Hatsuyume (初 夢, literally “the first dream”) is the first dream in the new year (usually on the night of January 1 to 2), which, according to Japanese beliefs, determines the fate of a person for the next year.

First mentioned in Sankasu (山 家 集 sankasu :), a collection of verses from the Kamakura period.

There is a saying about hatsuyume: “one is Fuji, two is hawk, three is eggplant” (Japanese 一 富士 二 鷹 三 茄子 ichi fuji, no taka, san nasubi), that lists objects that are a particularly good sign to see in the first dream of the year.

Hatsuyume (初 夢, literally “the first dream”) is the first dream in the new year (usually on the night of January 1 to 2), which, according to Japanese beliefs, determines the fate of a person for the next year.

First mentioned in Sankasu (山 家 集 sankasu :), a collection of verses from the Kamakura period.

There is a saying about hatsuyume: “one is Fuji, two is hawk, three is eggplant” (Japanese 一 富士 二 鷹 三 茄子 ichi fuji, no taka, san nasubi), that lists objects that are a particularly good sign to see in the first dream of the year.