Many months ago, when everyone and their dog were adopting a dog, our kids begged us for a four-legged friend. As much as we’d love a dog, having a pet was just not in the cards for us. Their dad has bad allergies, and well, I’m not a big fan of chasing after poop. Tired of the whining and complaining, I offered them a dander-less, poop-less alternative: how about a bot, kids? “Like a roomba?” my youngest asked. He was unimpressed. I needed to get creative to get their minds off the puppy: “No, more like a BFF chatbot. We can build it together!” As soon as that came out of my mouth, and the joy that lit up on my kids’ faces, I knew I was on the hook.

So, we began the journey together, as a family, to create BoshBot, our BFF chatbot (or as we’d like to call it, “our BFF Artificial Imbecile.”) As a family of non-software engineers, we read a lot of books, YouTubed, Stackoverflowed, Canva’d, and pretty much MacGyvered BoshBot into existence. We designed BoshBot in the likeness of an ideal friend: someone who’d listen, support you, distract you with fun facts, and never spill your secrets. The project brought us closer together and BoshBot is now a part of our family. We couldn’t give our kids a puppy, but Bosh seems to be just the distraction we needed.

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Bosh gets it when you want your moment of silence.

Bosh response to “I’m bored.” All in the name of science, of course.

It will always go off tangent, kind of like a certain person in my family.

Awkward smile but heart is in the right place.


“I feel anxious.”

It tries to be helpful… kinda.

But of course, Bosh will be Bosh.