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When Channing Tatum And Pink Told Their Children They Ate All Their Halloween Candy They Got Totally Different Reactions
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When Channing Tatum And Pink Told Their Children They Ate All Their Halloween Candy They Got Totally Different Reactions


Chances are that if you told your kid you’d eaten all of their Halloween candy then they’re probably not going to be very happy about it. That’s what Channing Tatum, Pink, Jimmy Kimmel, and a whole bunch of other parents did recently for a hilarious section of the Jimmy Kimmel show (which Channing has recently been guest-hosting), and the results are just as funny (or as mean, depending on your outlook), as you’d expect. Scroll down to see for yourself. Some of the responses are predictable, but others might just surprise you…(h/t: 22words)

There’s nothing scarier for a kid on Halloween than being told that all of their candy has been eaten

So that’s exactly what Channing Tatum, Pink, and Jimmy Kimmel did to their children recently!

Pink tried the same thing with her daughter Willow

“Last night, while you were sleeping, mommy and I ate all of your Halloween candy,” Jimmy Kimmel told his daugher

Some people found the prank mean and unfair


Others however thought it was just some light-hearted fun


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hayleylightcap avatar
Hayley Lightcap
Community Member
6 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I'm inclined to agree that people are being way to sensitive about this. This isn't Carrie. Nobody got hurt and everyone gets candy.

diresilverwolf avatar
BREAK YOUr perceptions
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6 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

i disagree, i think this whole thing jimmy started is horrible. all it is doing is teaching kids its ok to lie to people close to you, steal from them, cause them suffering for a laugh. i mean how much distrust has been brought since this whole thing has started? yeah its all "light hearted" and no one was really hurt. But emotions of a child are extremely important in development. people just don't seem to get it that these kinds of things if done to a maladjusted child the end results could be devastating to their development as a human being. Every action has an effect. We should be choosing our actions better, not causing suffering for a laugh. that is my problem with this dumb fad.

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okha-neul avatar
Ok Ha-Neul
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6 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

i just wanna say willow is my hero that girl should be a detective or something "do you promise? you don't do you so i dont believe you" lol

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hayleylightcap avatar
Hayley Lightcap
Community Member
6 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I'm inclined to agree that people are being way to sensitive about this. This isn't Carrie. Nobody got hurt and everyone gets candy.

diresilverwolf avatar
BREAK YOUr perceptions
Community Member
6 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

i disagree, i think this whole thing jimmy started is horrible. all it is doing is teaching kids its ok to lie to people close to you, steal from them, cause them suffering for a laugh. i mean how much distrust has been brought since this whole thing has started? yeah its all "light hearted" and no one was really hurt. But emotions of a child are extremely important in development. people just don't seem to get it that these kinds of things if done to a maladjusted child the end results could be devastating to their development as a human being. Every action has an effect. We should be choosing our actions better, not causing suffering for a laugh. that is my problem with this dumb fad.

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okha-neul avatar
Ok Ha-Neul
Community Member
6 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

i just wanna say willow is my hero that girl should be a detective or something "do you promise? you don't do you so i dont believe you" lol

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