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When I Was 21 I Died: This Is How I Cope With It
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When I Was 21 I Died: This Is How I Cope With It


5 years ago I suffered an injury in practice which ruptured my spleen and gave me internal bleeding which went undiagnosed for 4 days until I collapsed. I was rushed to surgery and due to the blood loss my heart stopped and I was clinically dead for several minutes.

I eventually came back and moved on to make a full recovery, but the fact that I died at the zenith of my life left a looming realization that has stayed with me ever since.

In the process of my recovery I refocused on my childhood hobby of drawing to take my mind off of things. This moment of auto-therapy turned into a career 5 years later and now I make my living as a graphic designer and illustrator.

And to this day I still use my art to deal with the fact that I died.

More info: Instagram



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Joey Garcia

Joey Garcia

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Joey Garcia

Joey Garcia

Author, Community member

This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.

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