3 years ago I was laying in bed trying to figure out what to draw. I was thinking I’m always starting something never finishing my art, one thing I was not good at drawing was skulls so I gave myself a challenge asked myself a question where would I be if I didn’t give up draw a skull until I can do it but memory here is my journey 3years of drawing skulls and flowers hope you get inspire please comment like and follow as I’m still going !

Flower pot piece done

This is a piece I stared for a art walk in town it’s complete but pieces are not color because I wasn’t confidant coloring yet

Blocking at midnight

This image called blocking at mid night came to me when I was sketching trying to come up with a new idea was getting mad and as I was putting that sketchbook away I saw leaves coming out of the skull’s eyes and then next day sketch it at a Starbucks

Dimond sketch

I love little thumbnails and this is one

Social matrix Sketch


Idea for a skull how social Media is taking over

Blocking at midnight done

Done this is the end result of blocking at midnight

Beauty in death

Think mixing beauty and we think death as sad which it is but also can be beautiful

My good side

Prismacolor pencils and graphite hours of blending



Sketch with gold

Peace skull popped in my head while driving


Driving one day artist block and the peace sign came to my head and thought how can I make a statement like war and peace

Many turns


The day I started the challenge !


This was the day I started my skull journey now I hope my art inspires you anyone who has the dream to create ask yourself where will I be if I keep going don’t give up ?

Beauty is lost and given