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Brave Vet Rescues Traumatized Pets From Ukraine And Delivers Them To Safety
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Brave Vet Rescues Traumatized Pets From Ukraine And Delivers Them To Safety


In the Ukraine conflict where Russian forces have illegitimately invaded another country, there are many casualties of war. The human casualties are horrible in and of themselves, but there are also many pets that have been displaced, injured and utterly abandoned.

A vet from Poland, Jakub Kotowicz, along with other fellow volunteers, has decided that enough is enough, and that he can’t just sit by knowing that there are animals out there needlessly suffering. Thus he organized a rescue expedition into Ukraine, and this is how it all went down. Warning: some of these images might evoke strong emotions, so be advised.

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Here’s Jakub Kotowicz, a vet turned hero that still humbly considers himself a “helping hand”

Image credits: jakub.kotowicz

When war broke out, he couldn’t just stand by, so he went to Ukraine to help the animals that were abandoned amidst war

Image credits: jakub.kotowicz

For every trip, the van is filled to the brim with animal cages and food supplies

Image credits: centrumadopcyjne


Image credits: jakub.kotowicz

Jakub was sympathetic to the fact that a long drive was very stressful to them, given they’ve just witnessed war


Image credits: jakub.kotowicz

Image credits: jakub.kotowicz

Image credits: centrumadopcyjne


Image credits: centrumadopcyjne

Image credits: centrumadopcyjne

The staff works all day and night

Image credits: centrumadopcyjne

Image credits: jakub.kotowicz

The vets only sleep a few hours. It’s a sacrifice that they’re willing to make in order to save them


Image credits: centrumadopcyjne

Jakub had said that some just couldn’t be saved, and many poor pets had to be taken down


Image credits: centrumadopcyjne

This dog had a piece of shrapnel lodged in its head that they were able to remove

Image credits: centrumadopcyjne

Image credits: centrumadopcyjne

Brave Vet Rescues Traumatized Pets From Ukraine And Delivers Them To Safety

Image credits: centrumadopcyjne

The vets offer a much-needed emotional support, too

Image credits: centrumadopcyjne

There’s a pattern in how the animals from the war zone look. Their eyes often reflect fear and suffering

Image credits: centrumadopcyjne


Image credits: centrumadopcyjne

Image credits: centrumadopcyjne

Image credits: centrumadopcyjne

Every one of these animals suffers from harsh symptoms of PTSD

Image credits: centrumadopcyjne

Image credits: centrumadopcyjne

Image credits: centrumadopcyjne

Other animal rescue organizations from Ireland, Denmark and many other countries joined the cause as well

The ragtag group of vets and volunteers is using all of the money to buy cages, supplies, and other necessities like a van


Image credits: centrumadopcyjne

They’re also building new kennels to accommodate the influx of rescues

Image credits: centrumadopcyjne

The animals show their gratitude to the selfless vets. Over 200 cats and 60 dogs were rescued during the operation

Image credits: centrumadopcyjne

Among the rescued is a young pygmy goat named Sasha from Lviv

Image credits: centrumadopcyjne

Image credits: centrumadopcyjne

Though her legs were diseased, she’s doing OK, and appears to be on her way to recovery

Image credits: centrumadopcyjne

Sasha will be kept as a pet by the ADA Foundation, an animal rescue charity Jakub founded when he was 17


Image credits: centrumadopcyjne

Many people adopt these poor rescues all around Europe, some were even reunited with their Ukrainian families

Image credits: centrumadopcyjne

Some are already able to take a well-deserved rest

Image credits: centrumadopcyjne


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Fascinated by music, movies and sitcoms, I'm passionate about social media and can't live without the internet, especially for all the cute dog and cat pictures out there. I wish the day had about 40 hours to be able to do everything I want.

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Author, Pro member

Fascinated by music, movies and sitcoms, I'm passionate about social media and can't live without the internet, especially for all the cute dog and cat pictures out there. I wish the day had about 40 hours to be able to do everything I want.

Titas Burinskas

Titas Burinskas

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This dude right here? He works as a Community Manager at Bored Panda. Has no back-story, cause his spine works just fine. He writes about himself in third-person, and in first-person about others. Fell in love with storytelling and cannot let that love go. Now, he's here to help you make your own story simply beautiful. Secretly makes cute music samples and writes stories in the dark that nobody has ever heard of before.

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Titas Burinskas

Titas Burinskas

Moderator, Community member

This dude right here? He works as a Community Manager at Bored Panda. Has no back-story, cause his spine works just fine. He writes about himself in third-person, and in first-person about others. Fell in love with storytelling and cannot let that love go. Now, he's here to help you make your own story simply beautiful. Secretly makes cute music samples and writes stories in the dark that nobody has ever heard of before.

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jettewangwahnon avatar
Jette Wang Wahnon
Community Member
2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Saw a house that was obliterated,the family all died and this poor German Shephard was desperately trying to get back into the ruins looking for his family and dodging all attemps to get him to safety,,,,My own two rescues peacefully asleep in their cozy beds...just broke my heart....WHY !? because of a MANIAC !!

susangreen_2 avatar
Susan Green
Community Member
2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

This breaks my heart. These poor animals suffer too. Thankfully, because of these wonderful people, they are also getting the help they need.

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jettewangwahnon avatar
Jette Wang Wahnon
Community Member
2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Saw a house that was obliterated,the family all died and this poor German Shephard was desperately trying to get back into the ruins looking for his family and dodging all attemps to get him to safety,,,,My own two rescues peacefully asleep in their cozy beds...just broke my heart....WHY !? because of a MANIAC !!

susangreen_2 avatar
Susan Green
Community Member
2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

This breaks my heart. These poor animals suffer too. Thankfully, because of these wonderful people, they are also getting the help they need.

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