There’s A Haunting Memorial In Turkey To Commemorate 440 Women Killed By Their Own Husbands Last Year
There is a certain beauty and strength in weakness as some may say. But sometimes inequity between people brings only sorrow. Such is the case of domestic violence, an acute yet so often unspoken problem all over the world. One artist in Turkey found it so heartbreaking and important, he managed to find a way to bring it to the awareness of his fellow countrymen that just couldn’t be ignored and also beautifully commemorate those who fell victim for this terrible violence so at least the memory of those wasted lives remains.
More info: Yankose
These 440 pairs of shoes were hung up on the wall of a building in Istanbul, Turkey
We hear quite a lot of stories about domestic violence against women from about every corner of the world and it is one of the most common reasons for violent deaths in women. Regarding matters in Turkey, these numbers speak to the fact that about 40 percent of women there have suffered from domestic violence, some cases having the most tragic end. In pursuit of bringing awareness to these problems, one artist came up with the idea of a monument no one could overlook.
To commemorate the 440 women in the country who were killed by their own husbands last year
It was made by a Turkish artist and graphic designer, Vahit Tuna
The artist himself said that the inspiration to act came from seeing the increasing number of messages about the problem on social media. However, he was aware that those stories tend to disappear as quickly as they rise to the attention of the public eye and saw the need of a reminder that could not go unnoticed for a long while.
He chose high-heels as a symbol of feminine power and independence that he wishes all women had
The high-heels never belonged to the victims but rather are a cultural gesture
The artist argues about the choice of using high-heels and not flats or any other kind of shoes. He says that on one hand, it shouldn’t be seen as a direct message as he chose heels mostly because of aesthetical reasons. It’s visual after all, so he had to think in that way. On the other hand, he contradicts himself saying it could be seen as a symbol of women being employed and therefore able to care for themselves, not being dependent on their spouses.
In some regions of Turkey, it’s traditional to put a person’s shoes outside after they pass
The family puts their shoes out as a symbol of mourning
The artist believes that knowledge is power and thus it’s important to know the problem and how can one tackle it as an individual. It takes a lot of separate movement to change the system. Tuna’s other projects also gravitate around social and economic issues his home country is dealing with.
The art installation is set up in a central location of Istanbul
The 440 shoes will stay on display there for 6 months
Share on FacebookFinally an artist bring to the public awareness of a matter that is mostly relegated to page 17 in the local newspaper.A few lines saying so and so,mother to two children,was stabbed,strangled or coshed to death and next day we use the paper to wrap the potato peel...and the life lost is forgotten....and it should not be so. The artists work is so important that it deserves to be shown around the world in order to raise awareness of this steep rise in domestic violence related deaths and possibly open the eyes of the authorities so the women in such situations can get more support and help. This exhibit is heart-breaking
Besides these hateful comments here, the last murder was the last straw.... A -so called- man, stabbed his wife (Emine Bulut) before the eyes of their 11 year old daughter. She was screaming "I don't want to die" in front of her daughter while bleeding through her throat.... And this is just one which got recorded of the many others (There are videos on YouTube which I never had guts to watch it)... At the same day another one stabbed at least 14 times, which they couldn't tell her 7 year old daughter that she died.. While interviewing with daughter she said, "please give enough money to doctors who are taking care of my mother to make her live with me, I can't sleep without her"...
A mother can report domestic violence and do but it takes her death before the authorities do anything ITS TO LATE THEN if the whole system all over the world were to take the first report seriously then and only then may a life be saved
Load More Replies...This art installation is very powerful and I hope all who see will start to understand that change needs to happen. All people need to love each other and not hurt each other.
Finally an artist bring to the public awareness of a matter that is mostly relegated to page 17 in the local newspaper.A few lines saying so and so,mother to two children,was stabbed,strangled or coshed to death and next day we use the paper to wrap the potato peel...and the life lost is forgotten....and it should not be so. The artists work is so important that it deserves to be shown around the world in order to raise awareness of this steep rise in domestic violence related deaths and possibly open the eyes of the authorities so the women in such situations can get more support and help. This exhibit is heart-breaking
Besides these hateful comments here, the last murder was the last straw.... A -so called- man, stabbed his wife (Emine Bulut) before the eyes of their 11 year old daughter. She was screaming "I don't want to die" in front of her daughter while bleeding through her throat.... And this is just one which got recorded of the many others (There are videos on YouTube which I never had guts to watch it)... At the same day another one stabbed at least 14 times, which they couldn't tell her 7 year old daughter that she died.. While interviewing with daughter she said, "please give enough money to doctors who are taking care of my mother to make her live with me, I can't sleep without her"...
A mother can report domestic violence and do but it takes her death before the authorities do anything ITS TO LATE THEN if the whole system all over the world were to take the first report seriously then and only then may a life be saved
Load More Replies...This art installation is very powerful and I hope all who see will start to understand that change needs to happen. All people need to love each other and not hurt each other.