No two people are the same, and it seems that this can also be said about countries. All you do is cross a line that separates geographical areas, and suddenly the free toilets you were so accustomed to are paid, and the meal portions get strangely stingy. 

This time, Americans had the chance to take this burden off their shoulders and share the myriad of weird behaviors they witnessed while traveling outside the US. From living without air conditioning to putting milk in bags, below you’ll find an assortment of things the rest of the world does that somehow rub the citizens of America the wrong way.


"Americans, What’s Something The Rest Of The World Does That You Find Absurd?" (28 Answers) Honestly? I understand most of it. People are raised where they're raised. They eat food they know, watch entertainment that is local, follow the traditional sports in their neck of the world.

I totally get that. I think people are the same the world over, they just want to have a good life and a better one for their kids. They don't want to be hungry or poor or unhoused. I get ALL that.

What I don't get is Eurovision. What the actual f**k?

EDIT: Holy f**k, I may not be the brightest fork in the drawer but I'm not a f*****g idiot. I am well aware of the format of Eurovision. I do not understand the hype around Eurovision. I do not understand the politics around Eurovision. I do not understand the song selection OR performances of Eurovision. I do not understand how countries NOT IN EUROPE can be in a competition called EUROvision.

There you go, ya pedantic f***s. Happy now?

NotHisRealName , Wendy Wei Report


"Americans, What’s Something The Rest Of The World Does That You Find Absurd?" (28 Answers) The vacation and time off in other countries. Its crazy to me. But holy cow am jealous.

Apprehensive-Crow-96 , Paolo Sbalzer Report

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gillandbella avatar
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2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Envious! The word is envious... Jealousy= wanting to keep what you have away from other people, envy= wanting what someone else has. Sorry, this one grinds my gears

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"Americans, What’s Something The Rest Of The World Does That You Find Absurd?" (28 Answers) When you rent an apartment in Germany, in most cases it doesn't come with light fixtures, kitchen cabinets and counters, appliances, etc. You either have to purchase and install these yourself, or hope that the previous tenant is willing to sell theirs to you. In my last apartment search, there were even a few apartments where I would have had to supply and install my own flooring. It's insane.

Specific-Squash , Vecislavas Popa Report


An American thinking that paying for water in a restaurant is weird or putting potatoes on pizza is gross is a perfect example of ethnocentrism. This means they’re evaluating other countries from their culture’s point of view. They’re judging or making assumptions about the food of other countries based on their own norms, values, or beliefs. 

However, this can lead to negative judgments and discrimination against different cultures and people. To avoid this, cultural relativism suggests approaching unfamiliar ways of life without imposing their own bias on what is wrong, right, or normal. Instead, we should try to understand cultural practices in their own cultural context. 


"Americans, What’s Something The Rest Of The World Does That You Find Absurd?" (28 Answers) I don't know if it's everywhere , but I noticed a conspicuous lack of screens in windows while I was in Europe.

It's so simple, and it prevents bugs. I was woken up by bugs in 4 separate European countries. Why?! You don't need to live like that.

here-for-information , GenderIsConfusingAf Report

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roy_zobel avatar
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2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

If no bugs are getting into your house - what do you eat during sleep? ;)

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"Americans, What’s Something The Rest Of The World Does That You Find Absurd?" (28 Answers) The assumption that all Americans are similar instead of a diverse group with a vast variety of backgrounds and beliefs.

GrimeyScorpioDuffman , Airam Dato-on Report


"Americans, What’s Something The Rest Of The World Does That You Find Absurd?" (28 Answers) Not "the rest," but some countries throw toilet paper in the trash can, and that is f*****g horrifying.

Kaizo107 , Max Vakhtbovycn Report

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alex_g_elliott87 avatar
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2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

The sewer system is too shallow to allow clogging the pipes with toilet paper. It would cause a lot of smelly brown stuff to flow upwards. You just put an extra thick bag in the bin and put it out.

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As an alternative, one should ask, “Why do some cultures eat fried insects?” They might learn that they are full of protein in Mexico, are a famous part of the cuisine, and have been eaten for thousands of years as a healthy food source.


"Americans, What’s Something The Rest Of The World Does That You Find Absurd?" (28 Answers) Not the rest of the world, but I will never understand arranged marriages. I can’t imagine being forced to have children with someone you may not like.

LaximumEffort , Heiner Report


"Americans, What’s Something The Rest Of The World Does That You Find Absurd?" (28 Answers) I'm addressing Europe and I guess probably Belgium specifically, because that's where I encountered this the most.

Y'all are unnecessarily f****n' stingy with the beverages at restaurants.

Like for real, you stop somewhere for dinner, and the server comes by and asks if you want water. After the awkward exchange about whether you want "shparkling or steel," they come back roughly 30 minutes later with something the size of a toddler's sippy cup with water in it.

If, by some happenstance, you find yourself drinking all 8oz of the beverage supplied with your entire meal, and successfully perform the esoteric dark ritual of summoning the server back to your table to check on you, they will be shocked. "Hm, you are very thirsty tonight! It seems you have guzzled down your entire thimble of water in a mere 50 minutes. Would you like me to try to bring another?"

It's water, you m***********s.

I know that back in like the 1500s all your waterways were basically sewage and so you culturally got accustomed to drinking only heavily-fermented snifters of your own saliva during meals, but I KNOW YOU HAVE PLUMBING NOW.

sosomething , Pixabay Report

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jackholt avatar
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2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Well... the US is known for their massive beverage servings... pretty common to get a 200 or 250ml serving or water elsewhere in the world (7-9oz)

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"Americans, What’s Something The Rest Of The World Does That You Find Absurd?" (28 Answers) Specific to Europeans but yall have no business judging Americans for our issues with racism given how yall talk about and treat the Romani.

Lyn1987 , Caleb Oquendo Report

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ezekielrhymes1 avatar
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2 months ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I know this entry got downvoted, but I agree with OP. The US has done evil s**t to people of color both at home and abroad, but Europe has done stuff as bad as America, and for some countries it has done so for longer (looking at you England, Portugal, Spain and The Netherlands). And as OP said, how a lot of European countries treat Roma people is absolutely abhorrent. So, even though the US has been rightly criticized for its racism, Europe shouldn't feel superior to us in that regard, considering how many skeletons are in their closet.

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Appreciating one’s culture can be healthy, as it can result in a shared sense of community and connect people in a society. However, all cultures are beautiful in their own ways and shouldn’t be blindly criticized because of that. 


"Americans, What’s Something The Rest Of The World Does That You Find Absurd?" (28 Answers) Milk in a bag.

smileymom19 , anon Report


"Americans, What’s Something The Rest Of The World Does That You Find Absurd?" (28 Answers) Lack of disability access.

Don't give me that c**p about how old your buildings are, you had no problem rebuilding most of the ones that were leveled after WWII, you can install a concrete ramp.

YNot1989 , Marcus Aurelius Report

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laura_ketteridge avatar
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2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I would definitely like more places to be made accessible, and with ramps etc that blend in with the buildings. However, I'd also like the USA to be made more accessible to those who don't have a car, or can't drive.

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"Americans, What’s Something The Rest Of The World Does That You Find Absurd?" (28 Answers) Pay toilets.

llcucf80 , Sung Jin Cho Report

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cj98765 avatar
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2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

American here. I've been to Europe a couple times and I LOVE the toilets. Yes it was a little unusual at first but I would gladly pay for that privacy and cleanliness.

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"Americans, What’s Something The Rest Of The World Does That You Find Absurd?" (28 Answers) That you believe we are all the same.

There are over 339 million people in America. We are all different, some born here, some moved here.

When we hear "Americans are dumb" or "Americans are ruining the world" - just know none of us think you are talking about us.

There are dumbasses, who live here, just like people where you live and others all over the world. There are also amazing, intelligent, beautiful, fantastic people who live here that care about the world outside their front door. We are not all ethnocentrists or Nationalists.

Many of us want the world to be a better place. A safe place. A happy place.

But, to lump almost 339,000,000 people into one group and expect them all to have the same traits is absurd, especially in a country that has a higher incoming immigration rate than almost any other country in the world. A country that was built specifically for immigrants to come get a fresh start, build their dream, and live a peaceful life.

By contrast:

The entire UK has 67.7 million people.
Germany has 83 million.
France has 64.7 million.

Ayste , Element5 Digital Report

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spiritum avatar
Mixed Reality Portal
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2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

While we'd like to believe that's true - the popularity of the orange one does kinda suggest otherwise 😃

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"Americans, What’s Something The Rest Of The World Does That You Find Absurd?" (28 Answers) How are yall living without AC.

tornteddie , Airam Dato-on Report

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pernillewinkel avatar
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2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Some places build houses that work with the climate, some places are just less spoiled than US Americans. AC is using a massive amount of energy, and some has actually understood that it is contributing to the decline of the earth.

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"Americans, What’s Something The Rest Of The World Does That You Find Absurd?" (28 Answers) Soccer. Not the game, but how insane the fans are.

Iwouldntifiwereme , Mitch Rosen Report


"Americans, What’s Something The Rest Of The World Does That You Find Absurd?" (28 Answers) Turd shelves. I’m looking at you, Netherlands.

uvaspina1 , Skylar Kang Report


"Americans, What’s Something The Rest Of The World Does That You Find Absurd?" (28 Answers) Pay money for water in restaurants.

PacoTaco19 , 21 swan Report

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annaekberg avatar
Anna Ekberg
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2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Yes we pay for water but also our waiters don't depend on tipping from customers to survive.

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"Americans, What’s Something The Rest Of The World Does That You Find Absurd?" (28 Answers) That smoking is still so common. This goes for Europe, Asia, South America. Probably other places too. I know we in the US have since started embracing vaping which is its own problem but at least we made cigarettes uncool. The rest of the world is dealing with both in huge numbers. There were a few glorious years in the US before vaping but after cigarettes were uncool where almost no one smoked. That was amazing.

viktor72 , Qihao Wang Report

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drdlyamamoto avatar
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2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Sweden is well on its way to become the first non smoking country. (Less than 5% smokes.)

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"Americans, What’s Something The Rest Of The World Does That You Find Absurd?" (28 Answers) Monarchies.

Afalstein , William Warby Report

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yarab45348 avatar
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2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Nobody is more obsessed with the Royals than Americans. Rest of the world isn't even interested in them, we have entire news segments(hours) & numerous TV shows dedicated to just one royal family.

chickenorfish avatar
Kristy Marion
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2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I find Americans to be weirdly obsessed with celebrities. What other country puts a politician on such a pedestal? So odd to me

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thestupidopinion avatar
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2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Ok this one gets me riled up! I get it's "tradition" and all, but can we just stop with the barbaric idea of "my mommy was queen because her daddy was king because his daddy was king so therefore I get to be the unelected king, even though mommy and daddy were cousins"? That's the current situation in the UK now for anyone not up to snuff on their royal family tree

sachielk avatar
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2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I'm a Brit & thoroughly agree. Royal Families (and their minor yet entitled extended relatives) are archaic in this day and age. We have enough history via ancient sites/buildings, etc to entice tourists. We also need a Govt that mirrors a Clement Attlee one.

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t-pointeau avatar
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2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I'm French and I don't get it either. But as long as they're doing their thing in their own country, I won't complain.

mr-garyscott avatar
El Dee
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2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

In the UK the monarch, Charles, is the head of the government and the head of the state religion too. Bishops from this religion sit in the House of Lords and decide on laws too. Charles can review laws and make changes, he can dissolve parliament or refuse a request to do so. He can create new Lords at his own whim (this has been done but not for a very long time) He is not powerless and this is not simply a figurehead. He has changed laws. The Bishops have real power too. UK is a mixed monarchy, unelected chamber, theocracy and with some elected members. The only other country with a similar system is Iran..

j_nieuw avatar
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2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

What do you prefer? Presidents like Putin, Trump, Xi Jinping, Kim Yung Un, need I go on? A monarchy as a representation of a country is much more stable and in the end costs less nowadays. And because it is inherited, new kings and queens are raised into the job from a young age. Of course there are downsides, however, I prefer a monarchy because of its stability.

libstak avatar
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2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

It's the way humans became communities in eons past. A history lesson combined with some sociology research around tribalism would help. A monarch was basically the leader that protected territory from plunderers et Al. It was the monarchs land to serve and protect, government came later and in most cases required dismantling the old ways through violence. Some monarchs were smarter and ceded their power to govern but not the lands they had sacrificed for generations to protect and uphold in some form or other.

jakobboomgaarden avatar
gilded panda
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2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Are there any real monarchies anymore? Like ones where the king and queen have almost all power and there’s little voting?

juliesnelling avatar
Julie S
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2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

You know England isn't the only country that has a monarchy

madqueen1 avatar
madison quinn
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2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

i think the problem is that alot of americans tries to romanticize it.

perdyr2167 avatar
Somebodys grandmother
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2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I prefer to have monarchy over a stupid president that had have a say in politic... often a cis white male whit so many flaws that it is embarrassing... We have had a bright cultural Queen for 52 years and I am proud of it

dans_5 avatar
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2 months ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

A bright, cultural Queen who banned "coloured immigrants and foreigners" from positions in Buckingham Palace for decades. Wasn't she married to a man who was a notorious bigot? Who once said to some Brit students studying in China, "If you stay here much longer you'll be all slitty eyed"? Yeah, I'm sure she was a real peach🙄. Didn't her son pinch his own daughter's a*s on television? If that's bright and cultural, I'll take a cis white male any day of the week.

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tiffanyhoeppner avatar
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2 months ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Meh, the countries with Monarchies, at least in Europe, could abolish them if they wanted too. If they want to keep them going, have at it. I was absolutely disgusted though when I heard the UK govt gives the Royal Family 100MILLION a year ( correct me if I am wrong on the amount) for "operating costs and travel expenses". Then for Harry and Megan to come with the book, netflix series, complaining about how hard it was, and yada yada when average Brits were struggling to heat their homes. Like READ THE ROOM guys!

destructorgozer avatar
Gozer LeGozerian
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2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

You're forgetting the part where all those money are brought back in by the RF in revenue.

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magicrat1369 avatar
Michael Wlodarczyk
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2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Americans being obsessed with rich, worthless a******s who contribute nothing to society has always escaped me.

emmastowe1986 avatar
Emma S
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2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

The UK has a constitutional monarchy, which means the Royal Family don't actually have any say in how the country is run as that is down to Parliament. While in theory the monarch can refuse Royal Assent, in practice this would never happen. The last monarch to do so was in 1703. The monarchy exist now because of history and tradition. A concept lost on most Americans.

swearihavesense avatar
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2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Then why are they immune to prosecution? The late queen meddled in Scottish government to have her property exempt from carbon tax laws, her husband injured a women in a car accident when he was 97 (any other UK citizen wouldn't be allowed on road at that age) and was never brought to book, etc. It's not just "history and tradition".

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suziepay avatar
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2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

What about them ? As commented below Americans are obsessed more than we are . Here we either love .. tollarate .. or don't like them but we accept they are there by the majority.. but the way Americans are with H is ridiculous way more than we care here.. although to be fair there is a large amount of people now empathising with the RF with the issues they have at the min. It's something so many can relate to sadly

i-hinzberg avatar
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2 months ago

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I'm sorry?! Who invented the Burger King, the King of Pop and the King of Rock'nRoll? Seems to me that the Americans need a Monarch for everything.

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See Also on Bored Panda

"Americans, What’s Something The Rest Of The World Does That You Find Absurd?" (28 Answers) I don't know if it's everywhere or just certain countries, but having to pay to use a public restroom. Even if you're filling your tank and buying snacks in the store you still have to pay extra to take a leak at a gas station. I could maybe understand charging non-customers, but if I'm a paying customer of your establishment I think it's a little weird to charge me extra.

HoopOnPoop , Vadim Artyukhin Report


"Americans, What’s Something The Rest Of The World Does That You Find Absurd?" (28 Answers) Apartment rentals not coming with kitchens… how does anyone afford to install new kitchens every time you move?? And you can’t even take it with you as every apartment had a different arrangement.

curryp4n , Jean van der Meulen Report

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spiritum avatar
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2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Not sure where you've been renting but in the UK a rental property is either offered furnished or unfurnished. Both options come with kitchens as standard...

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"Americans, What’s Something The Rest Of The World Does That You Find Absurd?" (28 Answers) Believing media-stereotypes about the USA without ever having been here.

jmnugent , Paul Weaver Report


"Americans, What’s Something The Rest Of The World Does That You Find Absurd?" (28 Answers) Absurd...

I find it absurd that many Asian cultures have a deep seated aversion to having fans on in the bedroom when sleeping.

I find it absurd that in many European countries ice in a drink, like water, is viewed with disdain.

I find it absurd that in Italy it may be 21C outside but if a newborn baby is in the room the windows are closed up, the baby is wrapped up in a blanket, and people think the red skin color of an overheated infant is a sign of good health!

I also find the driving habits of Italians to be absurd.

Filthy_rags_am_I , Karolina Grabowska Report

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t-pointeau avatar
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2 months ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Ice in a drink means diluting the drink with water and it also means less of the drink per volume. If you need a cold drink, order a cold drink instead of a room temperature one with ice in it.

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"Americans, What’s Something The Rest Of The World Does That You Find Absurd?" (28 Answers) Complain about us so much.

refereeVoodoo , Sawyer Sutton Report

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drdlyamamoto avatar
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2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Not you and not all of you, just the ones pushing that "America is the greatest country in the world "-c**p.

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"Americans, What’s Something The Rest Of The World Does That You Find Absurd?" (28 Answers) I wouldnt call this ‘absurd’, but when i lived in Norway finding out nearly every store closed all day on Sundays was crazy. Additionally- they put CORN on pizza, ew.

Tr4ceur , John O'Nolan Report

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spiritum avatar
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2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

A lot of places still close on Sundays - including parts of the USA. As for corn on pizza well, that's just personal choice - like pineapple 😃

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"Americans, What’s Something The Rest Of The World Does That You Find Absurd?" (28 Answers) This may be because of my proximity to New York City, but:
Tourists from around the world come to our big cities, and spend a huge chunk of their time and money shopping at Macy's and Target and Sephora.
Not all, obviously, but a lot...

EDIT: I understand the idea of shopping for the novelty of it. I do that too. That's not my point. The key words above are "huge chunk". Like, people fly several hours across an ocean to come here, and some spend the vast bulk of their time buying stuff that's mass produced in factories and available in 3,000 locations nationwide.

EDIT 2: Ok, maybe it's me, because I grew up in the middle of New Jersey, with access to at least five shopping malls within an hour drive, and all of them had Macy's, JC Penney, etc.

EDIT 3: Although I was aware of the gap between the US and other countries in terms of price, selection, and availability... holy moly I didn't realize it was such a major driver of tourist commerce. Forgive me, please, for my ignorance.

wildbillnj1975 , Mike Mozart Report

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federicocantoni avatar
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2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Buying Ralph Laurent or Levi's at Macy's used to be sensibly cheaper than buying at home. Like, less than half the price. I never went on purpose, but every time I happened to be in NYC some cheap shopping was on the cards. Not anymore, though.

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"Americans, What’s Something The Rest Of The World Does That You Find Absurd?" (28 Answers) Not putting ice in drinks by default and relatedly, no free refills at restaurants.

loki8481 , Masud Allahverdizade Report


"Americans, What’s Something The Rest Of The World Does That You Find Absurd?" (28 Answers) The toppings they put on pizza in Korea.

Pinkmongoose , mikeycknowsrnb Report

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jackholt avatar
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2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Ohhh... newsflash: pizza is not an American invention. At all. Nope, nope nope.

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