I was a teen, there was NO body positivity, not like there is now. We are slowly staring to accept that women do not come in one size or shape. We are finally starting to celebrate our different bodies. Yet we've still got a long way to go, and the 100+ comments on this post - many of them negative - show just how far we still have to go. She's f'in hot. And so is he!
It's for the same reason that anyone get's to publish anything on the internet. It's clearly something that makes them feel good and they want to share it with friends and family. Just because it ended up going viral doesn't mean that it was their intention. She posted it to HER facebook page, and from there it went viral due to HER friends and family sharing the images. Honestly, no one would have even batted an eye if she were a Victoria Secret looking woman. 13620045_1...24cdf8.jpg
However just because you can do something does not mean you should do it. She might later on come to regret those pics being on the web.
Cos nothing says 'self-confidence' than hiding your body away from judgemental eyes.
To me this begs an interesting question ... why exactly should we feel self confident and accept ourselves? We don't feel confident and we feel it means something and it means something real, which is why people say it's so damaging. But we also know that those who are irrationally self confident can get themselves into damaging situations as well. Why do so many attempts to just feel more confident fail? Because we know they're not based on anything real. No matter how much you want to be confident, no how many times you repeat "I am confident" mantras over and over it only has a brief benefit before you're usually lower than when you started. If you want to feel psychically attractive you can't MAKE people find you physically attractive so the only way to feel it anyway is either total delusion which clearly doesn't work, deluded resentment, or you need to fundamentally change your priorities OR ask if you're unhealthy and if being confident would be a bad thing
Just jealous wow. Better than those pretty much half naked attention starved whores, who, are likely to judge what is a beautiful example of love in this world. Your petty
I was immediately worried about their clothes on the muddy ground. There lie my concerns.
I had a very similar "Ew they are sitting in the mucky, muddy water" moment with the very first pic.
Load More Replies...The water actually looks really clean. Probably sitting on silt and clay..
You guys are really WAY too sheltered. Must live some exciting lives...🙄
My first thought was snakes alligators and spiders in the trees. It was a beautiful photo shoot but all that hairy c**p in and around the water would have done me in!!!! No cement bottom no me in it
Oh god, if she hadn't posted it online nobody would be any the wiser and it would be a nice private memory, but because it's online I feel compelled to reply. I get the feeling that nowadays just because someone is big it MUST be immediately beautiful. Well everybody likes different things and personally I think this is a lovely private album but I'm not too keen on looking at it. There.
Thank God someone said it! I hate these kind of publicized photos that should be kept private... not meant for everyone's eyes! I'd never do this, let alone show EVERYONE on the internet! It's great that she has the confidence as a plus size woman to do this kind of photo shoot... but she should've kept them private, really!
Load More Replies...Those of you complaining about this being publicized obviously didn't read the article. The photos were shot by a photography company that was doing a model shoot. Model. Advertising. Showing the public the work they have done. Duh. The photographer said it was standard policy to put their work on the company Facebook page. Literacy: It helps you not look dumb.
these kind of photos should be kept private? if the female model was not a plus-size then you will find okay to show these kind of photos to the public??
Bottom line: Porn takes up a lot of internet space, a lot. These loving photos could do a lot to heal the violence against women, perpetrated by men, often -- for what? Porn is violence and unhealed trauma portrayed as sex, it seems to me. Sex=Life. Porn=Suicide to Sex. Just my observation from watching my sister die after ten years on heroin, selling her body to stay high...and knowing porn contributed to men being able to see my angelic, kind, cheerful sister as something she was not. Heroin helped her deal with unthinkable pain. I am so sorry if this is not your reality, if you feel porn is good for you. It's been a long life watching porn spill into the streets, like poison. My reality; just mine. I wish you the beauty I see here: honest, loving connection. That takes balls, and heart. How does one heal their heart? Not with porn <3 ~ C l a i r e
Darenda - BMI is VERY little to do with health. My BMI says I'm Morbidly Obese. I'm not, I'm 6'2" so my BMI is never correct. Not to mention people starving to DEATH have been shown to have optimal BMI. It is nothing more than a tool and not a very accurate tool at that. It's as helpful as a blunt knife in the kitchen....Let me guess, you have NO PROBLEM with people who are dying to be thin, as long as their body looks like it would have a proper BMI.
Posting the photos may indeed be standard practice, but I'm sure it's also standard practice to get the customers' consent before posting. Just because a professional photographer takes a photo doesn't automatically give them the right to post it online, so the above comments of Little Menace and Ann Ros'a are still applicable.
This isn't hate by any means.....it's just a pseudo glam fad woman seeking confirmation . not a totally confident woman .. it show such distaste to glamorize women at an unhealthy BMI. End of discussion. It does not promote drive for self improvement or self-actualization. And it tries to push an idea that everything that's beautiful quote on quote is acceptable and an unhealthy BMI should be considered normal and acceptable. I'm glad she's in love with her man and that her man is in love with her but these are the type of photoshoots that should be kept private so as not to send the improper connotation to younger people that for any other reason besides health-related scenarios that lend to obesity, a woman should be okay with who they are how they are No matter what their weight is and don't have to have a sense of modesty or self maintenance at healthy reasonable BMI. Definitely should be kept private! Frown.
When I was young I had an argument with a friend. My Dad asked why I no longer liked her. I said she was fat and ugly. My Dad said she was beautiful. I repeated, she was ugly and fat. My Dad said your not looking close enough. He was right I love you Daddy. I no longer judge.
both you and your dad are correct, your friend can be a beautiful person but still has a fat body and ugly face.... if she was too skinny and ugly faced, then she would be a beautiful person with ugly face and too skinny body.....
I don't normally comment on things like this , but I felt compelled to play "devils advocate " here , I detest hypocrites who watch a blue movie till the end or look at every single photo in a risqué photoshoot and then say it's disgusting and shouldn't be allowed ! We have all been given the power of our own private censorship , or if you no likey , you no lookey , simples just switch off or swipe to the next story !
Well, I'm definitely not in the camp that "because someone is big it MUST be beautiful", but I happen to think these pictures ARE beautiful - because of the photography, because this girl is pretty, because they're clearly in love, etc. So, I enjoyed seeing them for that.
it said in the article the photographer uploaded them to her FB page: The photoshoot was uploaded onto Wolf & Rose Photography’s Facebook page, which is pretty much normal protocol, but this time the photos went hugely viral.
I am pretty sure before a photographer can upload pics there has to be an agreement between the said photographer and the client legally speaking.
i get it but there are so many people of bigger size that struggle. Struggle to see themselves as beautiful. I come from an obese family yet I'm not obese. My sibblings have struggled so much to get their weight under control and see themselves as beautiful in the process. Sure I would never even post a hint of a nipple on social media and I'm not keen on seeing anyone naked in photos like these; however, I can see how this would help or encourage someone like my sisters. Remember in the media it only portrays slender as beautiful. So sure it's not our cup of tea to be so blatantly out there but think of what this type of thing say to others who struggle with their size. Like my sisters, it says that through their struggle to get a handle on their weight they are beautiful and desirable just like anyone else.
Sooooo just because it's not something that you don't like to see that means that you rule the internet? Sharing things like this is a great positivity boost to other women who happen to be larger because rude people like you discourage us EVERY day. Had this been a thin couple you wouldn't have said anything, and you probably would have said how wonderful it was. Well you know what Becky (yes, I'm calling you Becky, because you're acting like a Becky), other people are allowed to share their moments that make them feel amazing about themselves too not just the perfect barbies that get posted the vast majority of the time. Here let me post something else for you to not be "too keen on looking at" 13620045_1...de086f.jpg
Ah, I am plus size and she did not inspire me. I mean seriously, why do people feel they Have to share private moments such as nearly nude photos via social media therefore making them public. Just because you can do something doesn't necessarily mean you should and just because something makes you feel good doesn't necessarily mean you should do it. No one really has respect for himself or herself in this day and age. It's very sad. A plus size woman should not have to post nearly nude pics via social media in order to feel good about herself.
They're photo shoot would have been more effective with either all their clothes on or all off. The guy looks like an idiot standing in a lake with his pants on.
I can't even handle all the people saying they dont want to see it, but they freaking had to click the button to post a comment. IF YOU DONT WANT TO SEE IT KEEP ON FREAKING SCROLLING!!!!! Its really easy!!!!!
Meagan, I think the haters really just hate themselves. And they're so lost and unable to see a way out of their dark place that instead of trying to get out, they pull others in. That's why people like Lizz -- and soooo many others -- seem to revel in always degrading & insulting others. They have nothing, and they want you to be just as unhappy and empty as they are. It's sad, really. Yet, I find myself unable to have much compassion for them. Maybe that makes me a hypocrite. So be it. BTW, that's a lovely photo that you posted. You are a beautiful person, inside and out. :-)
Yes, I am not sure why couples think te rest of us want to see their inimate pics. Whether fat or thin. If people want to do these, keep them to yourselves. They are neither sexy or attractive or inspiring or anything.
Dan. Puppet? No just too lazy to write the same comment as Theresa which I totally agree with, therefore I put 'ditto'. Also you don't know me and quite frankly you sir talk out of your a*s ;)
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Next time you both instagram your noodles or snapchat your duckfaces you should consider "Does this really need to be published?" and realize that no. It effin doesn't. Yet we get to see more s**t like that, than images of moments like the pictures posted. because of you. Feel better? No. because you're bloody ignorant. Little menace. You will NEVER be beautiful, because your mind is tainted. The woman is beautiful and the guy is hot looking. Monika, you behave like a freaking puppet. If someone pull your strings hard enough they would snap and you'd end up flat on your face. Next to your feet. Would you rather break out of the strings to think for yourself, or spend your life smelling your feet on the floor? Imbecills..
So I suppose you are also bothered by models in bra/undies catalogs?? 😂🤣😂🤣 Whatever.
Little Menace.......I detect a little jealousy coming from you. You know, you don't have to be jealous......you can make your own pics too. Every city has a great photographer. Just pick up the phone and make an appointment. It's that easy!
If you're not keen on looking at it , then why click on this post ? I just don't get it ... Here's someone who's confident and plus size and naked and everyone starts hating ... If they wear clothes completely , it's their effort to look slimmer , if they don't , it's their way of getting attention ... Can't you let people live ?
Then why did look, you could have just clicked the page shut but no you had to make a hateful comment.
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being normal means being ugly i guess :-D
I agree that all women should accept themselves as they are and be self-confident. But I don't see why a woman should get half naked in front of the camera and publish her photos to show herself and the others she became self-confident.
Sometimes I wonder if people who do these things are really that self-confident, since they are clearly still looking for strangers' attention and approval. I feel like people who are truly satisfied are the ones we'll never hear of, because they don't need to tell anyone. But that's just me, too.
Load More Replies...@Rafaella I'm with you on this one. Self-confidence comes from within, not from strangers' approval.