When you are giving a gift from Skyhugs, you are spreading love.

Our Skyhugs logo, with its outstretched arms (hug), heart in the center, and thought bubbles is much more than a cute illustration. It represents our belief that we should all live with open arms, an open heart, and an open mind.

Here’s what Paul Fererrini wrote in the book Love Without Conditions: “Your ability to be attentive depends on having an open mind, a mind that is free of judgement and free of expectation, and an open heart, a heart filled with compassion for yourself and others. It means that you see and treat others as equals and understand that your well being and theirs are one and the same. Having an open mind and an open heart opens the door to love.”

When we come from a place of openness, walls fall down. We welcome those of different backgrounds into our lives and, even if we don’t share common beliefs, we acknowledge that every human being belongs in this world. In global solidarity, we stand together, for we all share common experiences like love and suffering. We unite as one. There is only one race. The human race.

Each Skyhugs character represents a different, important, happiness-inducing value. These include gratitude, kindness, compassion, and courage. Through small acts of kindness we can and will change the world.

My name is Alice Yoo. I’m a mom of two fun young boys and two adorably cute dogs. I’ve started multiple online businesses since I first jumped on the internet back in 2007. My husband, my brother and I started an art blog called My Modern Met where I was editor-in-chief of it for seven years. Then, I started Skylar Yoo about three years ago. We sell mostly graphic tees for the modern feminist.


I started Skyhugs on Etsy in the November 2020. The idea for Skyhugs came to me in a dream-like vision. I’ve always wanted to create a character based brand like Disney or Hello Kitty but I didn’t know how or when.

One day, in February 2020, my little son handed me a flashcard that just had a simple picture of a rainbow. Later that day, as I was riding my Peloton, it dawned on me. I would create characters that all live in the sky, starting with a rainbow. As the director of the movie Parasite, Bong Joon-ho said in his Oscar speech, (it was actually Martin Scorsese’s quote), “The most personal is the most creative.” So, each character is named after one of my relatives. We’re talking sisters, sons, husband and even dogs!

Thank you for going on this journey with me. I hope you feel the love and spread it around the world.

Grace the Grateful Rainbow

Keith the Kindness Cloud

Parker the Peaceful Planet


Sam the Selfless Sun


Alice the Amazing Unicorn

Skyhugs Logo