I am a self-taught artist as I mention in another post, I think anything with a surface can become a piece of art. Why not real eggs? Everybody paints eggs for Easter but I wanted to make something a Lil’ different.

I am an 80s baby I grew up with DragonBall, MarioBros, Pokemon and Sonic the Hedgehog. All of the eggs used in these pictures are made from real eggs. Yes, I ate and enjoy them. I probably ate eggs for 2 months straight trying to crack them correctly. It was a pain in the ass to paint, even more for them to dry. The eggs are really fragile, now I am thinking of painting or wood burning them on wood or ceramic eggs. Thank you for taking the time to read my egg adventure.

More info: Instagram

Gotta Catch Them All!! PokeEggs!

Dragon Balls! This Easter I will be hunting DragonEggs!

Level Up with some Mario Eggs!!